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Mr Rosenberger

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Posts posted by Mr Rosenberger

  1. TOOL is an alliance that is not only fun, but TOOL can also help you with ever aspect of this game. We are a community and we value each and every member and their opinions. If you are looking for an alliance that is all of that and more think of The Order of Light when you're making your decision. We will be here, we hope to see you soon.


  2. This needs some help. I'm not digging "last post 2008"

    [center][color="#FF8C00"][url="http://www.theorderoflight.com"](Click ME to JOIN)[/url][/color][/center]

  3. [quote name='Gamemaster1' date='11 May 2010 - 04:37 PM' timestamp='1273606626' post='2294986']
    Hope you have enough tech buyers to keep Paragon happy, FEAR! :awesome:

    Maybe 3rd time is the charm. Or is it 3rd strike you're out. :psyduck:

    This is our Second Protector as Paragon. So this would be 2nd strike.

    You are basing your information off from New Era which is an alliance that doesn't exist anymore.

    Quit living in the past ;)

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