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Posts posted by Bart23

  1. The problem in these countrys (africa mostly) is that they have waaaay to many children.

    How can you expect to support 9 children in an area that is dirt poor.

    Sending money wil give them food temporarily so they wil have more children.

    Not realising they have to be able to feed them every single day until they become adults.

    These people need to realize that they have to do things for themselves.

    Back in the day when we had it tough noone just threw money and food at us.

    This is why we developed on our own and became prepaired for every possible future event.

    This is the reason why i don't like being forced to send so much money there.

    You talk about your 2-4 bux a month to help.

    But you don't know the goverment is already taking bilions yearly to send there without your consent.

    There is only 1 real solution to make the african economys healthy again.

    Send leaders from Europe and America there.

    Because frankly, the local leaders are hopeless at running theyr nations...

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