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Posts posted by rage2132

  1. To TWD Council:

    Since I could not find contact information for private channels, I will post this here (IE PRIVATE CHAN FOR THE WIN! taken care of)


    Upon surrendering I was given terms in that:

    a) Decom all military but min., aircraft, nukes, and cruise

    B) Remove AA

    c) Post Resignation

    I immediately acknowledged these terms, done as required, confirmed that these terms were met, and posted my resignation from [M].

    Two days later I receive a message from Prodigy demanding I become a TWD POW or be threatend with perma ZI. I received a final warning today prior to be being placed on TWD perma zi list.

    I resigned from the war in regards to the whole Justice League and combatants, not just TWD. Our alliance has also disbanded and I wish to enter a neutral alliance due to war fatigue (as I have been part of every battle since GWII) and will not become a PoW. I beleive this to be an oversight by TWD and would like to be contacted in regards to this situation.


    1. Met terms

    2. Resigned from war, removed AA, and genmay disbanded.

    3. Sent demand of POW status by TWD though it was a resign from the war and the combatants including NpO, BoTS, TWD, and SOUL.

    4. Will not become PoW as it was not required and I am no longer a threat.

  2. As a recently surrendered person of [M], I wanted to put in my 2 cents as an adviser to the government and former minister of banking and aids.

    I hope we come back and can create more fun in the CN world. Heck, we assisted in the massive fun of the largest war EVAR :).

    Personally, I think both sides were in the wrong for various actions but in the end all was fun. I must say, however, that I have worked in the medical community creating camps for children with a disease in question during the cease fire, and I find it truly disgusting.

    I hope M comes back and happy to come back! <3 you guys and <3 Bunchies.

  3. I find this very peculiar.


    TimStarPro, founder of the BoTS alliance, agrees to the terms given and submits his peace to end the war between our nations very graciously.

    To: rage2132 From: Timstarpro 9/9/2007 3:37:03 PM Subject: Peace Offer

    A peace offer has been submitted by Timstarpro to end the bloodshed between your nations. As soon as both nations propose peace, the war will end.

    I guess ES wishes to pursue his vendetta's that we though were resolved in private.

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