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Posts posted by Trigon

  1. You're claiming that everything I said was invalid and providing not even a sentence in reference to my other points, let alone proof. Now you combine those in calling me a pathological liar. Yay, ad homenim?

    Why should I have to provide any reference to any of your other points? You don't seem to understand how credibility works. See, you have none at this point, because I've proven everything you said before your previous post unequivocally wrong. Thus, your credibility (except amongst those would believe you if you told them the sky is green) is zero. Thus, I no longer have to waste my time pointing out every logical fallacy, every flaw and every outright fabrication that you make, because any logical reader at this point would be willing to assume that everything you say (based on your history of inaccuracy) is, in one way or another, invalid. This is what you don't seem to understand.

    You claimed you anarchied me, when you have not. You can not provide substantial evidence that you did, I can provide substantial evidence that you didn't.

    You've outright fabricated quotes that you claim were made by me.

    You've said "Oh, stuff is going to happen in a month" practically every month since you've started saying anything at all.

    You lie on a consistent, easily identifiable basis. Thus, once again, you have no credibility.

    Tell me that in 1 month. :P Do it directly after checking NPO's stats from now and one month after today.

    Okay, just like I was supposed to tell Electron Sponge that in one month two months ago? You're like those 1800s Doomsday guys. "The world will end next year!" The next year comes, the world doesn't end, so they say it again: "The world will end next year!" Wash, rinse, repeat. All you people do is talk and, in an easy-to-recognize and consistent pattern, fail to deliver.

    Besides that, I'm not in Vox. This should be a simple concept.

    You might as well be. You have your head far enough up Cruise Missile Sponge's.... philosophy.

  2. Thank you for ignoring all of my points.

    I honestly give up in attempting to explain things to you. =_='

    Have fun, see you at update, etcetera etcetera.

    If you made any valid ones, they wouldn't be ignored. Everything you say is utter fabrication. If you call constant, near-pathological, lying every time you say something "explaining things," I'd hate to see what you actually consider a lie.

    Vox Populie: Waging a PR war through forum trolling, BS, attacking 3 week old nations and wasting nukes. It's sad that some people actually think you're winning something.

  3. I have to hand it to you, J-money. You're really good at making crap up. But the fact that you obviously have no idea how the mechanics of the game work just dissolves any potential credibility (except within your little circle of loyal buddies) you may have gained.

    "Your nation was attacked with a nuclear weapon on 4/20/2009 12:09:55 AM. This will have a devastating effect on your population happiness and economy until 4/25/2009.

    Your nation's defenses were considerably depleted on 4/20/2009. As a result of your recent lack of defending security forces riots have sparked up within your nation and have thrown your government into Anarchy. The riots are expected to last until 4/23/2009 regardless of any action that you attempt to take. You will not be able to change your government until these riots end."

    Dropping my soldier count below 20% does nothing. It's all about odds, and even when I was at 500 NS and you were at over 4000, you couldn't manage to get 95/5 on me. That's what causes anarchy. Nice try, though.

    tl;dr: Jofna is clueless.

  4. Once again, you get emotional and go off on a tangent. All I'm saying is this: Where's my ZI? And what's this "we" crap?

    You just sat there, mouthbreathing and chuckling while someone else did all the work. When I declared on you, you had more money than I've ever had at a single time, then you blew it all as soon as I declared, yet you berate me for doing the same thing. You and your cronies are the biggest hypocrites I've ever seen. But just to humor you, I will destroy each and every one of you points, one by one:

    1. I haven't had 5 Gcamps or any barracks for more than one and a half days. Before that, it was a foreign ministry and 3 camps. You on the other hand had 5 camps and 5 barracks combined with a foreign ministry. Of which, you got as many soldiers and as much money from NPO as you wanted.

    The only difference between your funding and mine is that you have to scam yours and I have to request mine. We still get about the same amount in about the same amount of time. Point nullified.

    2. The one defeat alert I did have for you, well I guess the message was just magically deleted. :rolleyes: Couldn't get it from sent messages, just gone. Wonder why you deleted it and all that days attacks. Oh I wonder why. Maybe because you didn't want them getting onto the OWRP. Heh, maybe.

    The ZERO defeat alerts you did have for me. Screenshot of every attack since the first nuke:


    Point nullified.

    3. You started with 5k soldiers and 2340 NS. At 4200 NS, I still cannot buy 5k soldiers, even maxed out. This means that even at the start when YOU DECLARED ON ME, I have never had more soldiers (or a higher efficiency) than you did at the start of our war. You're knocked down to 500 NS because we put you there.

    Whining about superior tactics. No point. You didn't put me anywhere, three months of work and tens of millions of dollars put me in to a nuclear anarchy because you couldn't muster a real one, and still can't. Point nullified.

    4. Bad Juju and I make up 2 people. He's being attacked by 6 and I by 5. That makes 11v2. :P You're complaining about us teaming on you when it's ELEVEN AGAINST TWO? Really? Trigon, you classyclassy man. :P

    Lacking the numbers to wage a proper war, eh? Not my fault. Point nullified.

    5. You didn't do any of the anarchying your self, you have yet to attack me today or I believe yesterday, though I'd have to check to make sure. You might have, but if you did they failed.

    I participated in the attacks that resulted in your anarchy. Though you didn't do any work toward my current anarchy, yet you keep saying "we" did it. Hypocrisy again. Point nullified.

    6. It was just shy of 70 infra and 280 NS. You recieved 3mil and spent virtually all of it. Nice try though.

    It's good to know you're obsessive enough to keep track of every possible statistic about my nation. I had to estimate. Thanks for letting everyone know how infatuated you are with me.

    So yeah, see you at update, pal. As will the rest of the onslaught of alliances attacking Pacifica- at update.

    I'm so scared.

  5. It's a good idea to keep your words small and sweet as you never know when you're going to have to eat them.

    You should tell Jofna that. Let's ask him how long he kept me at ZI, hm?

    Hey Jofna! You promised to make me rot at ZI for as long as possible, even when you claim you've never been ZIed because you cried and rerolled on the day you were on your old nation, yet you couldn't even offer up a defeat alert. Where's my ZI, tough guy? Still waiting for it. I don't see it around here anywhere. It's not on the forums, is it? No, can't be... Where did it go, then? Well, if you find it, you know where I am.

  6. Hey, a forum PM from Jofna. This is cute:

    First of all you can't attack OUR friends and expect to be just fine. It doesn't work that way. You got nuked, and destroyed. Its recorded in a forum topic I made. =D Now everyone knows that you fail. Sweet of me huh?

    I hope you like Zi, because that's where i'm going to make you rot for as long as possible.


    Mm... indeed. Considering two nations, one 4200 and a 2300 NS nuke rogue, both with 5 GCs and some barracks, couldn't muster up one single defeat alert after the nuking on me. Even after I was left at 500 NS after the two nukes, and with under $10,000 and no free aid slots for almost three days. Even when they worked together with airstrikes, CMs and ground attacks. Even after myself and my allies had BOTH OF THEM anarchied (and still do - go look). It's no wonder you guys have to "play on the forums" and not in the real game, since it's obvious how phenomenally you fail at it.

    I got a good laugh out of this whole nuke thing, but in the end, J-money here and his nuclear fanboy only got me to just shy of 130 infra and 500 NS. Now it's time to have some fun with them.

    See you two at update.

  7. I do enjoy how Trigon always ignores any logical retorts to his posts and rather chooses to focus on quick, unintelligent remarks that often have little to do with the subject at hand. Oh how I enjoy that.

    I do enjoy how you guys criticize our strategy, yet your nuclear homeboy over there nuked me two days in a row, instead of nuking me on day one and day 5. Now I get to enjoy six days of lawlessness instead of a ten days. I'm more than willing to release this tactical tidbit to you just to know that you'll be using MY strategies next time you employ your neigh useless weapons. Bravo, brilliant tacticians of FAN and Vox. Bravo. Thanks for letting me get back into the fight sooner.

    I also like how people around here jump to the support of FAN and Vox, arguing that they're fighting some kind of "PR War." If you consider trolling the forums and ganging up on three-week old nations with no improvements a winning PR strategy, it's pretty easy to see where your bias (and your level of intelligence) lies. I especially enjoy the one guy who "looked at my improvements" and made these smart, witty comments. Go take a look at Jofna's improvements, chief, tell us all what you think of them.

    Maybe for kicks, I'll post Jofna's PMs to me from his old nation. I save them all and they've been circulating around as a running joke. Everyone especially loves how he decided to quit and reroll after I anarchied him a day after he ran his big mouth. :P I've fought respectable, interesting and fun opponents before, even in Vox (I will always give some props to MegaAros for being one of the more civil ones), but people like Jofna who get so emotional over this stuff are no fun at all.

    Oh, well. At least I can count on the forums for some entertainment while I enjoy my nuclear vacation.

  8. To: Trigon From: Bad JuJu Date: 4/19/2009 12:10:26 AM

    Subject: Nuclear Attack

    Message: Your nation has been attacked with nuclear weapons by Bad JuJu. You lost 0 soldiers, 0 defending tanks, 0 cruise missiles, 12.067 miles of land, 2.100 technology, 152.010 infrastructure, 75% of your aircraft, and 25% of your nuclear vulnerable navy force. In addition to these losses your nation will experience many days of economic devastation.

    So, was it worth scamming 60 million+ to do $500,000 in damage? At least I get a cool little "Nuke Survivor" badge in the NPO forums now. See you in another three months, I guess?

    P.S., the Order thanks Vox Populi for its tech.

  9. Excuse me? I blocked you because of your incessant and annoying bragging as well as one of your "borderline" flame messages. I never sent you anything dirty and if you think I did then you can cry to the moderators, not me. :) But it's good to see I get under your skin by pressing a button that blocks you.

    Besides that, it was done long ago. I think I should keep it there now so that whatever messages you have to post come directly into a public forum, where others can read and enjoy your comments. :)

    It doesn't matter what you claim I sent you or you claim you didn't send me, but it's cute to see you avoiding the actual point: That you said I PMed you excuses, when in fact, you have my PMs blocked. Just another bit of information in the mile-high stack of it that all Vox is good at is making things up.

    If you'll excuse me, I have better things to do than watch you dodge facts. See you at update, little Jay.

  10. Roflz.

    yes i is a 3d gader fwum gwade schoo. pwease gimme cookiez.

    The example was an analogy of how I tended to think of it every time you PM'd the same lame $@! excuses every time you lost a battle. :)

    I can't PM you excuses because you sent me dirty messages and hid behind a PM block, remember?

    Here's your invalidation right here:


  11. We've got ourselves a regular Julius Caesar on our hands here folks. Napoleon better hold on to his tiny little hat. Eisenhower? A hack. Trigon's in the house.

    My suggestion to you is, if you're looking for a challenge how about you get back up to the level of infrastructure it took to buy all those improvements and fight some battles against those nations? You aren't proving anything except that you have the ability to sell infrastructure and accept foreign aid. Without 10 soldier related improvements and a steady stream of aid to buy more soldiers you'd get eaten for breakfast down in the mud with us.

    People like Trigon prove the points we're making here everyday. They are the true face of NPO, the face that their worthless emperor and incompetent command staff fear will become plain to the general public. I'm glad to see him posting.

    If I want a challenge, I have plenty I can go outside and face in the Real World. I'm here to have fun, and I find it fun to swing around the resources I have available to me and annoy you guys a little bit in the process. If it weren't for me, all you guys would be doing is attacking new nations, scamming aid and whining on the forums about what you're going to do someday. At least now you get a real opponent.

  12. If you're thumping your chest about your ability to pound Vox Populi nations into the ground, you probably don't "get" Vox Populi and it's probably best for your alliance that you keep your activities to the game and off the forums lest people think still less of your alliance. :v:

    Yes, because god forbid the someone in the NPO does something someone doesn't like.

    If they get to thump their chests about their ability to stomp 3 week old nations in to the ground, I reserve my right to thump mine about stomping them in to the ground and will gladly exercise it to the fullest extent possible.

    Edit: Hey, as long as you acknowledge that Jofna is a 3rd grader, sponge-o, I won't contest the validity of your analogy.

  13. Trigon is a running joke amongst the Vox Populi crowd.

    Edit: See above for why.

    I'm glad that you think it's amusing that I can constantly take on up to three of you at a time and have yet to taste anarchy in six months of warfare. If laughing is how you cope with defeat, so be it.

  14. So we should just let them run us off or keep us flattened, never fighting back in any way? That's not going to happen. There's a real cause and effect thing here, people wouldn't re-roll and hide their true identity if others weren't forcing them to do so (at least not on the grand scale that we see now). If I am takling your point correctly, what you're suggesting is that we should sit still so we can be more easily thumped.

    You ever watch a cat play with a mouse, spongey? The cat is bigger and has an obvious advantage. The cat could just snap the mouse's neck. But it doesn't. It traps the mouse and wounds it. Lets it squirm. Then it lifts its paws and lets the mouse run away. Why does the mouse try to run away? It thinks it has a chance to escape, it thinks it has suddenly gained an advantage because those huge paws are no longer holding it down. But the cat is right there to trap it again. Why does the cat do this?

    Because it's fun.

  15. You have been attacked by Trigon. You lost 717 soldiers and 72 tanks. You killed 677 soldiers and 29 tanks. Their forces razed 5.037 miles of your land, destroyed 0.665 technology, and destroyed 11.196 infrastructure. Their forces destroyed $563,816.22 of your money and you gained $0.00 in your enemy's abandoned equipment. In the end the battle was a Defeat. Any existing peace offers that were on the table have been automatically canceled.

    You have been attacked by Trigon. You lost 374 soldiers and 24 tanks. You killed 1,094 soldiers and 80 tanks. Their forces razed 4.834 miles of your land, destroyed 0.631 technology, and destroyed 10.745 infrastructure. Their forces destroyed $1,000,000.00 of your money and you gained $0.00 in your enemy's abandoned equipment. In the end the battle was a Defeat. Any existing peace offers that were on the table have been automatically canceled.

    Watchugonnado wit all that money?

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