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Posts posted by MarkVanExel

  1. :v: Guess some people have too much serious in their business. *shrug*

    Solidus: You know, fighting one's way out of the paper bag is highly overrated anyway. Paper bags keep your head dry in a rainstorm, they help you carry stuff, and they're biodegradeable! Plus, a paper bag can be burned for heat in a pinch!

  2. And as it states in bold:

    I do believe that we held discussions in regards to our intent, aggressive actions, fellow signatories, and that it all happened within that 72hr time frame before our DoW last night. Now, unless you were that tasty dinner we all initiated discussions over, you know during that 72hr time period, I'm sure you don't really know what you are talking about and are probably just speaking out due to the stress of being plucked, gutted, and then having a chicken shoved up into you before being shoved up into the gaping hole of a turkey.

    Don't worry, you will be delicious.

    Indeed he will.

    I have my secret blend of herbs and spices. :awesome:

  3. 5 alliances? really?

    :awesome: Don't feel bad, sad duck. Look at it this way:

    By declaring on RIA, you activated RIA's MDP with The 57th Overlanders, who is a NEXUS member, who activated the oA clause with NEXUS, and in support of our BFFs, we activated our MDoAP with the 57th.

    So yeah, 5 alliances.

    If it makes you feel any better, we'll make sure you and your comrades taste absolutely splendid. :v:

  4. Have you ever thought to yourself "Gee, I sure would like to try my hand at an alliance where I get a voice" ?

    Well, sir, you are not crazy. Furthermore, you are very handsome and I am envious of your ability to attract the gender of your choice.

    But enough pleasantries. The Federation is now recruiting new members in a bid to rebuild! We have been to the brink of oblivion and back, and are looking for a few solid rocks to build a great mountain with.

    What makes us unique, you ask? Well, how many alliances can truly say that they have a voice, an effect on the operations of the alliance in a very real, direct and immediate way, where all members are guaranteed the right to vote? Or perhaps you would enjoy The Federation's small-town, cozy atmosphere with a great bunch of unique, if somewhat strange people who will extend a hand to aid you, and raise a hand to defend you?

    Have I got you interested yet? Good, because I'm running out of ideas for stuff to type. Point your web browsers to http://z11.invisionfree.com/TheFed/index.php?act=idx and see for yourself exactly makes The Fed the alliance for you!

    We now return you to Hamsters on Ice 3, the Quickening.

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