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Posts posted by SunTzuWannabe

  1. LIAR mind you BJ's dont count. lol

    IC: i think what Fran did was try and use vox to publish MCXA's problems and try to steer them towards what she and many others believed to be the right path. When your hitting your head against brick wall it isnt constructive you have to find a way to go round it. Thats whta she thought was the best way to help her Friends. Maybe she was wrong maybe she was right. Whatever you believe. She did something about it she stood up for what was wrong. Too many people in bob dont stand up for their beliefs. They hang on to the coat tails of people like NPO and then jump ship when they see the tides changing.

    People of Bob need to realise that what VOX did has changed the course of CN. They stood up and spoke when people were afraid to say a word. Fan are the same they stood for their beliefs and there right to stay in CN. These are the people of CN i admire. People that stick to their beliefs and follow them through. NPO has never changed once they have always been the curbstompers. That was their M.O yet i see people saying they deserve everything they have got in this war that chose to be with them when the ship was fine. As soon as that ship started sinking look how many people jumped it.

    I applaud Fran not because she spied but because she acted on her beliefs in the only way she saw fit to inact change in an alliance lost with no direction.



  2. You're viewed by many to be naught more than an alliance dedicated to being fanboys to certain hegemony alliances. Do you feel this is merited? Are you interested in changing that perception, and if yes, how will you go about it?

    I think that oppinion is very far from the truth. We went into this war to help our ally and our friend TPF nothing more nothing less. Like we would have done for MHA or LOSS who were also our treaty partners.

    We ended up in the middle of a war however we value our friendships and we are very close to TPF. Mhawk is a good leader and TPF have brilliant members.

    Dont think for one second we are "fanboys" when we sign treaties we mean them whichever side they land us in a war and there is nothing more powerful in CN than that bond.



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