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Posts posted by Remlin

  1. *blinks*

    People are still posting in this days after I've already retired from the game? Wow.

    After thinking about it, I guess the main reason I did what I did is because I've been mostly retired since I came back to CN anyways, and had strongly been considering fully retiring and just hanging out on IRC anyways. It was nothing personal towards Mushroom Kingdom or anyone in it. I still have friends in MK that I talk to regularly. I've told them all my reasoning and they're all understanding of it.

    I really only checked my nation every 4 or 5 days as it was.

    So everyone just relax, I'm retired now. :)

    Peace all.

  2. Thank you Cat.

    Yes, I know I messed up badly, I know I can make blockheaded decisions sometimes, and I have been kicking myself ever since I made that mistake.

    I'm human, just like everyone else here. I make mistakes. I know I made one. I know I should have waited and thought things through better.

    I sincerely apologize not only to Mushroom Kingdom, but to everyone in Mushroom Kingdom personally, and want them to know how bad I feel about it.

    I made an error, I admit it, I apologize for it, and I've learned a lesson from it. I know I made some people mad, and that they have every right to be mad about it, and all I can really do know is give them my apology.

    But to judge my character and say I'm a bad person, over ONE mistake I make, in a game no less. I don't know what to say to that.

    I've said and done all I really can, what else can I do?

    If any of you have any more to say about it, go ahead. I know some people like to blow off steam, and some like to troll. But I'm not going to subject myself to it anymore. I just wanted to acklowledge Cat and thank him for his understanding.


  3. For the record, as I am certain the majority of you have already figured out, I only dislike the NPO In Character.

    As far as I'm concerned OOC, I'm sure the members of NPO are good people, and I have no qualms or ill-will towards anyone in the NPO personally.

    I've no intention of applying for membership in the NPO, but I thought I'd clarify.

    Also, this will be my last post in this thread, so people who like to troll can go right on ahead, I won't be paying it any mind at all. You'll pretty much be talking just to hear yourself talk. :P

    A great day to you all. :)

  4. I know I didn't think things through. It was getting late when I signed on, after being real busy with RL for 3 days helping deal with my grandma whose mind is nearly almost gone from Alzheimers. I was tired in shock at what I saw, and just plain didn't think straight. I really do feel bad about it, and felt even worse about having to bow out.

    I did try to put up some fight though, as much as I could manage to muster. I honestly don't know why I didn't think to ask for aid or help. I really don't. I guess it comes down to just being tired, shocked, and human. I made a mistake that I regret.

    I don't know what else I can say except that I really am sorry and hope you can understand. :(

  5. My Apology to the Mushroom Kingdom

    I am very sorry for resigning from the war. I by no means meant to leave my friends and comrades hanging. It broke my heart to be bill-locked, and broke it even more when I felt forced to surrender. I did not stop to consider that it was desertion, and I realize that all now. Nor did I stop to think that I should have asked for aid to get out of bill lock. I should have known better, but I had a bad lapse in judgement that I promise will never happen again. I have learned my lesson, a lesson which I will never forget, and that I thank my good friends in Mushroom Kingdom for teaching me in their wisdom. They are very wise indeed.

    Mushroom Kingdom is the greatest alliance I have ever been in. I was very proud to be accepted into such a great alliance, and even prouder to be a part of such a great community of people. This great pride of mine was broken and shattered when in my moment of weakness, I hurt this great, great community of people who had accepted me, not only as a friend, but as one of their very own. I only hope that these great and proud people can find it in their hearts to forgive me for the pain that I surely have caused them. I let you, my friends and comrades, down, and for that, I offer my sincerest and most heart-felt apology.

    I had forgotten how tough it is to be such a small nation when I came back to CyberNations. I had also forgotten about all my friends who would have helped me get out of bill-lock had I only took a few moments to stop and think and remember that all I had to do was contact those friends to let them know what a dire situation I was in. Instead, I forgot all this, and felt like I was all alone without any help of any sort. I, for the time being, felt like I could no longer have been of any help at all to my friends and alliance, being completely broke and bill-locked, and that somehow it would be in my, and the Great Mushroom Kingdom’s, best interest to bow out for the rest of the war, as humiliating as it felt to surrender. In doing so, I not only hurt my own pride, but the pride of all my friends and comrades, and of the honorable Mushroom Kingdom. For that, again, I am greatly and truly sorry.

    I, Remlin, do hereby renounce my surrender to NADC, and the dishonorable, dispacable, NPO, who I myself have always, ALWAYS loathed and despised. Though it is, very regrettably, too late to go back on my promise not to re-enter the war, since I am a man of my word, I wish my friends and comrades, and the fair and just and honorable nations of the Mushroom Kingdom the very, very, very best of luck in this war. I hope you make NADC sorry they ever chose a fight with the Mushroom Kingdom, and that you wipe the !@#$-smeared floor with the mouth of every single, rotten member of the NPO. Show them their place. Show them that they are not, nor have they ever been, all that. I know, and have always known that. You know, and have always known that. Now it’s NPO’s time to finally learn that fact of life, the hard way!

    Not in my very wildest dreams did I, at the time, when I was mistakenly feeling tiny, devastated, destroyed, insignificant, worthless, useless, and left all alone to fend for myself, realize that bowing out of the remainder of the war, meant resigning from Mushroom Kingdom and leaving all the friends that I have made. Had I had realized that at the time, I would have never, ever thought of uttering those disgraceful words for even a fraction of a second. How I wish I can take them back. But I cannot. Curse my foolish blunder! Curse my errant way! If I could go back in time and fix what I have done, I would do so in a very instant, in a heartbeat! Where is Doc Brown when you need him?

    Epiphanus, Potato, I just want you to know that I still am very grateful that you invited my to join you in Mushroom Kingdom. It was, and still is, my great honor to serve beside you two, two of my longest-time friends in CyberNations. It is my dearest hope that I did not let you two down in my moment of weakness. I hope that you will not only accept me back as your friend, but as a member of your great and wonderful alliance. I promise I will not make the same lapse of judgement again. You have my word not only as your friend, but as a gentleman and a man of honor.

    To the Mushroom Kingdom government, I also offer my sincerest and utmost apology. You were magnanimous enough to let me into your alliance and to let me serve beside you, and I ashamedly let you down. I am only human, and am prone to making foolish mistakes every once in awhile. While that isn’t a very good excuse, I do hope you can forgive me for my mistake and give me a second chance to prove myself to you. You have my solemn word that if you give me this second chance, that not only will I not let you down again, but that I will be more active in the forum, and that I will remember next time that help is available to me if I ask for it. I know now that I am not, nor was I ever, left alone to fend for myself in bill-lock. That the benevolent and magnanimous Mushroom Kingdom would never even think of doing such a thing to one of it’s members.

    Again, I humbly come before the Mushroom Kingdom, it’s leadership, my friends, my comrades, and the great, honorable, and proud nations that serve it, and humbly ask for forgiveness and understanding, and for a second chance to prove myself. I have let you down, and by most rights do not deserve this second chance, however weak and alone and humiliated and lowly I may feel and had felt. Despite this, I know that the Mushroom Kingdom isn’t like other alliances. The Mushroom Kingdom prides itself on being above the coldness and heartlessness and unforgivingness that most other alliances exhibit. Because of this fact, I have come before you so that you can show this to the CyberNations world, that you are indeed a better alliance than they are. That you don’t just talk the talk, but that you have always walked the walk. In the name of Allarchon, can you forgive me?

  6. No, you originally bombed us and said to send peace to our tech raid targets, which was a deal we were glad to accept. You then bombed the hell out of us for the next few hours. We sent another round of peace offers, and again were attacked. After we retaliated, you started demanding the $12 million and 200 tech.

    And now you're trying to get us to stop posting on these forums and send tech to every person whose attacked us. But, unfortunately, we don't have the resources to pay up BECAUSE YOU ALREADY TOOK IT ALL!

    EDIT: Plus, even if we pay up, how could we ever think that you would hold up your end? We've had a cease fire for hours now and I'm still being attacked as I write this.

    I did not attack anybody, and again I had given the order to ceasefire. I apologzie again for some people's lack of obedience.

    Please pm me who, and I will approach them.

  7. I had given the order to not attack any more during negotiations. I apologize for some people not being very good listeners.

    If you meant 'offer peace', we will gladly offer peace once negotiations are settled. But if you mean someone is literally still sending cms and soldiers your way, please pm who they are, and I'll gladly approach them about it.

  8. Those reparations are moot now. We have offered far more lienient peace terms as early back as yesterday evening. They don't involve any money and they are free to tech raid whoever they want except ASC nations.

    We even offered a ceasefire during negotiations, and I'm doing my darnest to make sure ASC nations honor it.

  9. That conversation was strictly between friends and was meant to be ooc. and represented my own personal thoughts and opinions, and was not the opinions or policies of the ASC. If they were, I would have said so in the convo.

    To post an ooc convo that was expressly meant between two friends was a violation of trust.

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