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Panic King

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Posts posted by Panic King

  1. All I have been reading is a bunch of whining from every alliance but they don't have the balls to do anything about anything. Grow up.  If you all have a problem then join in on the fun and  


    let's do this !@#$.  The sooner my nation is destroyed the sooner i can quit this game.  However, all you will do is quote a message on here and complain then sit back and be !@#$%*es.

    If you really want to quit this world, you can sell down to my level and I'll give you a go...   I'll even drop AA affiliation so we could do this mano-a-mano.

  2. A clash? What is that even supposed to mean? Why are you fighting them? Because they're there? I have no dog in this fight, and I truly do not care about Pax Corvus at all. But I am not going to drink your piss and praise the vintage. As ever, I will call a spade a spade. You fellows over at DBDC are simply bored, and you get your kicks from kicking around those who are weaker than you and realistically have no chance of hurting you. Oh, you can ramble all you want about how this is an even fight, but I know better. If it comes to it, you always have TOP and IRON and whoever else is licking your boots these days to come through for you. You simply can't be touched, so you strut around as the imperious hooligans that you are and act as if it some sort of impressive feat. Well, bucko, it ain't. Impetuous children such as yourselves have always masqueraded as respectable alliances, but in the past most of us had the good sense (and the ability) to quickly send you back to your corner. These days those with the power are your buddies, and are either indifferent to or amused by your antics.


    You may say you want a more dynamic world with greater conflict, and your friends may echo that. But your actions speak louder than your words. What have you done to create conflict? What have you done to challenge the power structure? Nothing. You joined the power structure, and you brought into it anyone who might have been able to oppose it. Those you attack do not have the capability to hurt you. It is a one-sided smack down. There is nothing bold about it. So say whatever you will about your actions, and color me unimpressed.

    Never ever thought I would say this ... it's been a long time since I agreed with RV but I thinks he makes sense..  

  3. The anger at Polar was mostly because even after we cancelled on them both sides insisted that we were still friends, we'd have their backs and they'd have ours, treaty or not if something nonsensical happened, etc. Then to have them A-ok that absurd treaty chain felt like a dagger to the back for us.


    As for if Polar had anything to do with the peace deal I can assure you that it means absolutely nothing to us, in fact I don't get why they would have anything to do with it, they aren't engaged with TPF or us at all. Most of us are actually disappointed that the war is over as IRON is one of the alliances we dislike the most, and we feel pretty good in that we were keeping up in damage throughout the loss of our upper tier and we now have a good number of high tech nations dropping down to absolutely shred the middle tiers. Damage ratios were going to be shifting our way even more. That's before considering that three nations going from 10k infra to 8k infra costs a hell of a lot more than one nation going from 10k to 4k infra as well. Our damage numbers were even better when considering how much financial damage we did. 


    Polar resides alongside IRON on top of my "I want to roll them" list, and I think both of them have made their way up many people's lists with their conduct the past few months. I'm pretty sure that they have burned some bridges that can never be repaired, although I doubt they care. I look forward to the day when STA can march against NpO.

    You're part of the problem, not the solution.  None the less, thanks for putting this out there for all to see. ^_^

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