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the peaceful samurai

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Posts posted by the peaceful samurai

  1. I don't know if this is a roleplay or not, so I'm gonna assume not.

    I'd suggest that you reconsider attacking an IRON nation. You will not like the results if you do. I don't care if you're friends RL or not, we don't tolerate it.

    I will also be in contact with your alliance. If you won't listen to me, maybe you'll listen to them.

    well I was trying to roleplay this; let us settle this :huh:

  2. On 1-13-09 Weed City send 4500 troops and 500 vehicles to its borders next to Land of the ninjas now we can sit down and talk about this thank about what you are doing just thank

    Your aircraft and 30+ CMs hints acts of war since you built them during the first time our nations relations were strainded Im here for peace. Withdraw your forces from your borders limit your

    cms to no more than 2 cms and 5 aircrafts

    *while on land of the ninjas borders*

    forces have made camps while staying vigilant of the forces on the other side

    * soldier report* forces are relaxed and confident that nothing will happen and that the weed city forces will withdraw and meet the resonible demands

  3. On 1-13-09 land of the ninjas sends 3000 troops and 250 vehicles to its borders next to weed citys

    *private messenge to b town23*

    Remove weapons of mass destruction such as CMs and long range bombers. If you do not comply

    within 34hrs they will be removed by force

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