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Tyrant Lizard King

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Posts posted by Tyrant Lizard King

  1. Nation Ruler: Tyrant Lizard King

    Nation Link: Linky

    Resources: Coal and Rubber

    Which set and circle do you want to be in? Set III, Circle F

    Are there any specific wild card resources that you want?no

    Are you willing to have non-Maroon trade partners?not really unless everyone in the the trade circle goes that one colour, which i would be fine with.

  2. Im looking for an alliance to join but i am quite picky. I saw a topic posted by Ezequiel saying they can help people find an alliance that suites them and i PMed Ezequiel, but because of my pickyness i think i will post here aswell so you can all see what im after:

    (this is in the format that Ezequiel requests)

    My Nation: The Mighty Boosh

    My Ruler: Tyrant Lizard King

    [just so you know my nation may be only a couple of days old but i have had a few past nations and alliances]

    My Perfect Alliance's Color: Doesnt matter as long as they can get me trades, if not i have trades on brown right now.

    My Perfect Alliance's Age: not extremely old, an alliance with too much history i have to either read up on or be ignorant of, and people will most likely discriminate against me (not necessarily negatively) because of an image the alliance has built up before i have had any part in shaping that reputation.

    My Perfect Alliance's Government Type: i dont mind as long there are not any permanent or self appointed positions in the alliance government. Everyone in government should either be periodically voted in or periodically chosen for their merit by other government members.

    My Perfect Alliance's Total Strength: as long as its enough to protect me from tech raiders, and rouge players/alliances, i dont mind.

    Alliance's I am interested in: i dont know...

    Alliance's I am NOT interested in: i dont know...

    My Perfect Alliance Has: A good sense of humour and a relaxed atmosphere, a policy to never punish anyone with eternal zi, is a tight knit community that values quality of members over quantity, no members are forgotten, no members are inactive or left in a permanent state of low nation strength, all members have a say in the way things are run and there are no inactive uneducated 'noobs'. There do not need to be a lot of members and i dont want an alliance that simply strives to have as many members as they can.

    And there you have it. What i have said here is of course what my 'perfect' alliance would be like and im willing to let a few of my requirements slide if your alliance is cool B).

  3. Yesterday my nation was declared war on by another nation, for a reason that i do not yet understand. I am a member of a small not very organised (yet) alliance called Ascension, but if it makes any difference to you that we are small and unorganised you may also want to know that we have a treaty with UPN that clearly states 'Ascension is afforded full protection from aggression by UPN'.

    Anyway not only was i declared on but this nation has sent 2 ground battles, 4 escorted bombing raids, and 3 cruise missles my way, and as a result my nation is currently in a state of Anarchy. Apart from posting this the only action i have taken so far is to send whoever attacked me the following message:

    "what the f*ck man? you do realise im in an alliance that has a protectorate from UPN. wtf are you doing?"

    and pay some bills,

    and post on my own alliances forum.

    This is the reply i recieved from my attacker:

    " I really don't care. Prepare to lose. "

    All i want is peace and maybe a few reperations (not much) and a 'sorry i wont do it again'. I am assuming of coarse that attacking aligned nations is against the rules of your alliance (i could be wrong as i have not looked it up). Anyway tell me weither i can get what i want or if i have insulted your alliance and am being unreasonable.


    It may not be very wise to post all this on the public forums (before i have even got any feedback) but im doing it anyone because it is quick and easy and i do not have irc working currently, and dont want to make an account on your forums.

    By the way i have screenshots but i didnt think they would be necassary.

  4. Join now! we have start up aid, and announcements, and forgien embassys and a spamming forum and a flag, and treaty (soon to be treatys) and good advice to get you on your feet... almost as if we are a real alliance!!

    PS. we may be looking for more members to fufil government positions soon. hint hint ;)

  5. one thing you could do would be to change your alliance affiliation from none to somthing random that nobody else has. that way when recruiters search for people with alliance 'none' they will not find you. another thing you could do would to put in your nation bio 'please dont send recruitment messages to me' or sumtin, similar to a no circulars please on you letter box.

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