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Joe Izuzu

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Posts posted by Joe Izuzu

  1. If NPO had approached the war as its peers did, it would have received the same treatment as the others- we have been ready to peace them out since mid december. You didn't and so there was disagreement on how to handle you. That you have terms has nothing to do with who you are, only how you have fought the war.


    So the alliance that has received more damage and dealt more damage than any other alliance in this conflict has not fought to an adequate standard?  More than 85% of its nations have engaged in battle, but is not fighting to an acceptable standard?  And, of course, this is an alliance that is not (based on the original CB) central to the conflict?  Let's just cut the bullshit, shall we?


    Jeez, with all the butthurt, you'd think we were pushing for disbandment or some !@#$.  Get the hell over yourselves Pacifica.


    The issue is that a supposedly secondary combatant, that entered via a MDP is the focus of riciculously harsh terms.  I understand that this entire war was aimed at us, but has it ever been acknowledged as such. (Forgive me, but I don't often wear my wading boots and don't have occasion to traverse the cesspool that is the OWF, so I may have missed the statement of NPO being the primary target of this whole engagement.)


    It's really kind of funny. I was an extremely vocal defendant of Djabo and Polar back in the VE conflict (Roq actually cited me individually for the preempt action Pacifica.)  And now I see Djabo pulling the same kind of crap that was lobbed against him and Polar back then. 


    Ironic, eh?

  2. @ Sir Paul: I loved the sing-along report and, while I would not let you advance past the first 10 seconds of any vocal competition, the fact that you didn't stoop to using autotune only adds to your artistic purity.


    With regard to our performance in EQ, and in the last couple of engagements prior to EQ, our overall war performance has sucked. The same relatively small percentage of our memberrship go all in and the majority go through the motions, at best.  I have bitched about this on our boards on several occasions.  I continue to hope that pride, honor, shame, or some other motivating impulse will lead to a greater overall commitment, but I will not be overly surprised if it does not. 


    That being said, I don't believe that this rather pathetic syndrome is exhibited solely by Pacifica. Some people love their pixels more than their duty.  If only they valued their sefl-respect more than their material wealth.


    Regardless of the slackers, I am proud and honored to fight besides my Brothers in Arms for the sake of the NPO and for the sake of our allies.  And I am honored to fight against those members of our foes who lay it on the line against me.


    o/ Pacifica

    o/ Our Allies

    o/ Our Opponents

  3. I swear that participating in this forum on a regular basis kills brain cells and the the amount of pointless bawwing in this thread is indicative of that unfortunate fact.


    What practical effect does a discrete declaration of war have on the actual conflict at hand?  The answer is: absolutely none. The attacks themselves constitute the declaration and give the same level of notice that a verbal announcement would have.  VE cannot claim to be surprised that NPO is hitting them and cannot claim that the attacks are unjustified. In fact, they have not done so.


    As to the selective enforcement of the right for alliances on one side of conflict to to hit alliances on the other side....it's called strategy. There is nothing hypocritical about it.  There is nothing unethical about it. There is nothing immoral about it.


    Get over it.

  4. I had fun fighting VE nations in our last encounter and I hope to have just as much fun this time. As to easy peace terms, Alliances that enter wars in order to honor their commitments deserve respect, regardless of their political affiliations. Last time, VE fought all out for the time they were in the conflict and got out easy as a result. I hope that our leadership sees fit maintain the same policy this time around. Regardless, I offer salutations to those nations I meet on the field of battle and hope that the respect I began to feel for VE last time will increase as a result of this engagement.

  5. [quote name='Lord Gobb' timestamp='1358717505' post='3081197']
    1) There's a something about Mo9P's slots being filled in the first round which is irrelevant considering Umbrellailures didn't take part in that.
    2) There's something about Mo9P being able to escape into peace mode because of the blown stagger, but he's said he isn't even redeclaring after this round.
    3) Then there's that thing about you being buttmad about not getting the slots you think are rightfully yours.
    4) Like D34th said, you guys don't like us and you've been "looking for a CB" for quite some time now. That in itself says all there is to know about the nice story in the OP: it's just an excuse. It's okay mate, CN traditions and all. You can't break those, because what would be left of civilization then?!

    1) Nothing in the CB about Umbrella and the first round of roguery.
    2) Yeah, the word of a rogue is [i]so[/i] reliable. Somehow I don't think Mo9P is going to delete after this round. We'll see.
    3) The slots that do rightfully belong to AI. They were justifiably angy at being told to pound sand when they complained to Umbrella about it. Moreover, it has been stated in this thread that the nations that took the slots acted on their own accord. That may or may not be true, If it is true, it does not change the fact that AI was justified in taking offense when Umbrella refused to exercise common courtesy in resolving the infringement. However, if BIBO is official Umbrella policy, then it can be reasonably asserted that Umbrella leadership tacitly endorsed and condoned the infringement on AI's prerogatives by virtue of creating/maintaining/enforcing said policy. It is pretty tough to avoid liability in that case and Umbrellan efforts to do so are completely disingenuous.
    4) True enough and it would seem that Umbrella intentionally gave them a reasonable CB. If their position is that it was not intentional, then the simple lack of courtesy in cooperating with AI is a valid reason in and of itself. Could AI have passed on the opportunity to go to war? Certainly. Were they justified in taking advantage of the opportunity? Certainly.

    Bottom line is that Umbrella gave AI an opening and they took it. On its face, the CB is valid. Now let's just have fun watching the GRL climb to new heights.

  6. In all honesty, the GOONS nations I have fought in the past were competent and I will not disparage their efforts. But I am disappointed that I was frozen out of the Kaskus conflict and now am left sitting with no wars, while those around me increase their casualites. I know you don't owe me any favors, but if you would please declare on us I would be greatly appreciative.

  7. It is really pretty simple:

    Fark lost and admitted defeat. FAN lost and did not admit defeat.

    The analogy with FAN is like with a guy who picks a bar fight, gets pummeled into the ground, has his ribs kicked in, his teeth knocked out, his jaw broken, and his nose crushed, but who refuses to say "uncle". At some point the fun of beating the living !@#$ out of him fades and you walk away, leaving him prostrate on the floor and in need of urgent medical care. The poor, incapacitated slob may require months of hospitalization, but he can hold his head high and state truthfully that he didn't admit defeat.

    So it is with FAN.

    Congratulations, you purveyors of quality gun pron. :P

  8. [s]Our RED TEAM 3 Bonus Resource Trade Circle include Uranium and is looking for a replacement Pigs/Water nation. You will need to be on the RED TEAM in order to join.

    If you are interested in joining a solid circle, please PM me at [url="http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=283180"]MomoLand[/url][/s]

    Damn it, I hate flakes. Another of our Circle members dropped out with no notice. This Circle originally started at an all-NPO trade set more than 2 years ago, but due to attrition, we were forced to bring in outside nations. One of the recent additions just randomly decided to drop Fish and add Lead, which makes no sense at all. Another (the sole remaining NPO nation other than myself) deleted yesterday. A third just dropped out with no notice. So I am pretty disgusted at this point. What does this all mean? It means that a Circle that was perfectly established a week ago now has only 3 dependable members and I am getting damn tired of being the facilitator that finds and brings in new nations when a member flakes, deletes, etc. /END RANT

    So what does this mean? This has been a 3BR (Construction / Fast Food / Beer) circle since its inception. I want to keep Uranium as the wild card, instead of Gems/Gold/Wine/Furs/Silver. So this is how the Circle looks at the moment:

    Cattle: MomoLand
    Spices: MomoLand
    Marble: Greyhawk
    Sugar: Greyhawk
    Iron: New Texas Republic
    Wheat: New Texas Republic
    Pigs: Newcastle
    Water: Newcastle

    Fish: ???
    Uranium: ???
    Lumber: ???
    Aluminum: ???

    So we need 2 more nations to fill out the dance card. The only demand I make is that you be willing to join for the long term and that you give the same courtesy to your trading partners that you would want to receive in return.

    If you are interested, please post here, or PM me at MomoLand

    Thanks for your time.

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