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Comandante Marcos

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Posts posted by Comandante Marcos

  1. As Comandante Marcos and his Generals are away at the Communist International meeting, the effects of a comming nuclear winter on the population, and poor state management have led to riots among the people of the Zapatista Union. The admiration and zeal for the revolution have quickly faded int he strong winds of struggle of a new nation. Marco's vision for his people, their nation, and the world modivated thousands, but it was quickly noticed that he simply doesn't weild the power to do it.

    Marcos is notifed during his meeting, and sends his Zapatista entourage, minus 3 Generals, back to the Zapatista Union to restore some kind of order, while quietly knowing it is inevitable that most of the population will soon be wiped out by the coming nuclear winter.


  2. Comandante Marcos enters the meetingplace with a small parade of Zapatistas, carrying an assortment of E.Z.L.N. and communist flags, in full guerilla attire. Marcos and 3 other decorated Generals lead the group. They take their seats, Marcos with pipe in mouth begins as always taking and sharing notes with his Zapatistas and listening carefully to the speaker. He is the only bilingual man in the group, and whispers translations throughout the meeting.

  3. In a jungle encampment, Zapatista soldiers read over current events.

    Zapatista 1: This disolussioned capitalist radical is only hastening his nations path to a people's revolution.

    Zapatista 2: This is all too true, I only wish we could help.

    The group bursts into laughter as many crack jokes, speak ill of Tahoe.

  4. Marco's head drops as the television goes blank. Turning it off, he turns to his Generals and speaks, "It is time for the world to prepare for the aftermath of this destruction." Thinking nervously, Marcos scans his mind and quickly gives an order. "Contact the Amerikanisches Reich. Request an emergency meeting on the European war. Tell them should they accept, I will personally attend." A quick memo is composed and rushed off.

    ********Memo to Amerikanisches Reich********

    Regarding crisis in Europe

    Emergency meeting between

    Reich & Zapatista


    -C. Marcos

  5. Cuauhtemoc frowned. "Of course, let the Zapatista Union know we'll accept their diplomat... but keep that embassy under observation. I don't want too much contact between them and the FPR."

    An EZLN diplomatis convoy is en route to Himynamistan.


    Armored diplomat transport en route to Himynamistan

  6. In ZHQ (Zapatista Head Quarters) celebrations have ended, the workers have returned to working the land, tending to livestock, and various other duties. The only sound that can be heard are the strange calls of tropical birds. Comandante Marcos sits down with his generals, and Zapatista Councilmen in the small morning hours to discuss matters of the new state.

    General 1(female): I would like to begin our first official meeting with a congratulations to Zapatista liberators everywhere. Our victory here in this forgotten corner of Mexico is to be the begining of sweeping revolution. As El Comandante Marcos might say,"A revolution in the mindset of the world."

    Comandante Marcos: Yes, this is true...

    Councilmen 1: What bothers you Commander?

    C. Marcos: We have only succeeded in creating a Zapatista state, now we must stablize it and set it on a path for progress. All under the stress of anti-socialist. You have all received a copy of the warning from Tahoe, that is the letter in front of you. Open it.

    The men and women at the meeting begin opening the letters and reading the message as Marcos continues smoking from his pipe.

    Councilmen 2(female): We should expect more of this. I suggest that until Tahoe revoke this threat, they should be watched.

    General 2: There isn't much else we can do. But we cannot forget we also have new allies.

    C. Marcos: Yes, we are are greatful for our new friends. I am organizing representatives to go to nations such as Crimea. Meanwhile I have more copies of this letter to be given out to the rest of our population. They need to know everything that concerns the state. Also, if there is no objection I beleive we should be moved to DEFCON 3 Increased Readiness.

    Generals & Councilmen(together): Agreed.

    ....Later that day anti-Tahoe sentiment spreads rapidly throughout the villages. Small rallys form protesting Tahoe begin during breaks. C. Marcos receives messeges daily from villagers suggestions, complaints, and needs. On this day, many peasents agree Tahoe should be delt with, many ignorant peasents want war. As Marcos sits in ZHQ he contemplates the issue. Just then a Boeing aircraft arrives at a nearby jungle airbase.


  7. IMG_0075a.JPG

    Zzzptm Nezahualcoyotl looked out the window of the main government skyscraper. "Nice view today. We had some great rains these last few days."

    Minister of State Cuauhtemoc nodded. "Really cleaned out the sky."

    Zzzptm surveyed the valley. "And we're in charge of it. Nice day to make an announcement to that effect."

    "From here to the coast, we're finally independent." Cuauhtemoc rose to stand next to Zzzptm at the window.

    Zzzptm sighed. "Peaceful separation through plebiscite. So rare in history, yet we pulled it off."

    "We'll still be dependent on Americanisches Reich for most of our energy supplies. The oil fields offshore from Veracruz won't be enough for all our people."

    "That's fine." Zzzptm walked back to his desk. "We want good relations with our neighbor and trade is a great way to provide those relations. The AR needs high-tech goods, and we're happy to supply them. It's a sound footing for a long-term relationship."

    "I'd prefer a defense treaty."

    "In due time, Cuauhtemoc, in due time." Zzzptm turned his chair to take in the mountain peaks. "It is so beautiful today. What do you say we head to Chapultepec Park?"



    Outside, the people of Zzzptmacan carried on as normal, but with a festive spirit in the air. Today was a day of independence, a chance for them to prove themselves in the wider world. But, all things considered, they still had the same challenges of making a living as they did the day before. They still had the same joys and pressures of countless others in the world.

    The difference was in their government. Most had voted to leave Amerikanisches Reich in a plebiscite, hoping that a more localized government would give them more control of their lives. It was a hope that Zzzptm and his advisors would have to deliver on.

    Those that voted against the plebiscite would be their natural opponents... and so would be members of the resistance...



    Nation Factbook: HIMYNAMISTAN

    Population: 18,464,600

    Military (approx.): 830,000 soldiers, 8000 armored fighting vehicles, 8 capital ships, 32 support vessels, 80+ fighter squadrons.

    The nation of Himynamistan is a technologically advanced nation with a pronounced urban character, with over 12 million people living in the capital Zzzptmacan alone. The city of Puebla is Himynamistan's second city with a population of roughly 2 million. Other major cities include Cordoba, Jalapa, and Veracruz.

    Rural areas produce sugar cane, corn, cotton, and fruits for export in addition to satisfying all of Himynamistan's basic food demands. Himynamistan has access to petroleum resources off the coast of Veracruz to offset its demands for external energy sources. Himynamistan has a service-oriented economy, but also produces many high-tech goods for export.

    The government of Himynamistan is in transition, but promises to set up a left-leaning republican form of government seem likely to be fulfilled. A radical element, "Frente Popular Revolucionario", or FPR, exists in opposition to the formative government and it is not known whether or not it will remain peaceful.

    Comandante Marco's noted today in a speech, "...the Zapatista Union recognizes Himynamistan. We share the same independance day, and from the same nation. We request permission to send a diplomat to your nation..."


  8. EZLN Declares Independance

    The Imperium government has agreed to allow Zapatista Union land in southern Mexico. "The peaceful revolution has succeeded in one corner of the world so far" cheered one Zapatista soldier. Marcos quickly goes to work creating a stable revolutionary government, begining with the redistribution of the land. It was once mostly in the hands of rich land owners, now it will be givin to the peasents and farmers who actually work the land. One rich landowner in particular fled to the north, leaving his properties to the new Zapatista state, while many peasents excited over the "revolution" enter the new nation boosting the workforce. The large estate will be used as Marco's headquarters and main place of operation. Marco's title remains Comandante, and will head the council that will be the nations governing body. The council takes peasents from each village, and Marco's will also be commander-in-cheif.


    Abandoned estate, Comandante Marco's Head Quarters

    Because you are on the other side of the Pacific from Crimea Iso, we shall not be sending another ambassador. Our ambassador in the Imperium is sufficient.


    We would like to meet with your leader, Comandante Marcos, to discuss your revolution.


    Comandante Marco's is busy with his new state, but a replacement representative can be sent if this is fine with Crimea.

  9. I'm fine with his edit, obviously the map caretaker will need to redo it in the correct font, but his claims are fine by me.

    As for Marcos, I don't know if he approves of what I gave him, but this was the general idea for his claims:


    I approve. Dark red area corretct?

  10. We are not implying you are a violent group. However, should this EZLN decide it no longer wants to be part of the Reich, a warning to the Imperium of America would be vital to stopping the spread of revolution. Especially if the Reich decides to crush your little revolution.

    We'v long decided we no longer wish to be part of the Reich. We hold o grudge against it, we only wish to have our own nation...we beleive our ideas will be better. And it is far more than a little revolution. We'v heard enough from your ambassador, perhaps a more respectable representative.

  11. The Crimean ambassador sends a warning to the Imperium government warning her about this possible revolution occuring in the Amerikanisches Reich.

    When questioned of th Crimean ambassador's warning to the Imperium government, Marcos had only 1 response."The EZLN has requested a peacefull secession, but now that we are out, we will not go away."


  12. Within a large encampment in the southern Mexican jungle, Comandante Marcos, studies over global events and affairs with his Generals.

    Zapatista 1- (heavy accent) The so call powers of these world continue to trow their weight aroun fooleesly. How mush more could be done, rader then to make pointless destruction, no?

    Comandante Marcos- This is true my friend...sadly, this is true. That is why we must continue our fight, and carry on our revolution. A revolution not just in politics, or government, but in the mindset of the world.


  13. Marcos (Mexico City)

    Comandante Marcos has traveled with 150 loyal Zapatista soldiers to Mexico City for a speech to his largest crowd yet. 455,000 people lined the streets and alleys to catch a glimps of Marcos, while hundreds of heads reached out of windows to hear his powerful words. His Zapatista entourage looked curiously around at the city monuments, never exposed to large city life they became sickened with the excesses of so few at the expense of so many. This stuck int he minds of the Zapatistas who lived on small villages, who dedicated their lives to simple works that keep this grand city,a nd others like it running comfortably.



    Marcos addresses Mexico City

  14. E.Z.L.N.

    In a forgotten corner of southern Mexico, the impovershed natives working tirelessly to provide for their villages. Often living in huts and working from the early dawn, deep into the night. These forgotten people, no longer able to provide for the growing population of their villages with so little resource and no way to contact the outside world have risen under the leadership of El Comandante Marcos. His true identity is unknown, but his goals are clear. He braught knowledge of the outside world to these people, educated them with books and storys, and enlightened them with the idea of socialism. Marcos has now taken his crusade to populated metropolises to share their vision to the masses. Now the EZLN, Ejercito Zapatista de Liberacion Nacional (Zapatista National Liberation Army) has finally made contact with the globe and is broadcasting their struggle to the world, as heated talks continue over their secession.



    Comandante Marcos speaks to a large crowd in southern Mexico

  15. I'm PMed Otto about getting a bit of Mexico for my nation. If he's not in favor of that, I'd like a part of India.

    I have also request a bit of Mexico, i hope this doesnt cause a problem for you.

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