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Posts posted by wxyrty

  1. Until you can show me that RoK was aware of his actions, then yes. Rish was spying on his own with no support from RoK. Doesn't mean he couldn't have passed information to RoK without them knowing the source of it, but that doesn't implicate RoK in anything.

    rok got all the info from the spy and you call that not spying? If you eat beef, doesn't that tell you that at least a cow die for that beef? or are you saying beef is vegetable?

    rok got info from that spy, that spy is part of rok leadership, rok got caught.

  2. All I see is that Rishnokof is culpable. Rather than insult me, how about you link to what evidence you think implicates RoK gov?
    An interesting development, to be sure. Sometimes its better to stop after making modest gains, then to act the fool by overextending and having the situation completely reversed on you.

    If I were a malicious person, I wouldn't even have made that statement to an opponent but allowed it to happen. Or maybe I would and then gloat with an "I told you so." I guess no one really knows what they'll do in a situation until it happens. But I'm not that kind of person, and thankfully, at this moment, Zenith has no direct opponents but only ones by proxy.

    Again, I urge those attacking my ally to take it to the table and find a resolution to everyone's satisfaction before things spiral out of control.

    Interesting read. Good luck to the parties involved in getting this spy thing sorted out.

    What modest gain? We have been wronged by rok. A person with in rok's leadership has been proven to be a spy and some people say that rok has nothing to do with it. Not only that but keeps on repeating why, why, why, why and turn around and ask US to prove rok leadership knew about this, prove rok leadership knew about this, prove rok leadership knew....and finally going rok leaders are your spy 0.o

    We can we say anymore? That the spy is one of rok's leaders. rok spied on us. rok got caught.

  3. Can you post/repost the proof that RoK gov orchestrated this whole thing and was fully aware of it?


    BTW, how was the whole multi/spy thing discovered? I must of missed that little tid bit as well.

    If you don't know, just read the first page and look at our evidence. If you are just pretenting to not know then I will repeat again:

    Rok spied on us and got caught, BAD!

  4. I'll stop being nutty and implying NATO gov orchestrated it with no proof when you stop being nutty and implying that RoK gov orchestrated it with no proof. ;)

    See the point I'm trying to make, now?

    Well we got prove, and is not only provable, it is the smoking gun. Rok spied and got caught.

  5. Prove RoK orchestrated this. Because right now common sense points to one of two answers: NATO organized this (all the convenient timings and AA changes right when a spy would become useless to them, then getting caught RIGHT when they needed dirt on RoK the most ;)), or, worst case scenario, something a former triumvir of RoK did on his own.

    Stop being a Yes Man, please.

    Common sense point to that rok used spies and spy on others, and make up stories of other spying on them then attacking them in the name of spying.

    Stop being nutty.

    edit: grammer

  6. Ragnarok, you know no shame. Claiming yourself to be so righteous!

    Going like: "WE WILL NOT TOLERATE SPIES AND BLAH BLAH BALH" while you spy on others.

    ANd your allies aren't doing anything better, they go like "no, is not happening noooo I refuse to see it" or go like "What spy? you see any? I don't see any. I am freaking blind" or "NO! THATS YOUR SPY!" well is your mom too. XD

  7. What the deuce are you trying to say?
    OK, Red team! This is not an act of defense; I am testing my nation's basic war machine. My own war games, if you will. In my simulation, I'll need allied support - that would be you, red team nations! I'm just a newbie having some fun feeling out what this game is like, so please send any tips you have about how to fight to my nation. Thanks guys, I know you'll have my back.

    That is NOT what he said.

    Here is an IRON translator (is even better than an english translator):

    "I am a noob so I am going to attack 3 nations and expect the NPO to back me up"

  8. What exactly are you trying to say? Honestly, its like you want to rant about something, and randomly chose this topic and wrote a wall of text that doesn't really seem to say anything.

    I see your point. What I said was useless and yes it was like ranting. You are right.

    I always see the evil in others, even if they are not always there. LOL

    I am sorry. LOL

    "why did you add 'the' into your quotations the first time but not the next 3 times, eh? sounds pretty dodgy to me." now thats pretty low. At least I gave some explantion. You just tried to flame me, Eeyore. Is ok, I know what you are trying say. I will stop.

  9. untitled4bl1.jpg

    Official Announcement from the Siberian Tiger Alliance

    On a day when members of the Siberian Tiger Alliance celebrate passing a significant post-war milestone I now find it necessary to post some unsavoury news.

    Every alliance has their idiots. People who act without thought, people who place their own desire for "lulz" above their alliance and their fellow alliance members.

    Today, one such member informed me of their intent to resign from the Siberian Tiger Alliance citing "safety" concerns. With no specifics as to what those concerns were I spoke to the member in question on IRC to find out.

    What was presented to me was an alliance leader's worst nightmare. The member informed me they had created a spy ring to infiltrate Continuum and One Vision alliances sometime in early January from what I can gather. The member gave no specifics about which alliances were targeted.

    At that point I immediately expelled the member in question, Madmonkey24.

    In the interests of honesty and disclosure I make this announcement public. The Siberian Tiger Alliance does not condone nor support spies and once they are uncovered they are expelled immediately.

    If any member of the leadership of Continuum or One Vision alliances wishes to see the log of this confession then I will provide it to them privately. It does not contain any specifics, just confirmation of what I have said here is true. We offer full cooperation with those alliance that may have been affected.

    Thank you all for your time.

    Crown Prince Mishka of Tygaland

    Supreme Chancellor of the Siberian Tiger Alliance

    What you said doesn't make sense to me. It does not add up.

    You said it yourself that the member in question, Madmonkey24, "intent to resign from the Siberian Tiger Alliance citing "safety" concerns" before you expelled him and post him here.

    What kind of "safety" concerns does he have for you? He is a spy.

    Why would he care about YOUR safety? Also, Why would he tell you about a spy ring?

    Was he recruiting you? But, "At that point [you] immediately expelled the member in question"? So when did you learn about the spy ring?

    Please don't tell our officers that Madmonkey24 told you that your alliance is in danger,(but did not tell you what kind of danger, where is it from), and then you did NOT keep asking what kind of danger BUT were more interested on where that information came from before knowing what kind of information it was.

    And, please don't tell our officers that Madmonkey24 processed to confess to you about his spy ring and how he got these "safety" concerns, that you are not interested at all.

    Whats more troubling to me is that Madmonkey24, after you kicked him out of the alliance and signing his death warrant it here, came here and backed up your story.

    AND! your alliance still HAS NOT attack him.

    Wouldn't tearing up a spy be first priority?

    AND look at this! What is this we have here.


    He changed his alliance affiliation, and is NOT ghosting your alliance so he would not cause more trouble for your allaince, AND he is sending back 3 millions dollars.

    A spy who cares about an alliance who kicked him out, send him to death, and backs up YOUR story.

    Well...this is one confused spy. LOL

    You know, if anyone remember, what is it name...AH yes the UME, a bunch of idiots who declared war on IRON. Did you know, that just before we zi every single nation of the UME, they started ghosting IRON and declared war on behalf of IRON on the NPO last week. Does anyone remember? Anyone?

    Even idiots know that if he were to go down he should drag his enemy down with him.

    I wonder what is going on here.

    Neither side make sense. Tyga cares more about where "the information" came from than the "information" itself, and did not get the "information" in the end.

    Madmonkey was so smart that he did not give up the "information" but gave himself up as a spy...

    Lets not forget what are missing, attacks, ghosting, flames. Instead we have this post and a confession from Madmonkey.

    Please tell my officers something better, I don't even believe you.

    Please, tells us something better. What is the real reason you kicked him out? (wait, he was trying to leave before you kicked him out, so you couldn't really kick him out) XD

    If this were a show, and you were here to avoid something else, I belive is already too late.

    If this were NOT a show and Madmonkey were that stupid and you honestly care more about where Madmonkey got this "information" before knowing it, then I am sorry. I am very sorry.

    Could you just please tell me this: how could you possibly ask for where the source of "that information" (spying) from Madmonkey which has "safety" concerns for YOUR alliance without knowing "that information" My sentense doesn't even make sense if I take out "that information".

    Again, I apologize in advance if you could do this.

    I am very very sorry. Thank you.

  10. 3230795995_ddb9a1791a_o.jpg

    We are all cheering for you in IRON academy UME!!! I can't describe the joy you make feel right now! :lol:

    Please hold on! Don't give up! YOU CAN DO IT! Just hold on for a few more days, try to maintain your NS at your level right now, or go higher! I wish to greet each and everyone of you myself. Remember to buy tech, land, and stock up on funds, that is what you need in war. And, Always, always have troop defending your nations. Good luck and lets us meet soon. I long for you. :lol:

    edit: For spelling and a new message

    Please don't run into peace mode, prove to your lord, and show us how brave you all are!!!

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