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Posts posted by Melidan

  1. For the historical record.. Speaking personally, I opposed any cessation of hostilities.

    Moving along.. Congrats on a tough fight guys. I must say my Nemesis and LoSS combatants put up a helluva fight. Not only that, but they did it with honor, respect and even a little humor. I'm proud to have known you and to have warred with you.

    Stand tall Legionnaires.

    Edit: So no one thinks i'am being disrespectful, I did not fight any RoK nations, hence me not mentioning them.

  2. Yes but;

    AT&T does not give out static IP's via EDGE/3G.

    Interesting... I guess there is more to learn. I could ask the drones at AT&T, but I bet I would just get a glazed over look and a response of, "You buy phone, yes?" :lol:

    I'm going to assume that I should have no trouble.. If I do, i'll come looking for each of you! Thanks for the discussion guys.

  3. I'am about to buy an iPhone and would like to be able to check my nation on it. However, im unsure if its possible to cross paths with someone on the 3G network and accidentally get my nation deleted? I have heard a few people saying they check their nations on the iPhone, but I wanted to ask those in the know.. Thank you for your time!

  4. Do you have a Marble/Wheat combo? Are you looking for a studly trade circle set-up?? Look no further!

    Resources needed:

    Uranium - Melidan

    Rubber - Melidan

    Aluminum - Lord Kelloss

    Coal - Lord Kelloss

    Gold - Bruichladdich

    Oil - Bruichladdich

    Iron - Royal Scots

    Lumber - Royal Scots

    Water - Land of the Aussie

    Lead - Land of the Aussie

    Marble - ***

    Wheat - ***

    Bonus resources from this set: Steel, Automobiles, Beer, Construction, Microchips, Radiation clean-up, Asphalt and Scholars


    All we need is Marble and Wheat.. If you are not purple, we kindly request that you switch team colors. Please contact me in-game (Melidan).

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