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Jesus The Viking

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Posts posted by Jesus The Viking

  1. This is about the Left, which you resolutely turned your back on a long time ago, clinging to your beloved new comrades in pawn-shuffling power blocs that would have had you abusing our honorbound oath to you to reduce the oldest Left alliance to yet another mere pawn.

    INT made its choice, and defiled our traditions, trading integrity for coin. And while we may share a common cause with Equilibrium, in the end, we are doing what we've always done, by honoring our treaty with NATO. And now, after months of discussion and years of building camaraderie, we have joined our banner with UCR's, to build the kind of unity that the high-and-mighty International refused to consider unless it was only under its own sole dominion.


    Tell where the Left is, in sucking up to Francoists? Long before you accuse any of being lapdogs, look to your own leash, firmly in the hands of NPO. Do not mistake your suicide run on the rocks of NoR for some leftist crusade. It was a mere flight of fancy for the bored and the distressed. Do not think that you can welcome UCR in equal arms, you will have to carry that limping wretch for ages. Solidarity with the dead helps none.

  2. You all clearly didn't read the treaty. There is no DoW. There is a recognition of hostilities, as UCR and LSF now comprise the same membership and LSF was currently at war. This treaty has been in the works for months (ask Trotsky, Hereno, jrkee, virtually anyone with a FB mask on the LSF forums) and was going to be announced either way late in this month, and war just sort of happened upon us. But as usual we all assume the worst and refuse to believe anything else. So whatever, continue with your futile whining.


    >-Pursuant to Die Linke, the UCR hereby recognizes a state of war with The International and the Orange Defense Network,
    >the UCR hereby recognizes a state of war with The International and the Orange Defense Network,
    >the UCR hereby recognizes a state of war with The International
    >the UCR hereby recognizes a state of war


  3. [quote name='Vespassianus' timestamp='1358848811' post='3083544']
    Why all these declares if ODN's top 3 war mode has no war at all? (while you have some bigger nations than them)

    Tactically this Band of Buggered is quite lacking, hoping that sheer numbers will fill in the gap in their military acumen. Naturally, this comes with inopportune and awkwardly timed Decs. of War.

  4. oh wow that's a lot, i should surrender. :ehm:

    How delightfully un-bureaucratic, nice to see LSF had some influence on all of you stiff & proper alliances, barring of course the "lol randumb" alliances (and the ole fashioned "just dumb" alliances).

    This was going to be my last war before retirement but just to spite you all, assuming the International is defeated (given your collective track record and competency I doubt it) I vow myself to continue fighting each and every one of you to the last point of infrastructure. Mark my words, it is Victory or Valhalla in the Union of Nordland.

  5. [quote name='Xiphosis' timestamp='1358241296' post='3076797']
    I guess "Restricted Access" means "Allowed to push the alliance to fold into one that'll pardon me" to some people.

    naw it just means Resitricted Access. I think your monitor is acting up, showing words that weren't there and what not. Should see a techie about that; my friend Bob Sacamano never took his monitor to a techie and then one day *boom* it smokes up in his face!

  6. [center][b]A new treaty!
    A Treaty of Unity Between The Union of Communist Republics and The International!

    [img]http://images.wikia.com/cybernations/images/a/a2/Intflag7.png[/img] [IMG]http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s212/Norse_Iron_King/UCRFlaggood-2.png[/IMG]
    [quote][center][b]Keeping up International relations with the UCR'[/b]
    [i]A Protectorate pact between the International (protector), henceforth INT, and the Union of Communist Republics (protectorate), henceforth UCR.[/i][/center]

    [b]Article I[/b]
    The reasons for this protectorate are the friendship between the INT and the UCR and the unification of the CN left.

    [b]Article II[/b]
    This pact will not interfere with the internal or foreign sovereignty of UCR.

    [b]Article III[/b]
    In case of an attack against the UCR, INT will use all the military, economical and political means available to it to help UCR in the best way possible.

    [b]Article IV[/b]
    If INT finds itself engaged in war, they may ask the UCR for financial/military aid. UCR is encouraged but not required to offer such aid.

    [b]Article V[/b]
    INT pledges to offer practical assistance to UCR in any reasonable manner possible when asked to. UCR will listen to any advice INT has to give but are not obligated to follow it.

    [b]Article VI[/b]
    UCR pledges to be an outstanding group among the others of Cyberverse and will not make a fool out of itself or of its protector.

    [b]Article VII[/b]
    This treaty may be canceled by either of the parties involved and has a 72 hour cancellation period during which the treaty will stand valid.

    [i][b]Signed for the International[/i][/b]

    The Congress of the International

    Signed for the Union of Communist Republics[/i][/b]

    RA2Leader, Premier of UCR

    Tillistan, Communist Party Chairman

    Zeroremorse, Commissar of Foreign Affairs

    Pulpficfan, Commissar of Defense


  7. [center][img]http://images.wikia.com/cybernations/images/a/a2/Intflag7.png[/img]

    Elections came around once again to The International, bringing in some new blood. Congratulations to all the new and remaining servants of the People of The International!

    Presenting the Fifteenth Central Committee of the International[/u]

    [b]General Commissar:[/b] Comrade Craig

    [b]General Secretary:[/b] Jesus The Viking

    [b]Liaison Commissar:[/b] MutedFaith

    [b]Martial Commissar:[/b] Romochka Korzhanenko

    [b]Treasury Commissar:[/b] Sir Pwnage

    [b]Membership Commissar:[/b] Jackred

    [right]- Jesus the Viking
    General Secretary[/right]

  8. [quote name='Parandiac' timestamp='1296569567' post='2614635']
    we came in to defend UINE. last i checked, 1/3 of their nations are in peace mode and their top seven nations are hanging out while the rest of the alliance burns. they want to stay and fight by putting their alliance through the grinder, that is their issue. personally, i don't see why we should fight to defend them when they haven't lifted a finger to defend themselves.

    to our enemies:

    o/ DICE
    o/ GRUE
    o/ INT
    o/ =LOST=
    o/ LSF
    o/ NEAT
    o/ ODN
    o/ Tetris

    especially INT, with whom i had six wars with. good times, great oldies. jesus the viking was the best opposition i had, and i loved every second of radiation.

    Same here Parandiac, you were a beast in combat.

    Also: David Lynch's Dune is masterpiece, and Sting's performance is excellent.

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