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Posts posted by GoddessOfLinn

  1. [quote name='Flonker' timestamp='1343933135' post='3017904']
    and I still have enough WC to go another month. I kinda [b]like[/b] being in the 'Mighty Mouse Brigade'.

    You and me both XD

    [quote name='Lincongrad' timestamp='1343936559' post='3017917']
    Also I have no problem with GATO being called in. Applying additional pressure during negotiations is perfectly valid.

    Sadly for both ODN & GATO is not really working :D

    Also happy hunting & good luck to you all in GATO ;)

  2. [quote name='Yevgeni Luchenkov' timestamp='1329602363' post='2923565']
    We took reps against Polaris twice. Maybe GPA, I'm not sure, I'd have to revisit their surrender terms from 2007. For the rest, we have defeated dozens of alliances and never took anything from them.

    Might be something to think about.

    Still the fact is that you are a reps taking-alliance and in a war that TOP started (along with others) over some old grudge.

    Dont get me wrong, I know that reps is a part of 'life' here on Bob. But please dont try and sugar coat it with 'it is only punishment', long long after the transgression was made. You do it, because you can (after all you won the war), you do it because you want revenge and you will do it again, if you feel like it. TOP may not be worse then others, but you are no better eigther.

    *sorry for my bad english*

  3. o/peace

    I am happy to see that our NpO brothers & sisters have gotten peace. But sorry to see that you seem locked into the desire to make it hard for their friends to help them pay their reps.

    [quote name='Janosik' timestamp='1329598088' post='2923531']
    If you are claiming that TOP is now a rep-taking alliance, I'd expect us to have squeezed reps out of MHA or FARK. They certainly have the infrastructure to pull off a large reparations program, but we didn't. I took some damage from FARK this war, does that obligate them to rebuild me? Maybe for some, but we at TOP don't usually believe in extorting the losers. Reps from NpO were not because we want to gild our thrones in gold, rather just as a punishment. I doubt we'll be pushing for reps in the future.

    You ARE a rep-taking alliance, for good or bad, for better or worse. You might be right, it could be that you will not push for reps in the future. Atleast not until next time some one needs punishment.

  4. [quote name='WarriorConcept' timestamp='1320872836' post='2842333']
    VE can't dictate to Tetris how it decides to leave a war, that is up to them and it was our duty to help them as an ally. Whether it would have not been cowardly for them to leave is irrelevant to us as an ally.

    I understand you're angry that bigger alliances got involved, but you should just accept your victory and move on.

    [quote name='Hereno' timestamp='1320889949' post='2842468']
    Well actually, NSO had told us multiple times that if we wanted to exit the war with the offer we had that they'd be completely okay with that. Considering how many people were telling us to do just that, it's not like we'd have taken a PR hit from it either. We chose to stay in on our own accord and giving NSO any of the blame for that is unfair.

    I really don't think this made anybody who didn't already dislike VE and MK dislike VE and MK.

    [ooc]Besides, Mythbusters did a thing on the "bull in a china shop" myth and the bull was actually really careful not to break anything, even when they made it run around and stuff inside of the pen which had relatively little space.[ooc]

    [quote name='GoddessOfLinn' timestamp='1320872453' post='2842328']
    Yes, when Tetris was told by the involved AA that they could leave then yes. [b]Besides everybody could see that it was 'Game Over' for Tetris. It was not like any one could say that they was cowards running to save their infra. They had done their best, but lost! No shame in that. [/b]
    Tetris keept itself in the war, because of misguided loyalty. If an allied keep your own alliance in war for nothing but their own pride and you yourself has taken damage be on our ability to fight, help or draw enemy fire in any meaningfull way then is is ok to exit a war. [b]Especially when your allieds dont mind and you have already made up your mind to accept the terms of your foe.

    Yes, and you did it with the grace of an elephant in a glass-knickknacks-shop! Congrats?

    Please also read the Bold parts ;) If you do the following should be clear.

    1. No one could think that Tetris was cowards had they left the battlefield without NSO.
    2. The only one that keept Tetris on the Battlefield was Tetris itself!

    WC, I am not angry, I just dont belive that you only did this to save Tetris, If it had only been for Tetris then what did you need MK for? Why make thoose ill choosen threats about hitting both NSO & Legion when every one could see that the only one you could do any real damage to was Legion. Not to talk about that stuff about 'saving' us all from bad posts on the owf :wacko: Also we only have to deal with the fact that that a bigger alliance got involved, we dont have to accept it.

    [OOC]I said elephant ;) [OOC]

  5. [quote name='WarriorConcept' timestamp='1320855859' post='2842207']
    Is it really that hard to understand that Tetris would not want to leave the field of battle without their ally?[/quote]

    Yes, when Tetris was told by the involved AA that they could leave then yes. Besides everybody could see that it was 'Game Over' for Tetris. It was not like any one could say that they was cowards running to save their infra. They had done their best, but lost! No shame in that.
    Tetris keept itself in the war, because of misguided loyalty. If an allied keep your own alliance in war for nothing but their own pride and you yourself has taken damage be on our ability to fight, help or draw enemy fire in any meaningfull way then is is ok to exit a war. Especially when your allieds dont mind and you have already made up your mind to accept the terms of your foe.

    [quote name='WarriorConcept' timestamp='1320855859' post='2842207']
    And yes, you got to see us help our ally get peace, congrats?[/quote]

    Yes, and you did it with the grace of an elephant in a glass-knickknacks-shop! Congrats?

  6. [quote name='WarriorConcept' timestamp='1320758528' post='2841602']
    You act as if this was not blatantly obvious to everyone. Tetris would not leave the field of battle without its ally, why is that so hard to understand?

    NSO had said they was free to leave! So yes it is a litte difficult to understand!

    [quote name='Bill Wallace' timestamp='1320765254' post='2841643']
    Anyone who knows Impero understands he doesn't give a rip about PR. He only cares about results.

    Good then he got it as he wanted! and they rest of us got to see VE for what it is!

  7. [quote name='WarriorConcept' timestamp='1320723541' post='2841449']
    If we wanted PR, why would we have made this announcement? Our only goal was to achieve peace for our ally in Tetris, the rest is irrelevant.

    In that case it was done in a lets just say clumsy way. All you should have done was to ask, and you would have been told that Tetris was free to leave the field at its own convenience. It would have spared you a lot of bad PR, and keept you out of our hair.

  8. [quote name='Bill Wallace' timestamp='1320698025' post='2841230']
    Just a little inside baseball - A lot of Viridians at the start of this war were upset with Tetris and were very clear with them that they deserved to get smacked around a bit, but at the same time we did not want it to get out of hand. The war had gone on long enough and whether we were correct to intervene or not, the intent was to end this war now.

    I take no issue with those who slam us for engaging in cowboy politics. Whether I agree or not, those arguments have validity and being in a position of power does afford us to be active in ways that others only dream of. But no one should question the original intent which was to help our friends in Tetris. As stated earlier, I'm happy they are done with this and hope they get back on their feet soon.

    If the intent really was what was was stated then your gov. had a very strange way to go about it! They made threats to the Legion (who had already had their peace offer accepted by Tetris) and to the only Tetris allied still fighting. Not to talk about the fact that both Legion and NSO was not in anyway keeping Tetris in the war. On top of this the threats against NSO was at best naive since very little damage could be done to NSO at the time of the threats. The fact that the Threats looked like it was target'ed on Legion naturally made atleast some of us in legion a 'alittle' skeptical regarding your intentions.
    But in the spirite of the peace we made with Tetris, I will agree with and say as Kzoppitan:

    [quote]Frankly, I think they just saw an opportunity and took advantage of it, with the side bonus of claiming assistance to their allies/friends. Since they haven't felt the need to escalate the situation now that peace has been found, however, I will take their word on their good intentions and leave it at that.[/quote]

  9. [quote name='Buzz Lightyear' timestamp='1320691991' post='2841198']
    so whyd you agree then? This is the era of legion standing up for itself right?

    Because you stand up for yourself, you dont become stupid! If we could have inflicted a high level of damage to VE or MK then my [b]GUESS[/b] is that we would have taken the fight (Heavens know that a great deal of legion wanted to). But after a month of war, that did not (to me atleast) look like a possibility.

  10. [quote name='WarriorConcept' timestamp='1320689272' post='2841178']
    And them being our ally, we decided to help them out by forcing both alliances to come to a conclusion in the war.

    You mean you forced Legion to give NSO the white peace that they wanted. What you did was not in any way balanced! It was not noble and it was not necessary in order for Tetris to get peace.

    But I am sure that you know this. I see/saw this as an attempt to escalate the conflict in order to roll our friends.

  11. [quote name='Unknown Smurf' timestamp='1320607531' post='2840368']
    But in the OP of this thread they said Legion and NSO have to find peace. No mention of Tetris.

    Having read through this thread I seem to recall that VE/MK is saying that they do this because Tetris have learned their lesson and should have peace now and that it is just Legion and NSO that keep Tetris in this war.
    But maybe I am just reading to much in to it?

  12. [quote name='flak attack' timestamp='1320544381' post='2839936']
    We don't care about who admits defeat. We care about the implications of their stupid fight on Tetris and their pollution of every OWF topic with terrible posts. If they would just keep their fight between themselves, we wouldn't give a !@#$

    As far as I know, Tetris have already agreed admit defeat to Legion and are free to leave the battlefield.
    As far as I know members of NSO goverment have said that they dont hold Tetris on the battlefield.

    Why is Tetris still on the field, they can leave anytime they want to? and please dont say because they will not leave a fellow allied behind when said allied have already given their ok to Tetris leaving the field.

  13. [quote name='Ridin High' timestamp='1320606482' post='2840356']
    You should inquire your own government for the answer to that question.

    I am asking the guy have the power to make the announcement saying that Tetris admits defeat to Legion and are withdrawing from the battlefield (you have after all already agreed to this).

    The Legion goverment is not holding you in this conflict. Not that any one else is!

  14. [quote name='Ridin High' timestamp='1320603885' post='2840304']
    Actually as an ally of VE, I can't really see why I would need to cancel on them for this. They do have honor, I'm sure they do have self respect, they do care what others think, and $%&@ yeah GOONS. I mean as they downgraded our treaty before a war in which they didn't agree with our actions, they sat dout as the conflict began and dragged on, all while originally saying to Legion not to let it get out of hand. Well a month or two passes and they think we've had enough and gave Legion a reasonable time line to close the short gap in understanding that NSO and Legion had in negotiations. Either way this would turn out, Tetris would find peace on the battlefield. Either my enemy and my ally come to an agreement, or they get attacked, leaving Tetris unscathed; or agreement is reached and everyone finally gets to go home. Obviously I would much rather have my allies get out than stick in it and get decimated further; but either way you can not say that VE did not have our best interests in mind when they did this, there is no other motive for them in this.

    As far as I know, Tetris have already agreed admit defeat to Legion and are free to leave the battlefield.
    As far as I know members of NSO goverment have said that they dont hold Tetris on the battlefield.

    Why is Tetris still on the field?

  15. [quote name='Tygaland' timestamp='1320556899' post='2840077']
    These were concerns I raised with MK just before they did their great treaty purge. I was told I was wrong and that MK was not changing into what you just described. When they cancelled the treaties and signed new ones I feared the worst but was again told I had nothing to be concerned about. Then the NSO trade circle nonsense bobbed up and I raised the issue with MK and I was suddenly an MK-hatin' moralist. A label I'll now carry until at some point in the future the poles again reverse on our great planet and I agree with something MK does. So, I just want to welcome you to the club. I saved you a seat next to AirMe at the monthly meetings.

    Do you accept women? if so save a seat for me too!

  16. [quote name='Il Impero Romano' timestamp='1320484859' post='2839514']
    I still see about a million NS, 87k tech, and almost 100 members, enough for them to be yelling about how they 'wont surrender because they aren't loosing!' up until this announcement, and enough for a large number of people to back them up in saying that. Check back to that topic that closed the day before yesterday. So in short, they are certainly broke, but we can make sure they get broken even more.

    This though, is not about that, it's an incentive to end the garbage that both them and legion have been piling up around here and let their ally, whose punishment has long since been served, out of the war.

    Of that million NS 556K+ is in peace mode (cant hit that), of the 87K 43k+ is in peace mode (cant hit that, of the 98 nations in NSO 42 are in peace mode (cant hit them) and most of the rest NSO nations with free slots are below 1.1K NS.

    Please tell me how you will provide a real reason for the sith to wish for peace? and how the way you are going about this is not a dream come through for the NSO.

  17. [quote name='USMC123' timestamp='1320472367' post='2839436']
    I love how people still think this is beneficial to NSO. Will Legion take a bigger hit than NSO? Yeah, probably because they are bigger, will NSO be treated lightly or receive "token" hits? You are freakin' high if you think that.[/quote]

    Are you so freakin high that you can not see that NSO can just say no to any peace offer that legion make and then VE/MK rolls us, doing lots of damage to legion and next to no damage to NSO. This is a dream come through for NSO!

    [quote name='USMC123' timestamp='1320472367' post='2839436']
    In case you aren't aware, which is appears most of you are not, NSO and VE have a very interesting dynamic, namely, they absolutely abhor each other. Do you really think Impero is going to let NSO off easy?[/quote]

    Yes, because there really is not much he can do! NSO is in ashes already.

    [quote name='USMC123' timestamp='1320472367' post='2839436']
    Also: for largely the same reason as I just mentioned, I can guarantee you NSO did not know about this, nor did Tetris, so nice try, better luck next time.

    What does it matter if you, NSO or my husband knew about it! Result will be the same! NSO now have the power to decide if Legion is to be rolled or not. And since I dont consider the leaders of VE and MK to be stupid in any way, I can only belive that this was a calculated move in order to roll Legion.

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