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Soviet Limburg

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Posts posted by Soviet Limburg

  1. Great fighting alliances (HB, VE, MW) are responsible for that.

    Int has been mediocre in all this.



    MW and HB are doing damage. INT? Meh. Still sending 15 bomber raids.

    I will keep the bar low for you guys: As soon as you can handle an AA, you may whine about the performance of others.

  2. SL, then you have to be active and take slots as soon as they get open.

    It s true. Fortunately though wu land came to my rescue today. At least its one nation I can toy with.

    Thank you for helping out guys, greatly appreciated :)


    That doesn't mean that I'm closed for applications though. The more the merrier obviously!

  3. Ok, it's been over a week since this started and I've had the bad luck of either not finding a free slot in time or NoR hiding their precious pixels in hippie mode. Meanwhile, I'm out there, on defcon 1, with a massive case of blue balls :(


    Come on Reichers, help me out here! This is going to be the most boring anti-climax after six years of waiting!

  4. So it begins, and so it ends. Once more we go to war, and once more I rise from deep inactivity to contribute little and less.

    I couldn't have put it better myself. Q is in this party.


    Finally release from the eternal blue balls...

    Oh, tell me about it!


    Time to party like it's 2008. 

    More like 2006/7.


    e: Also, have fun INT. Go Nuremburg on NoR will ya?


    After this amount of time? We're not going to settle for less ;)

  5. Official announcement from The International


    Yes, we are kneedeep in the pits of war and destruction. But commies, being consistent democrats at heart, wouldn't think of postponing an election for such a silly reason.
    Therefore it is with pleasure that I can announce to you our 26th Central Committee:

    General Commissar

    General Secretary
    Liaison Commissar
    Sir Pwnage
    Martial Commissar
    Treasury Commissar
    Membership Commissar



    Now we can go do what we were doing...


  6. [quote name='muwen1234' timestamp='1358772146' post='3082151']
    Death to communism! Democracy prevails!
    Translated: "Death to democracy! Democracy prevails!"
    Which sounds contradictory. So, the [i]actual[/i] translation is probably more like:
    "Death to democracy! Imperialist rule prevails!"

    Seems legit.

  7. [quote name='Hereno' timestamp='1328381580' post='2914514']
    The International's unwillingness to prevent the control of power in the United Tetris Socialist Republic from falling to the capitalists in our recent Bourgeoisie revolution has not gone unnoticed. I can only assume it was because you were spending your time allowing people like Trotsky to be in your government, or making blingin' hammer and sickles. For shame!

    Sincere apologies. The situation will be dealt with shortly.

    In the mean time, have [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWTFG3J1CP8]this tetris song as a token of good will[/url].

  8. [quote name='Canik' timestamp='1328322517' post='2914223']
    Hell yeah, amazing how many of us are still around.

    You all remember the ICP InfoStore incident? Good times. :)

    Seriously though, sweet line-up. I assume Q = Q-Collective?

    And is that Comrade Mao of old among you ranks?
    Y helo there old face.

    Also, yay us. Next time I'm gonna win your spot Craig.

  9. [quote name='Aggressivenutmeg' timestamp='1323495423' post='2871952']
    How many of you can remember an age of yore when free souls fought against men who bore hearts of machine and were fuelled by fascist desire? Who among you can say "I remember when the free fought against the Reich!"? How fewer of you can state "I withstood the shock of the fascist tremor!"?[/quote]
    I can remember and say all of that.

    Welcome to the party :)

  10. [center][img]http://i60.photobucket.com/albums/h12/sixers33/cngpo.jpg[/img]
    [b]Official CnG announcement[/b][/center]

    [b][i]Comrades, friends, Bobians and remaining scum...[/i][/b] Today we are here to celebrate the acceptance of a new member of the most awesome bloc of alliances on planet Bob, quite obviously Complaints & Grievances. After having seen the sun rise in the [i]Pacific[/i]... We have unanimously decided to accept the application of the [b]Global Alliance and Treaty Organization[/b]. We deemed them to be outstanding friends that are committed to go further for their friends than most other alliances.

    So, without further ado, I'll present you our signatures:

    [b]For [i]The International[/i]:[/b]
    The Congress of the International

    [b]For [i]The Last Remnants[/i]:[/b]
    Voodoo Nova, Triumvir
    Mandellav, Triumvir
    Rush Sykes, Triumvir

    Jgoods45, Minister of Foreign Affairs
    stealthypenguin93, Minister of Defense
    Don Pedro, Minister of Internal Affairs
    Avery, Minister of Economics

    Cameronious, Senate Leader
    Stefano Palmieri, Senator
    Devilyn Caster, Senator
    Floul1, Senator
    MU, Senator

    [b]For the [i]Orange Defense Network[/i]:[/b]

    Secretary-General: eZe
    Assistant SecGen: Max Cristof
    Secretary of Defense: Zaxon
    Secretary of State: Finnish Commie
    Secretary of Interior: Vitsen
    Secretary of Economics: DSwan

    Senate XLIII:OsRavan, Chaoshawk, Walling, Yankeesfan924, Italiarule

    [b]For the [i]Global Alliance and Treaty Organization[/i]:[/b]
    letub, Assembly Chairman
    Laslo Kenez, Minister of Foreign Affairs
    48th Congress of GATO

    [b]For the [i]New Pacific Order[/i]:[/b]
    No signatures were received...


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