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heike lunta

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Posts posted by heike lunta

  1. [quote name='Vandal' date='02 February 2010 - 05:11 PM' timestamp='1265148719' post='2153926']
    Hey Genesis...

    Tell the GATO guy to peace me out and take his slot... Please.. If someone is going to be opportunistic, at least let it be someone who can fight.

    My English is not very good. If I said, "A splinter group inside an old alliance formed a new alliance at an opportunistic time as to avoid negative consequences." Is that an O.K. usage of the word, opportunistic?


  2. I will kiss your baby on the forehead, the NPO will try to eat it...

    If red were opened to all alliances the number of available resource combinations would increase. That would mean more trade circles that are actually benificial to a nation instead of just getting in a ring for the sake of being in a ring.

    More alliances based in red->more options for trade rings->more money.

  3. We are a very internalized alliance, but this is not entirely our fault. The CN world tends to blame first and ask questions later when it comes to the NPO.

    Do you mean like attacking during peace talks? Is that sort of like blaming first then asking questions later? I just made that example up. I'm not comparing it to anything that recently happened or anything...

  4. He has admitted to being all four of the things I said, so it isn't exactly an insult. He lied to us for months, spied on us for months, fed information to our enemies, and on the day of war he deserted his comrades and joined Vox Populi.

    How would you describe such an individual who did the same to your alliance?

    I was only masked as a member for 21 days. I was never your 'comrade' either :D .

    I guess I am a filthy dirty son of a gun. Ah shucks...

  5. NPO isn't about being number one.

    Taken directly from their opening forum page.

    The New Pacific Order is the largest and most powerful alliance in CyberNations. With 900 active members, the most of any alliance at any point in the game's history, the New Pacific Order is leading the way on Planet Bob from it's #1 spot on the Alliance Rankings.

    Obviously Pacifica cares nothing about their status.

  6. heike lunta is right, NPO is definitely not the Americans in the Battle of the Bulge...

    if it has to be the Battle of the Bulge, NPO are the Germans..... surged too far and are being cut off and destroyed...

    I think it would be best if we don't use any real life situations to draw comparisions in this game. It is disrespectful to the real people who fought/fight in wars.

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