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Posts posted by Steinfeld

  1. [quote name='JWConner' timestamp='1313343211' post='2780641']

    That's why I'm ecstatic MY alliance can no longer be dragged through the mud. Because MY alliance long ago ended, yet it's name continued to be tarnished and all the good we did was overshadowed by all the crap done over the past nearly 2 years. I'm not slamming a disbanded alliance. I'm rejoicing in the fact that my alliance can finally rest and the ones who destroyed it are finally gone from it.

    But.... its not your alliance anymore... soooooooo i dont know where your going with this.... and how do you know how DB4D is ran? please explain that one.

  2. [quote name='JWConner' timestamp='1313196342' post='2778981']

    Oh, and bitter? Not at all. I'm ecstatic that they can't trash my alliance anymore.


    Well it stopped being your alliance once you left it. If you truly supported VA, you would've stayed and not ran away to TPF when things weren't going your way. I don't know why you are making such a big deal about this since you left under your own will.... you're the one who chose to leave, but yet you still call VA YOUR alliance. sir that is just ridiculous. you are just trying to start a fight.

  3. [quote name='mrott' timestamp='1313024426' post='2777077']
    Praise the Lord, VA can finally be put to rest. This alliance has long since been dead and has been just dragged through the mud for the longest time. This at one point used to be a relatively grand alliance, particularly relating back to the days around SSSW18 and DefCon. VA was at the very least a force to be recognized. It began to dwindle and die then. How long ago was that? A long effing time ago. It has since continued to dwindle and good quality gov just couldn't be found. The alliance made do with what it had and it continued to dwindle. Finally the fallout began and that was when the alliance should have been dismantled. It wasn't... I even stuck around hoping it could be saved and brought back. I knew it was a dim shot in hell but after all my time invested it was worth it to me. In the end I through in the towel as well. I had no choice. VA was dead to me as well as to anyone that actually knew what VA truly really was at its prime.

    Interestingly enough, upon my resignation I made a prediction. I don't recall exactly what all was in it, but I do know that I stated outright that TPF would cancel it's treaty with VA (happened not all that long ago) and VA would merge with DB4D. Am I good? No... I'm just not blind. The individuals leading VA were too concerned what DB4D gov had to say rather than digging deep to find their own balls to make their own decisions on what they should do when it comes to honoring treaties and such and in turn allowed DB4D to dictate how the VA gov should run the alliance.

    Have you ever let a smaller, less significant dictate how to run your alliance? Well this is the way the VA gov wanted to do it. If you didn't before, do you now understand why they merged?

    Honestly I am shocked that NEW agreed to a treaty with them. VA only had one alliance left to turn to and that was DB4D. They must have been desperate since it appears that they are letting mankiller run the show over there. That might be the worst decision yet...and reading through this post alone I have made reference to just a few.

    To sum all this up:

    - VA has been dead for a long time, glad to finally see it's name no longer disgraced.
    - NEW, not to tell you how to run your show since I do respect your alliance and your members, but I would reconsider the treaty.
    - To the new "DB4D" I guess we'll be seeing a merger or dismemberment announcement from you in the not so distant future.

    o/ those who remember the true VA

    You seem bitter..... <_<

  4. [quote name='Muddog' timestamp='1294985903' post='2574795']
    Now this is an alliance I can get behind, why have I never heard of y'all.

    [color="#0000FF"]*President Joseph Black signs executive order #10024 sending Foreign Relief (AKA ammunition, guns, and beer) to the brave men and women of FAN. The nation of Rural Route 3 sends has a moment of silence for this grave act of terrorism[/color]

    Its a sad day when your steeling guns from underprivileged children, now is when they need them the most.

    FAN is one of the oldest AAs in the game.

    Famous for a variety of things. look em up on CN Wiki. :awesome::awesome:

  5. [quote name='Penkala' timestamp='1295201840' post='2577337']
    I enjoy this victory. It just proves how amazing *I* am. I [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?app=blog&module=display&section=blog&blogid=328&showentry=2447]easily[/url] [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?app=blog&module=display&section=blog&blogid=328&showentry=2427]defeated[/url] the man who defeated a mid-sized alliance.

    I really am the best.

    why must you post such pointless posts......

  6. ok i was trying to keep myself out of this... but who the $%&@ cares... its a sanction in yellow... a color that almost noone is in. and penkala knows to stay away from... wooptie !@#$@#$ doo he got sanctioned, he is in the BLACK sphere.... its not affecting his trades, he can find tech deal partners elsewhere...

    penkala is just a whiny little !@#$ and wants attention and revenge.

    if a senator of a color has reason to not want someone trading or receive aid in his sphere it is up to the discretion of the damn senator. and he represents the color.

    now i also ask where FAN is in all this and if they have something to say about this.... b/c i bet they dont care, and if they do, very well maybe they will have better luck getting this resolved than !@#$%*ing on the OWF.


    Edit: also if i missed a FAN post link me please

  7. [quote name='Fernando12' timestamp='1293493236' post='2555607']
    Didn't your alliance have an "if i feel like it" treaty with AcTi?

    I'm not a fan of of ODoAP treaties either. In effect every nation or alliance has one with every nation or alliance on planet bob. ODoAPs is publicly showing your hand as to where you may join a war. MDP+ is showing your hand as to where you will (most cases) join a war. No treaties and just intervening for a cause or friendship is where the real intrigue is imo. Nobody knows when or what would cause an alliance to go to war. No treaties or very few treaties is where the men are separated from the boys.

    Anyways, congrats to Weveria and Pesarus on this new treaty. I'm assuming the oAP part will not be used in this case and that the [url="http://www.cybernations.net/search_wars.asp?search=435515&Extended=1"]Pesarus Nation Is A Rogue[/url] correct?

    yes (i wasnt here for that, i had RL issues), we did have an i feel like it clause, and it caused alot of problems. that is why i dont like them.


  8. [quote name='Comrade Craig' timestamp='1292994919' post='2549275']
    You are incorrect on that point. Reps were not the reason that the negotiations fell apart. The talks failed because it takes two parties to talk, and one particular party was too stubborn to entertain the notion of even a trivial compromise.

    I understand that obstinacy has been recast as virtue by a small but vocal part of our community. Some people saw strength in NEW's unwillingness to compromise. All I saw was pettiness and immaturity.


    To each man his own.

    I do however hope peace will be found soon.

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