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Posts posted by kamfreto

  1. [quote name='St Mungo' timestamp='1280578988' post='2395909']
    Long Term White Team Trades ONLY.
    Construction, Beer and Fast Food Are the Bonus Resources.

    Resource. 1.
    Resource. 2.
    Nations Link.

    Post The Above Infro And I'll Add you?
    Also if I get Dublicate Trading Resoursces I Will Start Another Circle.
    You will need to buy harbour for 5th trading spot.
    Once your Name has been added Go trade right away. I cant think of any reason why we should wait untill every one has been added.

    Please make sure that anyone you trade with has been added here before you trade with them. This will stop any problems we my have. I hope.

    If you do change you mind about trading Circle tell me ASAP. Lets not waste peoples time.

    Spices:- St Mungo
    Wine:- St Mungo

    InfraUpk -21%
    InfraCost -13%
    AircraftCost -13%
    LandCost -18%
    SoldierEff +35%
    Citizens +11.5%
    Happiness + 6.5
    TankUpk -5%
    Num Of Citzens +5%
    NavyCosts -5%
    NavyUpk -5%
    Envioment +1
    SoldierCost -$3.00
    SoldierUpk -$0.50
    NukUpk -50%

    Aluminum:- Increases soldier efficiency +20%, lowers infrastructure purchase cost -7%, and lowers aircraft purchase costs -8%.

    Cattle:- Increases number of citizens +5% and lowers land purchase cost -10%

    Iron:- Lowers soldier purchase cost -$3.00, lowers infrastructure upkeep costs -10%, lowers infrastructure purchase costs -5%, and lowers tank upkeep costs -5%

    Lumber:- Lowers infrastructure purchase cost -6% and lowers infrastructure upkeep costs -8%

    Marble:- Lowers infrastructure purchase cost -10%

    Pigs:- Lowers soldier upkeep cost -$0.50, increases soldier efficiency +15%, and increases number of citizens +3.5%.

    Spices:- Increases the purchased land area of a nation by 8% and increases population happiness +2.

    Sugar:- Increases number of citizens +3%, and increases population happiness +1.

    Water:- Increases number of citizens per mile before population unhappiness by 50, increases population happiness +2.5, and improves a nation's environment by 1.

    Wheat:- Increases number of citizens +8%.

    Wine:- Increases population happiness +3.

    Uranium:- Reduces infrastructure upkeep cost -3%. Allow nations to
    develop nuclear weapons only if that nation's government
    preference supports nuclear weapons. If a nations government
    preference favors nuclear technology for the use of nuclear
    power plants but does not support nuclear weapons then the
    nation will receive +$3.00 per citizen and +$0.15 for every
    level of tech purchased up to level 30 but loses
    -1 population happiness. If a nation owns nuclear weapons but
    does not have uranium the cost to maintain nukes is doubled.
    Lowers Submarine and Aircraft Carrier navy vessel purchase
    and upkeep cost -5%

    Long Term White Team Trades ONLY.
    Construction, Beer and Fast Food Are the Bonus Resources.

    Your Ruler Name - kethepz
    Your Resource.1- Alluminium
    Your Resource.2 - Cattle
    Your Nations Link http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=407348


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