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Posts posted by Neuro

  1. OOC: The revolution hasn't been set yet but eventually Al Jihad will be resting in the north african nation of Tunisia. I'll compile information and put it into a factbook. I apologize for the lack of creativity here but I've been posting the deveopments in another thread. Just so you all offically know. Tunis will be mine.

  2. holy_fam.jpg

    Today, Sunday, Catholics and tourists alike gather to celebrate the grand reopening of the Cathedral of St. Vincent de Paul which undergone a long series of renovations over the past year. Traveling from france to help mark this special occation, Father Francis Desbois has agreed to deliver a sermon to the audiance. As he speaks, his voice carries effortlessly through the columns of dark brown seats that rest on the freashly polished marble floors. He can be easily heard from the balcony and through the large opened doors as his voice is poured into the streets of French occupied Tunis. Most of the people on the streets are far too busy getting to work to pay any attention to the noise bellowing from the large building. Except for the elderly men who play dominos every morning after their morning prayer.

    They listen...

    "....we pray to the holy family to make your family holy! Pray to Our Lady of Good Success to restore to the See of St. Peter a true and a holy pope, to restore the Catholic Church to its former holiness, beauty, and glory throughout the world, to convert or drive out of the Catholic Church the modernists, atheists, communists, heretics, freethinkers, masons, and all who are bent on destroying the Catholic faith in the hearts and minds of her children, and assist all the bishops, priests, religious, and laity who are preserving and prompting the true Catholic faith...."

    Shiek Hakeem Asalum takes a moment from his domino game, strokes his long beard and then digs into the pocket of his long robe and pulls out his moble phone.

    "They are coming now." He says into the phone. "Yes, and our special guest too. Be sure to begin the meeting as soon as they arrive." Asalum ends the call, drops his moble phone in his pocket and then refocuses his attention back to his domino game.

  3. Tunis_church.jpg

    Hanudi abu Zinjari squats down along side the crumbled curb outside a market on the main drag in the city of Tanis . He is waiting for his 12 year old half brother Malik, who bugged his hard-headed brother to finally give in and give him some money to buy a Pepsi.

    Zinjari digs into his coat pocket and pulls out a smashed pack of Malimbo cigarettes. He places a cigarette in his mouth, as he look up at the Cathedral of St. Vincent de Paul across the street. He sighs in great discust, runs his fingers through his thick black hair, and then spits between his legs.

    "It seems the French finally finished their renovations." Zinjari pauses a moment to puff on his cigarette. "I'd like to see it burn." He says quietly to two men playing dominos under the tarp entrance of the market. The men slightly smiled, not bothering to look towards him as they continued their game. Zinjari stood up as Malik exited the market. "That should shut you up now." He said to his little brother as he ruffled his hair. "Come along now Brother. We don't want our guest of honor to be late for a very important meeting."

    (To be continued....)

  4. I'd be happy to give you part of the North Africa (Carthage) Western Republic protectorate.

    Alright. :) I'll take that it. I suppose I just needed an exercise in patience.



    Umm... so now what? :P

  5. I've waited patiently for about a week or so after submitting land claims in most availble protectorates in west asia and africa and I havn't received a response by anyone. Is it the name of my nation that is causing people to be very reluctant in accepting me into cnrp? I've just noticed that it doesn't seem to take other land claims as long.

  6. The Imperial Regent had decided that it is in the best interest of Imperium if the land north of Province one and two (Turkey) is shielded from further colonization. Since there is presently no legal claim being made upon it, the Imperium announces that this land shall be reserved either for future Imperial use, or an Imperium Sponsored Government. In the mean time Stephen Othran, has been appointed viceroy of the region and shall take up the administration and future organizing of it into a functioning region.


    Michael Devereaux: Michael Devereaux

    Imperial Regent


    Administrator of Province One

    OCC: DoH! I would have been interested.

  7. Please note that I would like to establish all tech trades for long term. I'd also like stable trading partners. If anyone would like to establish long term trade with al long term tech deal for next cicle, please let me know and I'll be sure to work with you in the future.

    *black team


  8. Can someone please explain the entire process of claiming land on Africa? I was told to merely post here but it's starting to apear to be a bit more complicated than that. If someone would be so kind as to explaining the process, I'd greatly appreciate it.


  9. OOC: What you can do is make sure your In-game capital is located in the area you want and you can have whatever your Sphere of influence covers(The Circle in game on the map.)

    Yes, I believe Somalia is available on the rp map. My capital is mogadishu, somalia. I am hoping to get land in that location. Thank you.

  10. all 4 slots full. need aid for infrastructure and foreign ministry. whom ever can send me an extra 500k will get that fifth slot.

    massage me and tell me you're willing to pay the extra 500k. i'll buy all the crap i need and reserve that slot for you. If it doesn't cost as much as 500k i'll let you know

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