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Posts posted by pinkius

  1. I think it's safe to say 48 hours will be enough time for everyone to cancel their existing trades and replace them, I'm also going to send mine out now so long as you've all got room. Great job by everyone involved in getting this together, didn't take long at all.

  2. I sent out about 40 messages before, we'll see what it produces. You'll definitely need the 5 slots, but if nobody from the alliance gives you the money (which they will) then I'll send it to you.

    I still think we should refrain from filling that last extra slot as we still have a bunch of slots open still.

  3. Can't promise you fish for obvious reasons (I cannot foresee the future). I think it'd also be wiser to wait until a few more slots are filled before filling either of the 2 extras. If you can find someone to provide the fish and X other resource I'll add you both in. Let me know.

  4. Resources (alphabetical order): Aluminium, Cattle, Iron, Lumber, Marble, Pigs, Spices, Sugar, Water, Wheat

    Filler: 2

    Bonus: Beer, Construction, Fast Food

    Orientation: Pop/Infra (Most Favorable Set)

    Water: Conrad Birdie

    Wheat: Duchy of Chicago

    Aluminum: Conrad Birdie

    Lumber: Pyroteknia

    Iron: Trollhammer

    Marble: McCrotch

    Cattle: Jack White

    Pigs: Jack White

    Spices: Duchy of Chicago

    Sugar: McCrotch

    Fish: Pyroteknia

    Uranium: Trollhammer

  5. Resource List:

    Aluminium - Hockey Nation

    Cattle - Jack White

    Iron - Bandfsouth

    Lumber -

    Marble - MAURICE

    Pigs - Jack White

    Spices - Bandfsouth

    Sugar - Hockey Nation

    Water - MAURICE

    Wheat - n1nt3nd069

    Fish - n1nt3nd069

    Uranium -

    Economic effect:

    Citizens: +20.89%

    Happiness: +11

    Infra cost: -31.12%

    Land cost: -19%

    Land bonus: +29.6%

    Environment: +1

    Bill effect:

    Infra Upkeep: -21.34%

    Soldier Upkeep: -$0.5

    Tank Upkeep: -9.75%

    Navy Upkeep: -10%

    Military effect:

    Soldier efficiancy: +51.8%

    Soldier cost: -$6

    Aircraft Cost: -15.21%

    Aircraft Limit: +10

    Nation Name - Deer Park

    Ruler Name - Jack White

    Alliance - ODN

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