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Posts posted by JWConner

  1. [quote name='magicninja' timestamp='1358834988' post='3083285']
    You failed to address the second bit. For a long time people have been calling for MK's blood...yourselves included and now? They will have the easiest time this war because your side is scared of NG....it's the greatest irony of all time Vol. It makes your side look scared and weak even with superior numbers and it pretty much ensures that MK will come out of this war fine and dandy and your entire coaliton who wanted them to burn will have failed horribly in that respect. How does that not bother any of you? They will never let you live it down you know?

    You realize it's still VERY early in this war. I mean, we don't join into conflicts unless we're committed to weeks upon weeks of ass-kicking...either giving or receiving..

    Anywho.....who says we can't say hi to our fungi friends when we're done here? We have very many hungry Phoenicians.

  2. [quote name='Jgoods45' timestamp='1340924832' post='2999653']
    Welp, the old policy of not hitting direct allies of other C&G members is dead. So while you may not be hit by INT, the rest of us may!

    Promise? :D

    [quote name='Jgoods45' timestamp='1340924832' post='2999653']
    Also, congratulations to you both. Great pairing.

    Oh, and glad to make some new friends in INT. Look forward to getting to know you guys better.


  3. [quote name='Maelstrom Vortex' timestamp='1340694168' post='2996991']
    Not a single shot has been fired in favor or support of MK here. This is all about Non-Grata who has been at our side for a very.. very long time. What kind of alliance would we be not to respond to their request after they have been in our corner so many times? The Broader war is not our business. Our business is our allies.

    Well said. While I echo the sentiments of my alliance mate, Vol Navy, I completely agree that while I don't agree with the cause of this war, nor will I fight for them or in their favor, I will lay down my nation for my allies. Screw those that started this crap, if my friends/allies are in trouble and require my help, I'm there.

  4. [quote name='Caliph' timestamp='1339541576' post='2981755']
    I could read that one from my screen here. The one that I did read didn't seem to have anything bad. But what you quoted is definately bad.

    That said, if they keep their OOC views out of IC stuff I don't see a reason why they should be expelled from CN, or how Slayer and TPF had any right to do such a thing for purely OOC reasons.

    I don't support their views OOC, but I don't see how OOC views should be brought into IC like what Slayer and TPF did back then.

    What I don't get is why are people still complaining about what Slayer did? He already admitted he shouldn't have done what he did. It's a dead issue at this point. It's like people just can't move the *$*$ on.

    LET IT GO!

  5. So, basically you're trying to spin the fact that you were forced to disband and that you all were really just hiding in other realms ([ooc]other games[/ooc])? Yeah, considering we're here on Planet Bob and in CN, these other realms don't matter much. The fact is, NoV was no more. Now you are or aren't the same alliance (depending on the weather and who we're talking to) reformed after all these years. Sounds like some creative spinning to me.

  6. The fact that NoV had to reassemble as a different alliance tells anyone with half a brain that they're nowhere near as strong as TPF is. Sure, their NS is a whole 600k larger (however avg is 8k lower) but NS size isn't the whole story. The fact that they folded once and ran tells us the only story that's relevant. We've faced plenty of scrutiny over the years and we're still standing. That's all that matters.

  7. [quote name='pd73bassman' timestamp='1339472009' post='2981215']
    How many alliances helped you do this?

    Don't sit there and pretend like TPF could have solely forced NoV into that situation

    Quite a few, actually. I don't believe I ever said we did this on our own. I'll have to go back and make sure that my alter ego didn't slip something in somewhere, but I'm pretty sure I never said we did this on our own. Maybe you saw a different version of my post. In that version was I represented by Bob Stoops and a Crimson and Cream background? If so, then don't trust that guy...he's not the real JWConner...he's actually secretly jealous of me and tries to get me in trouble.

    So yeah...I guess I'll have to spell things out for some people in the future. Apparently some are easily confused. B-)

  8. [quote name='Neo Uruk' timestamp='1339459315' post='2981001']
    Haha what

    You're just making TPF look worse by failing to grasp simple statements.

    Didn't Penkala bomb your alliance's lower tier forever anyways?

    lolPenkala. That'a a name I haven't heard in quite some time. True, he was a nuisance, but not much more.

    And how am I not grasping simple statements? Making vague, baseless jabs just continue to make yourself look as petty as I previously stated.

  9. Congrats Lord Cyvole on your promotion. You've done a great job with TSI, Shuru. I know how hard it is to hand off the reigns from something you've put so much of yourself into, but I trust you've made the right decision in your successor. Enjoy your retirement.

    o/ Shuru
    o/ Lord Cyvole
    o/ TSI

  10. Ya know, people keep claiming how much more powerful NoR is than TPF these days, even after we wiped their previous incarnation out of existence so many years ago. Last I checked, 600k NS isn't that much more powerful. And upon closer inspection, we're pretty evenly matched. Considering most of the impact of war are with nations 35k and higher, NoR has 68 nations and TPF has 67. Not exactly an overwhelming superiority. If anything, I'd say most would call it a coin-flip.

    Of course that's if all allies stay out of things and we go at it head-to-head...although we all know that wouldn't happen.

    Anyways, this thread has gotten way off topic. Slayer never came in trying to start things. He was actually apologizing for past transgressions, not bragging about them. Those that hold grudges need to grow up and move on. You won't be able to get your pound of flesh, so just let it go. Continually complaining and harping on things that happened so long ago just makes you look petty and kinda pathetic. Time to move on.

  11. I love how butthurt people are over things 3 years in the past. Absolutely astonishing. But hey, when you've been obsolete since said person left 3 years ago, I can see why you'd be so happy to grasp at something to make you relevant again.

    I will say that I'm ecstatic that Slayer is back, even only but for a short period of time. Love him or hate him, he made this place interesting :D


  12. [quote name='mankiller' timestamp='1323492808' post='2871699']
    This is what we do! OH YEAH!!

    o/ DB4D
    o/ WFF

    Lol. Does that mean you're in peace mode again? Are you going to be crying about how you're losing infra every time someone attacks?

    I do so thoroughly enjoy watching you special little guys shoot your little guns. Countdown to cries for peace after your first nuking begins in 5....4....3....


    Doesn't quite roll off the tongue as well as loLVA, but it'll have to do.

  13. [quote name='The Big Bad' timestamp='1323220769' post='2866514']
    Now I have no idea who you are or why you have some hate for TPF but, I have heard of your alliance. During my alliance walk about on Planet Bob before I returned to my home at TPF I do recall your alliance performing a few acts of public face palms. I do not recall the exact details but, did your alliance not sign a treaty and the run away from a war the next day? I recall all the jokes that were made at your expence. Nice to see even a terrible alliance that nobody likes can still scrape by on Planet Bob.

    And for the FAN people mad we are killing you yet again? Sorry I would rather have fought someone new as well but, you are the idiots that attacked NPO now you just have to dry those tears and suck it up and drive on.

    Yeah, he's that guy who ran my alliance into the ground after we handed over the keys. I'm glad it's gone now, it's no longer being embarrassed by a bunch of inexperienced cowards anymore.

    Oh, and Pa..pa..pa..please join FAN's side and come and play. PLEASE! I'd love to watch you cry as you and your infra-hugging brother watch your nations burn. It would make me so happy.

    For now, I'll just enjoy playing with some old FAN friends. At least they're quality opponents. Always had a great respect for FAN...heck, I even still vote for their senator :D

    But, considering I know the lack of class and overall ability that lies within DB4D, I don't expect to see you all on any battlefield anytime soon.

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