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Daniel P

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Posts posted by Daniel P

  1. [quote name='Jens of the desert' timestamp='1296522074' post='2613653']
    That actually isn't a lot of NS lost in the time they lost it. Pay more attention to the numbers on the graph rather than the shape.

    Graph is two days old. :smug:

    Graph need a update.


  2. [quote name='Mr Damsky' timestamp='1282587028' post='2427921']
    You keep acting like it's a terrible thing to be in a curb stomp. That's how wars are fought. I'm sure you maxed out all of CDCs defensive slots like you rightly should have. If you were interested in having even fights you would have only put one nation on each CDC one but I'm sure you triple teamed them all. And that's fine. But stop screaming and yelling about being the victim of a curb stomp when your alliance has definitely had a hand in a few.

    IDK but curbstoming alliances DOES tarnish your Rep.

    And also it question your 1 Vs 1 abilities.

  3. [quote name='Alfred von Tirpitz' timestamp='1282541427' post='2427345']
    You guys will most likely beat IAA and move on to the next round though, so you got nothing to worry about.

    In a biased poll. Why not put the poll on this site and let the people decide. (and not going to a off-site to registered on)

    And I don't really care about the poll. I only care about being fair and balanced.

  4. [quote name='Starfox101' timestamp='1282512599' post='2426890']
    It was pretty easy. Let me explain. You took a jab at \m/ falling apart (didn't even know about that, I'm not in an alliance and just returned.) and apparently, didn't realize your own alliance is falling apart. I was sitting here wondering how you couldn't know that, so I just said "oh well, I'll help him out."


    The only thing that NSO is imploding is their strength

    on the other hand \m/ membership is imploding.

    NSO care about Membership \m/ only care about pixels.

  5. [quote name='ChairmanHal' date='09 February 2010 - 09:12 PM' timestamp='1265749932' post='2171141']
    That's 14 total...and a 15 yard penalty for piling on. I didn't realize Invicta was so damn dangerous.

    Because we are that awesome.

    o/ Invicta
    o/ Jorost
    o/ WAR!

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