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Posts posted by campbell88

  1. Honestly, given the number of declaring alliances, you would have had to be incompetent to not completely overrun them. However, I was not trying to say you guys aren't skilled (history has proven that idea wrong) but that you can't really say they lower skill when you outnumber them so massively. You could have all been blind and still slaughtered them.

  2. Second, it takes the skill out of the game. Contrary to what a few claim, there is no skill involved in using nukes, or, rather, any small degree of skill that goes into having them will be acquired by the time anyone has them. It is an instant anarchy, instant crippled economics button. Generally, those who use it are those who are considered to be unskilled due to having to rely on a nuclear stockpile. If everyone did it, wars would boil down to whoever had the most nukes, the most spies, the most money and the most SDIs as the nuclear armed nations on each side would simply line themselves up to nuke the greatest number of opposing nation and hold them in nuclear anarchy for as long as possible.

    what skill is involved when your hitting a guy with 3 nations (in most cases larger nations as well) while his alliance is so massively outnumbered and swarmed with foes they cannot back him up? sorry but the skill card gets nulled the moment you throw that the entire Continuum at an alliance a very tiny fraction of your size.

  3. It could have been interesting, if the OP refrained from calling the leaders of all major alliances on Planet Bob kids. And besides, what stops the targeted person from retaliating with spy attacks of his own? Or beefing up his spy defences? If he hasn't done that then frankly he DESERVES to lose his nukes.

    maybe due to his nations being in absolute ruins he can't afford to do it? buying up enough spies to effectively protect your nukes is EXTREMELY expensive, especially in the middle of war in which you've suffered 41 hits in a row. honestly, the moment you target somebody's nukes i think it makes you fair game to get hit by them.

    EDIT: did not notice how long this thread was :awesome: if this has already been covered then my apologies for bringing it up again

  4. You know what's funny Sancus? If NPO were attacked you would insult and demonize every single person who left, even if they fit the descriptions you just gave. I'm not insulting the NPO mind, I'm merely commenting that every alliance hates deseration during war. Especially since your allegiance is in fact ot the ALLIANCE that has protected and aided you. At the very least you should fight because in reality you OWE them for what they've done for you.

    Also to the guy that said GPA members hold the philosophy "I won't hurt you if you don't hurt me"...they ARE hurting them. Time to hurt back.

  5. Seriously Campbell, you speak about that which you don't know.

    And besides, there was no "stomping" on either side in that case- we came to terms and are now quite cordial with each other.

    So please just cease the insults.

    my point morath is that many alliances (big and small) war on Walford and his merry men. not a big surprise and nothing anyone (except you guys of course) are really gonna give a damn about

  6. .....a lot of people are at war with NONE. it's not a surprise, especially given the NONE often supports or wages it's own wars on alliances. nobody is gonna care that they stomped NONE. unlike this, we can clearly see they deserve it. here...well i have yet to see any evidence that AC deserves a stomp and plenty to say they dont.

  7. Okay 48hours was a copy paste error...remember I said this is my first time be kind.

    THIS IS NOT IN RESPONSE TO THE REPORTING OF PLAYERS. This is admins' world...we just play in it.

    then might i ask to see what it is about? cause you certainly havent done anything to prove it's not because of that

  8. why the hell does everyone seem to think the only solution in war is perma-ZI? i remember when you only saw it reserved for the real scum of Bob. now every war has at least a half dozen people (usually leadership) being perma-ZI'd. from what i've seen, i'd say MHA is goin a bit far here.

  9. 1. Like I said, all of you are entitled to your opinions. But I did is what I did for myself and I know that I did not cower out.

    2. Read the very first part on my first post.

    Democracy kid, you had a say in what your alliance did and any attempt to say otherwise really isn't true. If oyu disagreed with the way the vote went...leave. I know it's hard, but things have been looking like war for a long time and if you really believed that being in a fight to defend your friends was unneutral you should have moved to make sure that it wouldn't come up. If you had left GPA BEFORE this conflict, I expect you would have gotten a farewell and good luck rather than a boot, but you didn't. You waited until you were actually called upon to stand up for the alliance that you had stood by even when it's actions led it to war and then you fled. When you stood by and didn't make changes or didn't leave...that was effectively a statement of support for actions that the world has collectively declared unneutral. Denouncing them for defending themselves after that...is hipocracy (spelling?) no matter how you try to dress it up.

  10. you surrendered at the first sign of trouble. the moment your alliance needed to repay all the things they had done to protect and aid YOU, you abandoned your friends and leaders to their fate. that is deseration my friend. you can't expect them to see you in good terms, hell I honestly don't. I know you joined GPA to be neutral, but sometimes even neutrals have to fight...like say when they're ATTACKED by outside forces despite their attempts at neutrality. you still made a commitment to the alliance, and above that you received aid, advice and protection from said alliance. so you either stay and fight with them or face the ridicule and hatred you deserve for fleeing.

  11. let me see if i can do this in a fashion than can get through your thick skull and to your peanut brain.


    how did that work for you?

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