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Posts posted by Mason

  1. [quote name='ControlVolume' timestamp='1313181800' post='2778792']
    Do you also go into a convenience store and loudly announce how you haven't shopped there for several months, and how you remember old products from back in the day?

    No, but you often do at a reunion. This would be closer equated to that, don't you think? Here's a former player saying hello to see if anyone still posts that remembers him and possibly reconnect with some people? Are you the town drunk that blabbers on about nothing and tries to make a scene every time someone tries to be pleasant? Just curious. :rolleyes:

    Welcome back, Nestea.

  2. I didn't know him, nor do I know the circumstances surrounding his early departure. But, this is news that makes my heart sink. I've probably read three or four of these now in my time in CN. Each time as painful as the one before. Makes you realize that life is fragile and no one is promised tomorrow. Do your best to be someone that others will respect and mourn should your day come unexpected. There is no greater tribute.

    RIP Dingo. God speed.

  3. [center][b]"A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on."[/b]
    [i]-John F. Kennedy[/i]


    [b]"The only true basis of enduring peace is the willing cooperation of free peoples in a world in which, relieved of the menace of aggression, all may enjoy economic and social security;

    "It is our intention to work together, and with other free peoples, both in war and peace, to this end."[/b] [i]- Declaration of the Global United Nations[/i]

    [b][url="http://globalunitednations.com/"][color="#008000"]globalunitednations.com[/color][/url] | [color="#008000"]#gun on coldfront irc[/color][/b][/center]

    Most quality alliances offer several basic incentives to new members such as aid, guides, and protection. These are things GUN offers as well, but we would like to talk to you about what you can get out of your experience as a member of GUN that is hard to find in other places.

    [color="#008000"][b][u] Accelerated Growth Program[/u][/b][/color]

    [spoiler]The AGP is designed to allow us to help you build your new nation quickly and efficiently. Rather than constant recruitment, we will allow five new members at a time, under 4k nation strength, to join our ranks, after which we will focus on building your nation until you have reached 4k nation strength. Not only will you receive enough aid to make this happen, but we will guide you and ensure you are maximizing your benefits for quick nation growth.

    [i][color="#A0522D"]How is this different than other alliances that offer aid to new members?[/color][/i]

    Only a handful of alliances offer programs that really invest in your new nation and are willing to help you achieve quick nation growth. Many will offer seemingly large aid packages up front as enticement to join, and then leave you to figure out what to do on your own. In addition, the aid bait you receive won't begin to match what we'll do for you.

    [i][color="#A0522D"]All I have to do is join?[/color][/i]

    We see our investment in you as an investment in our alliance. But, we also understand that there are those out there who sign up to alliances to take advantage of the aid and are never heard from again. That's not what GUN is about. As much as you need an alliance that is willing to look out for you, we need assurance that our resources aren't wasted. Our belief is that by recruiting in windows of small groups and taking time to focus on you and your nation's growth, we will also have the opportunity to get to know you, and you will realize that, in GUN, you're not just a number, but a valued member of the alliance. If, however, you decide to leave GUN within 2 months of receiving your final aid under the Accelerated Growth Program, you will be expected to pay back a portion of the aid you received.

    [color="#A0522D"][i]Sounds good, but do I have to go through an academy?[/i][/color]

    Read the next section![/spoiler]

    [color="#008000"][b][u]Guides and Certifications[/u][/b][/color]

    [spoiler]GUN offers a multi-level certification course for our members. All new members, under or over 4k nation strength, are required to complete the exam for the first two, Marksman and Sharpshooter. These are self-study courses with basic information on CN gameplay that is crucial for new players and a great refresher for seasoned players. We've designed these courses to be as user-friendly as possible. The exams are posted at the top of each course, so you can take them as soon as you're ready and refer back to the material for answers. Realistically, you can have all the material read and the exams completed within an hour. That's how simple we've made it! And, it will always be there to look back on if you ever need it.

    [color="#A0522D"][i]But, I don't need to take an exam. It sounds boring and I hate "studying", besides, I already know all I need to about the game.[/i][/color]

    Nobody likes to study...don't worry! The information provided is available in an easy to navigate format and the exam answers are found in the text. Choosing to join GUN is making a choice to be a better player, to be among others who understand the game, and to help others by preparing yourself.

    [color="#A0522D"][i]You said there are four levels of certification. What are the other two?[/i][/color]

    Expert and Distinguished Expert levels are for those individuals who seek to further their career in GUN and getting involved in government. GUN also rewards members with a merit ribbon for completion of the Marksman Certification, and a silver star attachment for each additional level completed. But, we'll talk more about merit awards later.[/spoiler]

    [color="#008000"][b][u]Service Records[/u][/b][/color]

    [spoiler]Unique to GUN is a new program called Service Records. Every GUN member has a Service Record created for them when they join the alliance. Your personal Service Record is a brief bio on your history with GUN. It includes the date your service began, your exclusive GUN ID (issued when you become a GUN member...no other member will ever be issued your ID number), list of all merit ribbons achieved, your combat service (record of all wars fought and details of your involvement), record of any and all government positions you've held (including timelines), significant contribution to GUN, and general information on your character. If you ever leave GUN, your Service Record is stored in the permanent archives, and should you choose to return, it will be re-activated along with your exclusive GUN ID.

    The Service Record program is great not only for historical purposes for the alliance as a whole, but for you as an individual. How many alliances care enough about each individual member to offer a program such as this?

    [color="#A0522D"][i]Wow. That's pretty cool.[/i][/color]

    Damn right it is. :)[/spoiler]

    [color="#008000"][b][u]Merit Awards[/u][/b][/color]

    [spoiler]Although you may find several alliances that utilize some form of merit ribbons to award members for various achievements, GUN is one of only a handful that utilize an awards modification program on our forums.

    [color="#A0522D"][i]What's an awards modification whatever thingy?[/i][/color]

    Located at the top of our forums, you will find an "Awards" tab. When you click it, you can view the entire list of currently available GUN merit ribbons, along with the titles of each ribbon and the requirements for achieving them. You will also see a listing next to each award of how many members have received that ribbon. By clicking a title, you can see who has achieved it, and when.

    It gets better! When you receive an award, you don't have to worry with placing it in your signature or centering it correctly and things of that nature. It's automatic.

    [color="#A0522D"][i]I like that, but if I'm viewing someone's awards in their signature, how can I tell what each award is for without having to look it up?[/i][/color]

    This is another feature I personally love about this modification. Usually, you will only get an image link if you click someone's award in another alliance, but not here. Simply scroll over the award in a user's signature and you will get a description of the award. There is also a clickable link in each member's signature that allows you to view full details of all awards they've received.

    [color="#A0522D"][i]Pretty cool mod, but who really cares about having ribbons to display?[/i][/color]

    Who doesn't? Merit ribbons are a great way to show your level of dedication and commitment to your alliance. They let others know that you're someone who takes pride in yourself, your alliance, and your nation. Merit ribbons are symbols of achievement, which show that you are an achiever, and not a slacker. GUN doesn't like slackers.

    [color="#A0522D"][i]So, what do these ribbons look like, and how many are there?[/i][/color]

    GUN currently offers merit ribbons in the following areas:

    [*]Diplomat Corps

    All merit ribbons begin with a base ribbon and have star attachments awarded for completion of advanced levels. For example:


    [img]http://i60.servimg.com/u/f60/15/80/18/24/academ11.png[/img] - Marksman

    [img]http://i60.servimg.com/u/f60/15/80/18/24/traini10.png[/img] - Sharpshooter

    [img]http://i60.servimg.com/u/f60/15/80/18/24/traini11.png[/img] - Expert

    [img]http://i60.servimg.com/u/f60/15/80/18/24/traini12.png[/img] - Distinguished Expert

    When you receive a star attachment, the base ribbon is replaced with the new base ribbon with star attachment added. In other words, you won't wear all 4 of these in your signature, as it would be redundant and not in compliance with uniform standards.[/spoiler]

    [color="#008000"][u][b]Military Ranks[/b][/u][/color]

    [spoiler]As a new member of GUN, you receive the rank of Private, which you will hold until completion of the first two certification programs, after which you are promoted to Private First Class [PFC]. From there, you advance in the enlisted ranks earning seniority and respect. Higher ranking members are the first considered for opportunities to be enrolled in Officer Training and advance into government with GUN. Upon entering Officer Training, you begin a new path of Commissioned Ranks. The ranks are as follows:


    [*]Private First Class
    [*]Lance Corporal
    [*]Staff Sergeant
    [*]Gunnery Sergeant
    [*]Master Sergeant
    [*]First Sergeant
    [*]Master Gunnery Sergeant
    [*]Sergeant Major[/list]


    [*]Brigadier General
    [*]Major General
    [*]Lieutenant General

    Ranks, like merit awards and our other programs, are designed to encourage you to advance your career by offering goals to achieve, and these programs combined ensure that only the best of GUN achieve leadership within the alliance's senior government. And, if you're not interested in government, that's ok too. You can still hold rank as an enlisted member of GUN and we offer several other programs you can get involved in if you choose to.[/spoiler]

    [center][b]Now you know what GUN offers you. But what is GUN about?[/b][/center]

    The Global United Nations is an alliance residing in the Green Sphere. We accept members of all color spheres, providing that new members under 4k NS switch to Green. Others are strongly encouraged to do so, but it is not required. We understand that you may have an existing long term trade circle in another sphere and it is not our intention to disrupt that.
    GUN is protected by our allies in the Green Sphere; the World Federation. We also have many other friends throughout Planet Bob.

    [color="#A0522D"][i]What treaties do you hold?[/i][/color]

    GUN takes treaties very seriously. We believe that before an official partnership is formed, all parties involved should share mutual views on foreign policy and direction. We also take into account mutual respect for one another’s alliance and believe that each should be able to offer as much as they’re expecting to receive. GUN is still a young alliance and small in number. For that reason, although we do have many friends, we are not currently interested in signing formal treaties beyond the protectorate agreement we currently hold with the World Federation. The Treaty Web is very tangled and filled with pacts not worth the paper they’re written on. GUN will always stand firm in support of any treaties we sign, and our allies can rest assured we will never back down from aggression, regardless of the potential outcome.

    [color="#A0522D"][i]How is the government structured? Could I ever be a leader in GUN?[/i][/color]

    GUN is led by a Secretariat. The Secretariat is comprised of the following:

    [*]Secretary of the Interior (internal affairs)
    [*]Secretary of State (foreign affairs)
    [*]Secretary of the Treasury (trades, tech deals, and banking)
    [*]Secretary of Defense[/list]

    All Secretaries are appointed by the Secretary-General, and only those meeting the minimum qualifications (as described in the sections above) are eligible to serve as a Secretary. The Secretary-General is the only elected position, chosen every 3 months, and only those having previously served a full term as a Secretary are eligible for candidacy. Secretaries automatically step down at the end of a term and may be re-appointed or reassigned at the discretion of the re-elected or newly elected Secretary-General.
    Secretaries may also appoint Deputies at their discretion and this is the first step to becoming a member of the Secretariat.

    [color="#A0522D"][i]How do I get chosen to be a Deputy?[/i][/color]

    Deputies are chosen when Secretaries recognize members who have progressed through the alliance by achieving merit ribbons and higher rankings, which are both the products of activity and dedication. In the event a Secretary is unsure of who may be interested in a promotion, he/she will post an application for the available position.

    [color="#A0522D"][i]What’s GUN’s policy on tech raiding?[/i][/color]

    GUN does not condone tech raiding, spying, or unauthorized aggressive wars. We have a zero tolerance policy on these actions.

    [color="#A0522D"][i]Where can I find your charter and current list of government?[/i][/color]

    The charter is viewable to everyone who visits the GUN forums. However, for your convenience, click the spoiler below...

    [b]Charter of the Global United Nations[/b]


    "The only true basis of enduring peace is the willing cooperation of free peoples in a world in which, relieved of the menace of aggression, all may enjoy economic and social security;

    "It is our intention to work together, and with other free peoples, both in war and peace, to this end."[/center]

    [size="4"][b]CHAPTER I: PURPOSES AND PRINCIPLES[/b][/size]

    [b]Article 1[/b]

    Section 1: There is hereby established the Global United Nations.

    Section 2: The combined purpose and directive of the Global United Nations, hereby referred to as GUN, is as follows:

    • Promotion of the growth and defensive capability of all member nations
    • Defense of GUN member nations and citizens from any and all hostile entities
    • Foster relations among member nations and create an atmosphere of fun
    • All other duties and tasks which the government of GUN may deem necessary and/or appropriate for GUN to perform.

    [b]Article II: Structure [/b]

    Section 1: There shall be established a Secretariat, composed of the following:

    • Office of the Secretary-General;
    • Department of the Interior;
    • Department of Economics;
    • Department of the State;
    • Department of Defense

    Section 2: The Secretary-General controls all aspects of GUN and is authorized to regulate the inner workings of GUN as a whole, through the setting in place and maintenance of general orders and regulations.

    Section 3: The Secretary of each Department shall have one (1) vote on matters concerning the alliance as a whole.

    Section 4: No Secretary may hold a rank lower than Colonel.

    Section 5: Amendments to this Charter may be added after ratification by majority vote of the members of the Secretariat.

    [b]Article III: Secretariat[/b]

    Section 1: Secretary-General:

    A. Establishment and Powers

    1. The founder of GUN shall be the first Secretary-General. This position will be held until the first official election; the founder abdicates the position, or has been MIA for a period not to exceed five days without notification.

    2. The Secretary-General will hold overriding command of all divisions of GUN, preside over the Secretariat, and make the final declaration of GUN policy decisions, general orders and regulations. The Secretary-General will have the authority to promote subordinate officers, conduct boards of inquiry and investigations in all matters concerning the Secretariat and GUN as a whole, as well as have the authority to pardon military criminals, and make ceremonial awards. Finally, the Secretary-General will have the authority to override and/or change the duties and responsibilities of those subordinate to him within reason.

    B. Term

    1. The Secretary-General shall be elected by a majority vote of the voting members of the membership of the Global United Nations.

    2. The term of the Secretary-General shall last for three months, with elections being held at the first of August, November, February, and May.

    3. The Secretary-General may serve consecutive terms as long as the members chose to re-elect the current Secretary-General. There is to be no limit on the number of terms an acting Secretary-General may serve.

    4. In the event the Secretary-General abdicates the position, or is removed from office by either impeachment or absence without notification for five days, the Assistant Secretary-General will assume command as acting Secretary-General for the remainder of the current term.

    [b]Section 2: Assistant Secretary-General [/b]

    1. There will be an Assistant Secretary-General of GUN, as is appointed by the Secretary-General. This position will be held for a period of one term, or until either the Secretary-General abdicates his Office, the Assistant Secretary-General abdicates the position, or is replaced by the Secretary-General, upon the presentation of just cause, or is removed by the Secretariat by the same standard.

    2. The Assistant Secretary-General will serve as advisor to the Secretary-General, and will serve as acting Secretary-General in the event of his/her absence. He shall have the authority to discipline any officer under his direct command for a non-criminal breach of protocol.

    [b]Section 3: Secretary of the Interior[/b]

    1. There will be a Secretary of the Interior, appointed by the Secretary-General. This position will be held for a period of one term, or until either the Secretary-General abdicates his Office; the Secretary of the Interior abdicates the position, is replaced by the Secretary-General, upon the presentation of just cause, or is removed by the Secretariat by the same standard.

    2. The Secretary of the Interior will supervise the Judge Advocate General's office, which will be responsible for court martials, boards of inquiry and hearings; and the office of GUN Criminal Investigation. The Secretary of the Interior will also have the authority to issue ceremonial awards, issue promotions above the rank of Captain, and make policies concerning officer conduct. He shall have the right to choose his own staff, and judge the performance therein with his own faculties. He shall have the authority to discipline any officer for any criminal or non-criminal breach of protocol.

    [b]Section 4: Secretary of State:[/b]

    1. There will be a Secretary of State, appointed by the Secretary-General. This position will be held for a period of one term, or until until either the Secretary-General abdicates his Office; the Secretary of Defense abdicates the position, is replaced by the Secretary-General, upon the presentation of just cause, or is removed by the Secretariat by the same standard.

    2. The Secretary of State will be responsible for establishing relations with foreign entities, as well as oversight and implementation of foreign affairs directives. He shall have the right to choose his own staff, and judge the performance therein with his own faculties. He shall have the authority to discipline any officer under his direct command for a non-criminal breach of protocol.

    [b]Section 5: Secretary of Defense:[/b]

    1. There will be a Secretary of Defense, appointed by the Secretary-General. This position will be held for a period of one term, or until until either the Secretary-General abdicates his Office; the Secretary of Defense abdicates the position, is replaced by the Secretary-General, upon the presentation of just cause, or is removed by the Secretariat by the same standard.

    2. The Secretary of Defense will be responsible for coordinating combat training activities, planning offensive and defensive strategies, and the deployment of GUN military resources. He shall authorize the use of military force, if deemed necessary by himself, the Secretary-General, or the Secretariat. The Secretary of Defense will serve as the Executive Commander of all military outfits, serving as an intermediary and subordinate to the Secretary-General. He shall have the right to choose his own staff, and judge the performance therein with his own faculties. He shall have the authority to discipline any officer under his direct command for a non-criminal breach of protocol.

    [b]Section 6: Secretary of the Treasury[/b]

    1. There will be a Secretary of the Treasury appointed by the Secretary-General. This position will be held for a period of one term, or until until either the Secretary-General abdicates his Office; the Secretary of the Treasury abdicates the position, is replaced by the Secretary-General, upon the presentation of just cause, or is removed by the Secretariat by the same standard.

    2. The Secretary of the Treasury will be responsible for implementation and regulation of technological and trade resources, as well as assets management and financial programs. He shall have the power to pass new regulations and bans on GUN technological resources, after launching a full investigation. He shall have the right to choose his own staff, and judge the performance therein with his own faculties. He shall have the authority to discipline any officer under his direct command for a non-criminal breach of protocol.

    [size="4"][b]Article IV: General Procedure [/b][/size]

    Section 1: The rank system of GUN shall be as follows (in increasing order):


    • Lieutenant
    • Captain
    • Major
    • Colonel
    • Brigadier General
    • Major General
    • Lieutenant General
    • General

    These ranks are achieved by members of GUN who have met all criteria to be recommended for and have passed Officer Training. Promotions are at the discretion of the Secretary-General, and based on availability.

    Section 2: Chain of Command

    1. GUN Secretariat Commanding Officers

    • May give orders to any subordinate GUN Officer, regardless of department.
    • May not give orders to any department head unless that order deals directly with the department under their own command, or if the is order is to desist from performing an act that goes against GUN general orders.

    2. GUN Commissioned Officers

    • May give orders to any subordinate GUN Officer, regardless of division. This includes officers of higher rank, which do not serve as a Commissioned Officer.
    • May not give orders to any department head unless that order deals directly with the division under their own command, or if the is order is to desist from performing an act that goes against GUN general orders.

    3. GUN Enlisted Ranks

    • May give orders to any subordinate enlisted rank falling under their direct command.

    Section 4: In keeping with the military nature of GUN, conduct and procedure befitting an efficient military organization shall be required of all members of GUN at all times, with no exceptions.

    [size="4"][b]Article V: Acts of Hostility and Aggression[/b][/size]

    Section 1: The GUN Secretariat does not condone unauthorized, aggressive acts of war by any member nation of GUN. In the event of such an attack by any GUN member, The Secretariat will work diligently to resolve the issue diplomatically with the attacked nation(s) and his/her alliance leadership. GUN members found to be engaging in unauthorized attacks will be reprimanded and face punishment up to and including expulsion from GUN and possible military action against the member's nation.

    Section 2: In the event of an attack on a GUN member nation, the attack will be reported to the commanding officer of the attacked nation’s squad. The Secretary of Defense and his/her staff will co-ordinate with the Secretary of State to reach a diplomatic solution to hostilities. The attacked nation will not return fire until approval is given by commanding officer. In the event that all diplomatic efforts have failed, the Secretary of Defense will authorize a defensive campaign against the aggressor(s).

    [size="4"][b]Article VI: Amendments [/b][/size]

    Section 1: Any member of GUN may make recommendations for amendments to the Charter. Amendments to the present Charter shall come into force for all members of GUN when they have been adopted by a majority vote of the GUN Secretariat and ratified.

    Section 2: Any member of GUN may make recommendations for alterations of the existing Charter. Any alteration of the present Charter shall take effect when they have been adopted by a majority vote of the GUN Secretariat and ratified.

    [size="4"][b]Article VI: Ratification [/b][/size]

    Section 1: The present Charter shall be ratified by the current Secretariat of GUN.

    Section 2: The present Charter shall come into force upon the ratifications by the current Secretariat of GUN.

    IN FAITH WHEREOF the representatives of GUN have signed the present Charter.

    DONE the eighth day of July, two thousand and eleven.



    [color="#A0522D"][i]Awesome! Where do I sign up?[/i][/color]

    All you have to do is follow the link at the beginning of this post, or in my signature, to be taken to the GUN forums. Register with your in-game ruler name. After you've registered, you'll see the Registry forum. Your journey begins! Welcome to GUN!

  4. [quote name='Heft' timestamp='1308444267' post='2734287']
    I've led an alliance with 800 nations and an alliance with 80. The difference in raw member count is one of the less important differences. The only thing it seriously impacts is the projection of power, but the impact on actual power or meaningful activity tends to be much less.[/quote]

    I like this.

    [quote name='Heft' timestamp='1308444267' post='2734287']
    In summary, the entire premise of this thread seems to be based on a thin understanding of history and how the distribution of power has and does work.

    There is a bit of truth to that. I've been around throughout most of CN's history, but never been deeply involved in the politics, especially in the first years. I rarely even browse the CN forums. Threads like this offer meaningless bickering among some, but serious insight from others, and I learn from that. CN has evolved and it is blocs, not megapower alliances, that dominate now. I'd also have to agree that even if a trend continued of mid-tier alliances forming larger ones, eventually the cycle would come full circle and many would begin leaving to form micros again. So, meh. It is what it is, I guess.

  5. [quote name='IYIyTh' timestamp='1308367386' post='2733566']
    lol. a couple alliances merge or are rumored to be merging and suddenly a grand new era has begun.

    Ideologically compatable alliances merge because they can achieve more together on their own.

    NG is a perfect example.

    There are negative aspects to mergers, but those usually show up later.

    The OP wasn't a statement that a new era has begun, but rather a question of "will it?" It was meant to provoke the thoughts and feedback provided thus far.

  6. I know that micros are formed for various reasons. Primarily, people want to structure something the way they envision it and create their own culture or society. I should know, it's been what I've done the majority of my time in CN. While this is good for individuals and small groups, I honestly feel it hurts the game. Naturally, I'm not bashing micros. Everyone should have the freedom to do what pleases them so they get enjoyment from it. I have to believe, though, that fewer alliances and a return to more powerful ones would really energize the game.

  7. Has the time finally come? Will more and more small to mid-tier alliances abandon their posts to melt into other AAs, forming a new age of super-alliances? The argument has existed since I can remember that there are simply too many alliances. Combining active members under common banners, much more can be achieved. Despite running a micro, I tend to agree. When the majority of active members in Planet Bob are spread thin across numerous AAs, inactivity can appear to be more prevalant. So much focus has to be spent just on recruitment and fostering activity that it can bog you down. Larger alliances have the luxury of having enough members to have a fully functioning government and people who can focus on other activities that provide entertainment and generate interest. Competition is greater, and that also breeds activity. I could go on. But, I don't believe that's the reason we could see this trend continue.

    For the most part, the same sanctioned alliances have dominated Bob forever. Other alliances exist that have the talent, but not the individual muscle, to really achieve all their capable of. Mergers can shake up the playing field, create new drama, fun, and interest. I can't say for sure if the age of super-alliances is upon us, but I can say it would definitely get interesting.

  8. I've always liked Keve, and I understand that RL takes it toll. However, as a leader, you have to be responsible enough to ensure you have people in place to run things in your absence. As senior gov, you also have to be sure things are running in the leaders absence. If you aren't keeping each other in check, things fall through the cracks and your failure to get things done can affect others, such as with the failure to meet reasonable terms agreed to by all parties on reps. And when the membership doesn't hold the gov accountable, they all burn together. That's just how it works, as it should. R&R is a respectable alliance who I believe will handle this conflict with dignity, and hopefully UINE will receive the wake up call.

  9. Yes, Cesar, it is a grave dig and since this post, I took time to reflect on a few things and posted a very lengthy and sincere apology thread, which is found [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=101098"]here[/url]. And you are right, the GUN you joined is dead and it is for the best. I stand behind the majority of the post you quoted, however, I agree with your comments regarding resistance and the rest is detailed in the thread I linked you to.

  10. Haven't really followed TOOL, but I seem to remember them being a sanctioned alliance at one point not so long ago and so I guess it caught me off guard to read that an alliance of that size and tenure in the game is disbanding. I did see where GrahamKeatley left a while back, but I would've expected him to show to impart some final comments regarding his creation. Is he still in the game?

    At any rate, good luck to you all. Wish you well in your new homes.

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