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Posts posted by WilliamDean

  1. You all loved the Unjust Path. Once you killed us, Bob went down the Crapper. The only people to thank for the Stagnancy of Bob since the UJW is ~.

    I laugh at everyone who is attempting to get under our skin with petty insults. You'll have to try and do better than that. And AJ, stop talking crap and actually do something.

    Us? I didn't realise Bel Air existed during the UJW :unsure:

  2. So the "conicidence coalition"s response to one of your allies being attaked is to sit in peace mode for five days while said ally gets stomped then come out and declare like 30 wars and declare white peace the next day.

    Evidently you don't consider TPF to be an alliance worth losing precious infra over?

  3. A techraid is started to raid tech (like its says) and to make a profit

    A war is meant to completely to try to destroy the opponent

    No, a war is not always meant to completely destroy an opponent, it is usually merely meant to cause damage. Hence alliances usually getting peace terms within a few weeks. (Indeed, destroying an opponent completely is impossible short of visiting the ruler's house and cutting their internet cable). How does one successfully ground attack a nation without causing damage to that nation? By your logic, assulting somebody doesn't count as a violent attack as long as you did not attempt to kill them and only did it so you could steal their wallet.

    If you attack random nations that have caused you no harm then you have no moral high ground at all when other nations decide they will attack you regardless of how flimsy their reasoning.

    o/ 519 Nigras. Destroy this guy even more than you destroyed my old nation in the WotC :D

  4. Why do GOONS want to recruit nations that look to fight yet don't have the stones to fight an even war (let alone one where they are on the weaker side) without crying to a bigger entity to help them? Are you just trying to ensure that one things get tough, this iteration capitulates even more quickly than the previous one?

  5. The first step towards repairing the damage taken to Blue unity since the WotC. I do wish that this was BLEU 2.0 though.

    I truly hope BLEU is dead. I don't think its unreasonable to be paranoid of another BLEU. When several of the same alliances that "lead" BLEU are in Blunity one can't help but think that this could be BLEU 2.0

    Yes. Isn't it shocking how a new major blue team bloc has some alliances in common with an old major blue team bloc? How dare those former BLEU alliances like tLC and UINE and ARES try to take other the world with their trades. Agora was an abomination which only widened the divisions in the blue sphere. It is no surprise that some alliances do not feel that they are suitable for an entity that seeks to unite the blue sphere.

  6. Dear Planet Bob,

    I come to speak with an opinion on this here thread. Although many a bright mind have posted their own strong opinions about shaneprice's leaving of the Grand Global Alliance, and then the open trolling and dissing of said alliance, there are reasons that such a member left. Do not think that he was "kicked out" under "stupid reasons". He was let go for he committed a vile act. Shaneprice was convicted of speaking out against the New Pacific Order and also suggesting that the Grand Global Alliance "leave" OneVision. Now one may think that these reasons are "pathetic", but put your alliance in the shoes of the Grand Global Alliance. How would you take it if a member of leadership were to speak out against an ally who has stuck by your alliance since it's birth, or in this case "rebirth"? With that said, shaneprice was given the option to either leave with a partial good note, or be kicked. I, as Chancellor of the Grand Global Alliance, stand by the decisions of our leadership. Shaneprice nearly brought war to the Grand Global Alliance with his little "outburst". Think about it.

    ~Dephire, Chancellor of the Grand Global Alliance.

    EDIT: Also, NPO cancelling OoO.

  7. NpO have proven that reps are an ineffective way of "keeping an alliance down" in the long term and viceroys are now considerably more difficult thanks to the rule changes.

    Now, if on the other hand, you were to ask whether or not people would be regretting giving these alliances peace so early...

  8. Good luck Pandemic. o/

    MCXA, I understand you are unfamiliar with the idea of following your treaties as opposed to just jumping onto the winning side in times of war so I realise that you are confused but there is actually a defense clause in Pandemic's protectorate treaty.

  9. Indeed, insults will help you.

    No, I disagree. The best way to go about things is to call alliances who enter the war with perfectly legitimate treaty obligations "dishonourable" just days after lying to your ally with regards to your reasoning for sending them off to fight another alliance and then trying to isolate them by attempting to negotiate peace without telling them.

  10. Really. Have you done the calculations? Or is that a guesstimate based on no hard facts.

    Deciding the reps are less harsh than forced disbandment is not a "guesstimate", it is a hard fact.

    If you want calculations, 500 batches of $3m every 10 days would mean that the $40bn would be payed off in about 6 months - considerably less time than the length of GPA's or GATO's terms. As they had not been significantly damaged, they would have far greater means to send out aid than an alliance that had been on the receiving end of a curbstomping for several weeks. If we are to believe that the NPO nations in peace mode right now are indeed banks and not cowards, they would already be able to send that amount if they were to dedicate 4 slots leaving the other large nations to deal with the tech payments.

    Unless of course, the glorious Pacifican Bank is not so glorious after all.

  11. Has any alliance in history ever forced another to endure a loss of over 40 bill and 140k tech as stipulation of peace terms?

    In terms of leniency, "40 bil + 140k tech" is far better than the terms FAN have been and continue to be offered from NPO or what GOLD got and they would be free of terms more quickly than GPA's ban on nukes or the 9 months in which GATO suffered a viceroy.


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