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Posts posted by Brazilliant

  1. I think it is really stupid to maintain 2 or more CMs... i mean, they can be buyed at any time, since you can only lauch 2 per day you just buy in the batle and lauch they... i see player with, sometimes, 19 CMs WTF??? You are paying almost 4000 on upkeep for noting... -_-

  2. My infra is at 7k... that gives me sort of 15... but i could by a lot of good aircrafts with 125k.... and i could buy one nuke per day two if i stay out of anarchy, for small nations the damage is reduced, but for big ones the damages increases as well!

  3. That's somewhat true. I will probably lose about $70,000 from this ($35,000 each day), so only 10-15 infrastructure. Not a big deal. And I've learned from my mistakes. I am still clearing more than enough to pay my bills, buy soliders, and 1 aircraft or so (I never lose more than that per day anyways). Not to mention the money I am stealing from people on ground attacks.

    Thats because your nation is small.... at my case i would lose 125k per day....

  4. In TE... which means that doesn't matter by your own admission.

    No, you are wrong... i answered "no" to the other guy because that wasnt what i meant to say, but for me TE makes a LOT of sense, much more than SE, answer me: What is the sense of playing the standart??? (if you gonna answer "fun" look for a better one because in TE you can do anything you do in standart but... FASTER!)

    That is what players will soon start to realize... in the future if, i hope, TE offer prizes to the winners, will be more people playing in TE than in the "You can never win and in the end will leave with the hands shaking" standart.... whrote my words!

  5. I just dont get it.... in the topic of the "search and rescue policy" a member of IDIOT declared that he had joined IDIOT because its an alliance with no moral respect, that attack only weaker opponents and etc.... well SO WHY THE *#$%@* IDIOT MEMBER ARE COMPLAINIG ABOUT BACKSTAB????? Somebody just answer me that because my IQ isnt high enought to resolve this equation!!!!

  6. the usual backcollection strategy, just without incoming aid. Its quite simple, but boring, and since CN:TE is reset every 3 months, the fewest people do it there. CN:TE is about blowing things up and having some fun, not about the stats -_- (imho).

    Yeah, that is what i was talkin about: simple, effective but boring : :rolleyes:

  7. Yeah, but that is exactly what he did litle fella, just look at his hystory charter... in the day 16 he jumped from 790 to 4500 strenght... than he did some raids and in the day 30 he jumped from 6100 to 8100... clever tatic but theres no fun doing it, you saty more off game than actually playing it!

  8. Heh, we had more nations in anarchy than any other alliance BEFORE the war started. We are war mongers, after all.

    Oh cmon, IDIOT had 40 anarchised nations befores the war... plus some of your top players run like the wind to other neutral alliances as soon as the war was declared!!!!! And you want to say that u guys are "war mongers"??? Why IDIOT never attacked or tryed to recruit me?? Im a top 50 nation.... im an independent nation.... just because i have nukes??? IDIOT just recruit weak nations.... :P

  9. Here's my idea. Make every nation have 9,999 infra, 9,999 tech, countless troops, tanks, max out on the highest level of aircraft, and have nukes. Or well...something along those lines anyways. Basically let all heck break loose day one on. :D

    Than i rather play bingo because the two games gonna be all about luck (in bingo luck to get the rigt number and in TE luck to get less war casualties!)...

  10. and second, who the hell gave you the right to dictate how people play TE? if someone wants to play it seriously, why should that be a bad thing? o right b/c this game actually has an reset button and nothing matters at the end of the day...wait that means this game has "winners" and it has "losers"

    your selfrighteous crusade to make everyone play the game the way you want it to be played is ridiculous and annoying, STFU please.

    The best post i have ever seen on this part of the forum!!!!

  11. Well, maybe i am a litle off topic but i register here only to post this, its just a few tips to newbies like me because if i had have known of this before i start the game i rater be in a very good position now(righ now i am in the top 500, but i feel that i could easyly get plus 1000 streght points if i havent done some p%ยจ%$& and be in the top 100 at this high or maybe top 50) remembering tat i never played cn:S or cn:TE before, well here it goes some newbie to newbie tip, i hope you make good use of this ( ps.: i am brazillian and my english is a litle wreck so, give me a break :rolleyes: ):

    First, when you begin the game, try to get all trade slots full before doing anything, try to arrenge a trade circle to get some bonus resources, especially steel and construction and some happy bonus resources(beer and food or automobiles, for automobiles you will need asphalt wich is a good bonus resource too) and try to get all team bonus in trades, +5 happy can do a huge difference(i said 5 because the first improvement you have to buy is shurely an harbor)!

    Get an alliance for protection (politic is important too, if you get an alliance that is in war all the time than your nation will be at war all the time too, if you want that ok, but if you dont, choose very well your alliance affiliation)

    Dont bother with land and tech, both you can get in assaulting another nations, buy at maximum 150 miles of land and 40 to 50 initial tech, the rest put all in infra, infra is the KEY for this game, more infra more citizens more citizens more money more money more power and more infra and so! Always follow this tip, wenever you can BUY INFRA(and always pay your bills too)!!!!

    Buy some soldiers for protection, after a few days you will have to do a crucial option for your nation, if you want to be a peacefull nation or if you want to blow everything appart(and reading this forum i realized that some cn:S gamers see this as the objective of cn:TE, ok, but i disagree with that, you have only to be smart on both games!) if you want to be in the tops you have to balance this situation, it quite easy though, always have in turn of 20% to 40% of soldiers of your total pop, less tan 20% can get your nation in anarchy, more than 40% can hurt your economy

    When you attack to get some tech and land buy more soldiers, because they will dye anyways in the batle, choose very carefully your target (somenone way weaker than you, you can attack nation 50%weaker than you! someone without alliance to not cause any problems to you if he calls his bigger brothers and someone with good tech to stole) and atack ALWAYS just before midnight (in server time) because this way you can deploy all of your tanks attack 2 times before midnight, 2 times after(this time the other nation should be anarchised already) and bring your warrior home to get your nation protected again(since you can deploy once per day, and you gain bonus of night attack too), try to always have more soldier streght(and tanks too) and do agressive attacks to do the maximum demage and have good spoils!

    ALWAYS attack on defcon 1... ALWAYS collect on defcon 5 and ALWAYS buy millitary forces on defcon 1, this can sound really stupid but i can assegure that few players do that and this tatic can give you SERIOUS bonus, this is pretty easy to do since you can change your defcon once per day, collect on defcon 5, change to defcon 1 buy your millitary, do an attack if you wish(the way i told before), replace your losses change to def 5 and collect again :D, this way and with good trades your nation can grow in absurd rates!!!!

    With the time you will have the chance to buy improvements, if you chosed on an war-based economy you can get some guerrila camps after you get your harbor (but keep im mind that to GC worth you will have to be always attacking someone) , if you dont, whel i like factoryes because they can help you to buy infra and tanks, but stadiums and banks arent bad choices too...

    Speaking of tanks, in a certain level they are quite a good card that the majority of the players dont realize, i will give the example of my nation that have an income of 37 per head (with 28% percent of tax, you should always keep this high taxes if your people adores or love you by the way) an upkeep cost of soldiers of 1.5 and tanks of 38, since soldiers are way cheaper than tanks you can thing that soldiers are the best choice, but they arent, actually if you dont have guerrilla you should buy a lot of tanks because each soldier that you have is one working citizen that you dont have, so the REAL UPKEEP OF A SOLDIER IS the upkeep + the citizen income, in the case of my nation the real upkeep is 37 + 1.5 = 38.5 wich is higher than the 38 for tanks, if you buy a lot of tanks they will be way stronger (500 tanks will give you a force of above 12500!!!!!!) and will boost your soldiers streght too!!! So tanks are after all a real good business!!!

    Whel since this is getting big i wil give my opinion about the governaments, if your people supports capitalist, dictatorial, federal, monarchy, republic or revolutionary i think you should go for that, if they dont and you want a war-based economy you should go to democracy, if they dont and you want a peace-based economy than you should choose monarchy or revolutionaty, thats it, there is a whole lot of more tips i could give but i already get too extended and i doubt that someone would read all of this, bye and any question PM me, i can help!

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