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Posts posted by Haart

  1. Are you able to change your native resources right after the nation is created or do you still have to wait a month before you can select new ones? I've always been under the impression that you can do it immediately and that creating the nation doesn't count as changing the resources. However, there is someone who says he can't select new resources until a month later from the nation creation date, even though he still hasn't changed them in the game.

  2. First, someone was able to put a blockade on me, even though I still had some ships left (7 submarines, 8 carriers).


    Then I decided to sell land so naval operations couldn't be performed, but now when I have slightly more than 1000 miles and try to click on the button I get an error message saying that I don't have land to sell.

  3. Normally cancelled trades expire automatically shortly after they are cancelled (if you don't manually delete them), and shouldn't prevent anyone from sending/accepting trade offers.

    Anyway, he now says that he was able to send the trade offer to the 5th person, but although the recipient accepted the trade offer it's not in the trade screen. It's just as the trade agreement vanished.

  4. He has 4 active trades, 0 pending. At first he couldn't even receive and accept 4 trades, so he tried to send the trade offers to the other people instead. It only partially worked, and he's still missing the 5th trade.

  5. I create trade guilds in my alliance and have never experienced this kind of problem before, but it seems that one of the trade partners can't accept/offer the 5th trade to complete the guild, even though he has a Harbor. It just keeps telling him that he's over the limit.

    This is his nation: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=165328

    and this is the last nation he needs a trade agreement with: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=352056

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