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Posts posted by Vilita

  1. Looking for any tech deals for a new nation. Offer a fair amount of money in return I will send you 50 tech in 10 days once the aid restriction runs out.

    Looking for 4 deals if possible team/alliance not important I am peaceful just looking to help my nation grow by providing a service to others.

    Just propose aid offer if you are interested I will know what it is for!


    Or you can mail me.

  2. Just so you know asking for the largest aid package isn't the best way to sell youself as a possible member to an alliance. If that is all you are looking for not many, if any at all, will be willing to take you in. Work on your sales pitch, or do some checking yourself and find the best alliance on your own that works towards your nation's strengths.

    My nation doesnt have any strengths, hence, aid is the best sales pitch. the strength can be whatever you pay for it to be. :)

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