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John Diesel

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Posts posted by John Diesel

  1. o/ Deinos and your ever entertaining announcements. I made you a cake:


    Still waiting to hear about my Honorary Pachycephalosaurus title. Otherwise, I am willing to entertain being your Minister of Seismosaurus Activity, or Surveyor of Panoplosauri Defense.

  2. o/ Those days. My staff was very kind, and my bankers were the top in the game.

    Raskull, Salt, Otis, SG - wherever you folks are, I hope all is well. I was glad to have met Egore, if only for a short while.

    [quote name='Aguacenta' timestamp='1310455934' post='2754827']
    Hide your dishwashers.

    Also, CCYF.

  3. [quote name='Il Impero Romano' timestamp='1310193435' post='2753148']
    Also, despite whatever ancient history, I really do wish you guys the best of luck Symphony.

    Classy, sir. While I don't assume to speak for all of my alliance mates, I personally appreciate your well wishes.

    You're right... It is ancient history. Heck, you guys even signed with GOONS, who were a force behind the disbandment of VE. If that isn't a sign of change in this game, I don't know what is.

    I've found it refreshing to let go of the past. Personal events in the past few months have taught me that life isn't worth wasting with pettiness. Best of luck to my friends on Green in Tetris, VE, Legacy, GOP, GPA, and PhR.

  4. Congrats on joining the CN world. o/ loud things.

    I'm also surprised to see some drum corps buffs on here. You need to swing by Symphony so we can talk about this season... It's shaping up to be the best I've seen in about six years.

  5. [quote name='Green Lantern' timestamp='1309069243' post='2741737']
    [quote name='Gloin' timestamp='1309069049' post='2741734']
    This is truly worthy of a :facepalm: .... possibly two... alright I'll give you two. :facepalm::facepalm:

    I thank you for your generous gift of head slaps.. A facepalm is just a high five with your skull after all.

    Wow. I love you. Also, your charter is truly epic.


    We at Symphony wish you all the best in your quest for CyberNations glory!

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