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Darth Elecian

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Posts posted by Darth Elecian

  1. Nice to know we still have our friends and enemies. My response to the haters:

    [url="http://demotivational.ca/haters-gonna-hate/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/haters.jpg"]My link[/url]


    Ave Legio!

    I look forward to a long and fruitful relation between our two alliances. :)

  2. [quote name='SiCkO' date='13 July 2010 - 07:56 PM' timestamp='1279047369' post='2369469']
    old image 1000x > new pip

    for sure
    This is ironic considering that once upon a time you said that we should create a new pip if we ever regained sanction. :P;)

    Also, as for my thoughts on the subject. It was a very hard decision between our old school pip and the current one that is on the OWF as both are sexy imo. Its not perfect as part of the laurels do cut off on the Imperator's coat of arms but as Banedon pointed out, if we downsized it the detail would've been lost.

    Also, I feel :wub: when our allies decide to sport our pip. Thanks for the support!

  3. Personally I like the name of this new MDP but I would like to have seen Pacifica's newer flag to have been used for this treaty. Oh well. Haters can go hate on and jump off a cliff, contrary to those that are still rocking their rocking chairs, it is not stockholm syndrome. I'm still proud to see the friendship between both our alliances formalized in a treaty. :)

    Ave Pacifica!
    Ave Legio!

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