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Azati Prime

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Posts posted by Azati Prime

  1. I agree with you, but it's also pretty cowardly to only stand up against it when it's a weak alliance engaging in a bad practice. Strong alliances have done this left and right for months with a total cumulative protest less than what you and your alliance mates have waged in these related threads.

    I haven't been near a computer in the last two week and I rarely ever go on the forums. I don't care who practices this, it's still stupid. If the nation admits to the mistake and their alliance offers to pay adequate reparations, why the hell would you damage foreign relations and pay for a war? No good can come of it.

  2. How the bloody biscuit does WalkerNinja keep winning? I keep putting my riggers in the election and he still keeps winning :P

    Congrats to the ODN government, good luck. :)

    He promised us cake. Congratulations to the whole government and a big thank you to the outgoing team! You've served the alliance well.

  3. Didn't he leave before? Hm.

    Ivan, you've certainly been an influential player in both Nation games and made CN the dynamic interesting game it is today. Props for that. It's a shame most of us never knew you as anything more than the evil tyrant character that you played. Hit us up on the ODN forums! We miss you!

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