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Posts posted by Granite

  1. All the nation info that is hidden from public view should be viewable as a timestamped snapshot of the spy mission.

    I like this idea although I could see this being abused by nations at war since there's no consequence. They could just have alliance members spy on their fellow alliance nations and that would block enemies from spying. If there were a consequence like negative happiness or destroyed money, that might work better.


    * Change Desired Government = $150,000 (Randomly chosen)

    * Change Desired Religion = $150,000 (Randomly chosen)

    These seem out of place to me since it would be pretty hard to change the desired gov't or religion of a large nation. Of course, this is CN and it happens on it's own from time to time.


    * Change DEFCON Level = $150,000 (Changes to level 5 or 4)

    If a nation is at war and your spies manage to change the DEFCON from 1 to 5, seems that could hurt pretty bad. Also, seems like it would be next to impossible to change a nations DEFCON level via spies. Should be more expensive too if left in.


    * Steal Technology = $500,000 (Max 3)

    Realistically, not sure if anyone will use this one. I know I wouldn't. I'd rather buy 50 tech from someone for $1 to $1.5M

    Gotta run. Thanks Admin for adding new stuff :D

    Oh, and on the Nuke thing, I can see where it's easier to destroy a Nuke than to build one (infiltration issues aside).

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