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Posts posted by Apollo11

  1. Antarctic Alliance

    1 Tech sharing- all nations involved will take part in joint research for common goals as to be determined by the individual countries. This however does not mean that each nation shall simply be gifted with tech but will over time be helped by the other members to develop more advanced versions of technology that they already have or atleast have the ability to research

    2 Mutual Defense- optional Aggression Pact. The signatories agree to defend each other from aggressive action and/or invasion from foreign bodies. The group as a whole will vote to allow the joint force, officially named The Independent States Allied Forces and referred to in this document as the ISAF, to be authorized for aggressive action.

    3 Manufacturing- all nations will work to produce the necessary materials to help one another when possible as well as to arm ISAF to enforce our land and water policies.

    4 ISAF command, organization, and management-The Independent States Allied Forces will be split and organized into the following groups. The Antarctic Alliance Air Force, Antarctic Alliance Navy, and Antarctic Alliance Terrestrial Force ; referred to from now on as AAAF, AAN, and AATF respectively; shall be manned and operated by all signatories involved. Each signatory will provide weapons and personnel to serve in this joint force as possible due to each nations capabilities. The AAAF and AAN will be responsible for the policing and defense of the Antarctic region. This force will only be used in aggressive action should it be decided by 100% of the signatories.

    4A The AAAF and AATF will be comprised of an aerial division or battalion respectively under the command of a General from each signatory for operations concurrent with the AA's goals and objectives.

    4B The AAN will be comprised of a fleet under the command of an Admiral from each signatory for operations concurrent with the AA's goals and objectives.

    5 Participation- All signatories maintain their autonomy and reserve the right to cancel participation in this agreement at any time for any reason with given notice before hand. (ooc: 1 week) Any nation may become a signatory so long as it contains a valid claim on a piece of Antarctic ice/soil/whatever you want to call it and a majority vote of the signatories.

    Amendment 1: AACFC renamed to ISAF.

    Amendment 2: Paragnea has been added as a signatory

    Amendment 3: USB stricken from signatory due to political instability

    Amendment 4: Republic of Dranagg added as a signatory

    Signed for the Union Of Antarctica Grand Chairman Lalzar and Secretary of Diplomatic Affairs Ben Stine

    Republic of Dranagg

    Tahsir Re

    Elected Monarch of the Republic

    President Cabrera, Elected Leader of the U.R.P.R.

    Antiochus Epiphanus V, Sovereign of the Holy Empire

    *The president walked up to a podium for a news conferance. He looked very much older then just a few months ago before the war. He looks up from his notes and into the crowd of cameras and then clears his throat.*

    "The Antarctic Alliance (more commonly known simply as I.S.A.F.) has gone through some notable changes in these past few days. First was the adding of another signatory, The Republic of Dranagg, and the the destabilization and eventual loss of member state USB. The eventual war that ensued threaten to tear our great union apart. But we prevailed. I.S.A.F. has decided to use the former USB lands as the GHQ for operations, incorporating and expanding on the airfields and naval yards in order to service our military vehicles.

    As we speak structures are being erected to house and protect the equipment to ensure that we may begin construction. We have actively encourage that any former USB nationals return to their homes to once again live out their lives in peace. We can also offer plenty of economic opportunity's for the region to service the various I.S.A.F. bases that will be in it. However that is and always will be their prerogative to choose where to live.

    We also finished development on an intermediary measure to match other nations extended range due to railgun technology. Dubbed Combustion Light Gas Gun our weapon at its peak can fire a shell up to 120 miles away and will be guided by GPS controlled sabots on the shell. Although it is not a particularly great advancement we feel that it will help our policy of negotiation before war. It will be overseen for the replacement of the 5 inch and 16 inch naval batteries on our ships by the fellow nation of B.R.A. which brings me to my final announcement. B.R.A. will also be using our naval facilities to construct and maintain the I.S.A.F. naval forces. Which brings me to my final and most important announcement.

    U.R.P.R. will be going underground for the next 3 years (ooc: 3 months) due to internal conflicts and a need for expansion of our nation. As such we are setting up a No Fly in the borders of our nation. This No Fly will be enforced with automatic SAM and FLAK systems which will engage any and all aircraft detected by the automated radar network. We will also be ceding a bit of territory to the south due to the constraints of maintaining the defense grid. As of this moment, an iron curtain will fall around this nation. That is all."

    *he steps off the podium and leaves the room before the news crews are escorted to the airport to board their respective flights home.*

    (ooc: TL;DR I am leaving for boot camp [marines] so my nation is going to be inactive for 3 months, we lost an ally (using his land to hold meetings and stage attacks) and gained another, and our cannons are atleast a little better then regular powder using guns.)

  2. After celebrating Dr. Salvador went on to explain how most of the design for the gun's fuel storage and procurement system were already designed, tested, and proven in U.R.P.R. for fitting onto the ships of the fleet.

    The water would be drawn and purified from just sea water before being put through electrolysis and then put in a moderately sized holding tank which would take up about the size of one of the powder magazine in a gun turret. The gases would be stored at around 150-200psi before being pumped into the gun at a higher psi for the firing of the actual gun. As the tank was depleted of gas it would simply be refilled with water from the ocean. The overall system was already being retrofitted into the battleships at dock as well as being incorporated into the future hulls.

  3. Dr. Salvador kept his sack on his head as he revved up his chainsaw to cut away the piece for cross section analysis.

    'Rrrrrom nom nom nom arom ama nom nom nom keeeeeeeeeeshhhhaaaaa eeeeeeeeeeee'

    He put the metal cutaway on his snow mobile and road back to the lab.

    "Well it appears that the rounds work perfectly. They performed exactly as predicted with regular accuracy," he pointed to the entry holes as well as the cut aways, "and the incendiary agent combined with the kinetic for of the round on this type works just like the normal sized tank rounds. Now all we do is add the guidence system and upscale the size to mount on the 5 inch and 16 inch guns of the ships." he said happily

  4. Dr. Salvador got his sack back on his head. "Well we weren't exactly using high grade munitions were we, they were basically pieces of forged scrapped metal. I propose a depleted uranium round with a tungsten core." he typed in the projections. "It is a tried and true design and shouldn't be too much trouble to adapt. While we're at it how about adapting some HEI rounds for this as well."

  5. Dr. Salvador immediately began analyzing the barrel.

    "Well its obvious that the choice of materials isn't ideal. I suggest we move from sheet steel to pressed steel and see the results from that." There was a murmur of agreement.

    1 week later.

    The test still had the same results as the previous result. Dr. Salvador looked at the results with a thoughtful look on his head. He then reached down and got a burlap sack and then place it over his head.

    "What the hell are you doing Dr. Salvador?" Dr. Hoffman asked with disbelief.

    "It's my thinking sack." he said and then looked at his computer screen. "What if we use carbide steel with a carbon nanotube strengthening structure?" he said looking at Dr. Hoffman through a hole in the sack.

  6. "Perhaps it was the feeding pump..." proposed Dr. Braun. "It may not have had high enough compression."

    "No, that can't be it," Dr. Li interjected. "The problem was in the rear O-ring. Look, it's completely sheared. It seems there was a small leak which allowed the hydrogen to ignite prematurely, completely destroying the rear end of the cannon."

    "Ahah! That must be it, Li! Perhaps if we implemented a larger one we would be able to contain it properly."

    "Maybe. But it could also be due to the temperature causing it to shrivel and become brittle. We should make the O-ring out of nylon rather than rubber."

    "Or perhaps an integrated shaft?" Dr. Hoffman had been listening to their conversation and decided to speak up. "You know the old adage about the fewest moving parts. It would apply even to seals. With less parts seperate from the device, the less likely it is to fall apart like that."

    Dr. Salvador began drawing the schematics on his computer. "So here is what I have so far..." he piped up. "Going by calculations from the computer about the these drawings and the added information about the first prototype, I am giving a prediction of a 40% improvement in containment."

  7. With the USB fallen, the Saborian forces began to withdraw, all non-passenger planes travelling back to the Canary Islands. The soldiers and vehicles were flown back with the passenger planes.

    *Message to the URPR and other forces that participated in the Attack*

    We would like to know what you are planning to do with this territory.

    OOC: Are we able to expand suddenly by taking out enemies like that? If so, I have the perfect idea for its allocation.


    President Claudio called President Cabrera with an important proposition.

    "Good evening. This is about the recently vacated land from the USB. Perhaps we could requisition about 20 square miles of that land for the ISAF military training grounds? I'm sure Saboria wouldn't mind if we also gave them the remainder of the land."

    I propose that we use the entirety of the former USB as the ground for ISAF training and military headquarters. I am fully against any foreign colonization.

  8. *Top Secret*

    *In a lab on the border between B.R.A. and U.R.P.R.*

    Several scientists had gathered around a small cannon. Hooked up to it were several pumps and tanks and directly in front of it was a wall painted with stripes and a long block of ballistic jelly. As they cleared the room they watched from behind some safety glass as the gun pumped in hydrogen and oxygen into the containment and then hit the igniter. Much to their disappointment the rear end suffered a blow out and the gun was completely destroyed. They would have to redo the prototype.


  9. As the soldiers hear the bomb drop, they know it is the last time they will ever see anything again. They still fire, still shout and still hate everyone.

    The soldiers inside (OOC: I assume it would destroy at least some of it, but not completely, right?/OOC) take up positions, set up barricades, set traps and prepare for the inevitable slaughter. If they were going down, they were going down fighting.

    (ooc: please watch

    and THIS)
  10. "It has been 3 hours, and we have not surrendered. What happens now? Simple let me play it out for you. You fascist capitalists impose your will on us, we defend ourselves and you exterminate us, while I sit in my office, take this pistol in my hand, and use one bullet to kill myself. We have traps in every corridor, every room, every corner. Kick a door open, a machine gun on the other side of the door opens fire and kills the poor soul that kicked the door. Maybe a claymore on a corner, inside a room. Grenade tripwires in hallways, killing all near. We will not surrender, either kill none of us or kill us all! NO ALTERNATIVES! DIPLOMACY HAS FAILED AND SO SHALL YOU!"

    Your extremist ways shall be your undoing. If you will not surrender yourselves to a fare trial than we have no other choice then to eliminate you.

    *Message to allied forces*

    Requesting permission to drop a MOAB on the enemy.

    *End of*

    In the Canary Islands, a bomber-squadron took off, escorted by a squadron of fighters.

    *To Saboria*

    Drop the bomb. But we have operatives in the area please allow enough time for them to escape.

    *To all allies*

    We ask that you fall back immediately.

    As this is said the I.S.A.F. forces under U.R.P.R. had remained at the 20 mile mark as ordered. The only thing remaining was the group of 40 AH-1Z's that were engaging targets of opportunity.

  11. Radio transmission to allies:

    We have deployed our light vehicles to create chaos in the USB's position, please avoid air bombing the battle area.

    Cease fire, we're trying to get the enemy to surrender. Failure to comply will result in your removal from the theater, by force if necessary.

  12. The response from allied forces to the unjust government was one of action. The bombers had come back fresh from rearmament dropped their GPS guided payload on the remnant forces in Hojiiden. As the V-22s flew overhead the marines parachuted out or stormed out of the landed aircraft. The combined force finally reached the outskirts of the city and quickly infiltrated most of the western side and began to encroach on the capitol building. The end of this facist regime was at hand.

  13. *Back at the U.R.P.R. Airfield*

    One company(30) of men will be in a V-22 en route to Hojiiden. The force is now taking off and flying low to the ground to avoid detection.

    Meanwhile, 1st regiment and 1st and 2nd tank battalions have met up with the B.R.A. forces and is now continuing east to Hojiiden. The AH-1Z's have made it to Hojiiden after the AH-64's turned back and are beginning to attack concentrations of troops as well as clear large intersections.

  14. *Private to allied nations*

    All of the constructed (80) V-22's were called upon to deliver a force of 2400 marines into the capitol to assist in capturing and bringing the communist regime to justice. The force should be able to take off in 24 hours. Please move to secure as many open areas as possible to use as drop points for the insertion.

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