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Posts posted by Shuichi

  1. Ladies and Gentlemen,

    Yes im back KingemO93! but don't worry im not gonna start anything. But i want to say that im sorry for before and i would like only peace between NATO and GRAN. Also i would like to speak to BON. And i'll be taking back my spot as ARN's premier!


    The New KingemO93

    Who are you?

  2. Not to mention that with Coldfront's IRCops being long-aware of the issue, any nicknames registered would likely be unregistered almost as quickly.

    In the same vain, setting usermode +R on yourself as I always have (/mode yournickname +R, or XChat users can use /umode +R) will stop unregistered nicknames from private messaging you. With the degree to which users here are encouraged to use registered nicknames, I can't see it causing anywhere near as many problems as it can solve.

    On a side note, I'm glad you now all understand why LXXQTJMN runs its own network rather than using Coldfront. This just hasn't been an issue for us, although it could be said that we're a little off the political compass. ;)

    Gloater! XD

    But seriously if you have any IRC issues (users or commands) visit us in #IRCHElP.

    We all just need to stop worrying about this botnet.

  3. Ugh, Waste of a topic is a waste.

    I've been looking at the Botnets, even spoke to the creator/spammer.

    From the looks of it, our little friend has limited knowledge of PERL(the language he's using to program it in)

    He's running it over a CGI:IRC Module. which means his server is probably a UNIX.

    He's using a modified PERL IRC-bot example to execute.

    +R, he's probably to lazy to go regg all the e-mail.s



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