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Nick Bar

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Posts posted by Nick Bar

  1. I have decided to review Coors Light, there is no special reason it was just the first one i saw in my fridge. A good American beer it is boasted for having the special "blue mountains" that tell you when the beer is the perfect temperature.

    When i first popped the top I had visions of fire hydrants spraying forth on a hot summer day. As i poured it into a mug I admired its golden amber color and watched as a nice, medium head formed. With my first sip i was rewarded with a mild flavor that had a trace of sweet bread and something flowery. After my first six i had quite a nice buzz and combined with the pain killers i took an hour earlier was feeling nothing. I cannot remember anything past eight beers but I'm told I consumed four more and was chasing a plastic bag outside my house screaming "the duck stole my hat" before I finally passed out trying to climb up the side of my house.


    Overall it has good drinkability, something you could sit have have several of, if that's what you're into.

  2. Looking to set up a trade circle, would prefer black or brown but color is not important.

    Bonus Resources: Affluent Population, Jewelry, Fastfood. Uranium included.

    Wine - Nick Bar http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=245402

    Spices - Nick Bar http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=245402

    Gold -

    Silver -

    Gems -

    Coal -

    Furs -

    Fish - Juvie http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=361540

    Pigs - Juvie http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=361540

    Sugar -

    Cattle -

    Uranium -

    Increases number of citizens +5%

    Increases population happiness + 3

    Increases population happiness + 2

  3. oac1.jpg

    The Old Atlantic Charter

    Well if you here, you've come to the right place. The OAC, while small is a fast growing alliance dedicated to helping and protecting its members. We believe in the little guy, so you will not be forgotten about like you can in bigger alliances. Also, since we are so small there are plenty of government and military positions open so there is a spot for you waiting!


    The OAC was formed in CN:TE as a way for friends to get together to kick some butt. We were suprised at how fast we grew and hit the sanctioned list for a short time our first round we existed. Two rounds later we decided to carry our alliance over to CN:SE to carry on our tradition.

    Why should one join the OAC?

    We firmly believe in our core ideals, Loyalty, Bravery, and Intelligence. By combining these three we have created the perfect "small town" feel to our alliance. We dedicate ourselves to protecting and helping one another and give you the means to grow and become strong. Our standard color is currently black, but dont worry, we wont force you to change if you have a different one.

    How do I join?

    Register on our forums,

    Forums = http://z3.invisionfree.com/OAC_SE/index.php?

    and post an application. Unless you are being chased by every alliance in the game, you will be accepted.

    Also if you wish, swing by our IRC and have a chat. Someone is almost always in there but the room is most active around 10 pm EST.

    IRC = #oac-cnte

    Thank You for your interest,

    The OAC Government

  4. oac1.jpg

    I, Minister of Defense of the Old Atlantic, am proud to announce the existence of Old Atlantic Charter in Cybernations: Standard Edition. Two round ago in Cybernations: Tournament Edition, 5 real life friends decided to create an alliance to kick $@! and have fun. Since then we've had some ups and downs, including the loss of our founding Supreme Overlord. However we are determined to stand strong and grow to be the best alliance we can through Loyalty, Bravery, and Intelligence.

    Old Atlantic Charter’s Standard Edition Charter

    Article 1 – The OAC’s Government

    Supreme Overlord

    The Supreme ruler of the OAC is able to direct the alliance anyway they see fit. Their powers are unlimited and include:

    - Issue DoW (Must be approved by council)

    - Veto any decision passed by the Council

    - Power to expel any nation without permission from the Council

    Supreme Overlord can only be removed by a unanimous vote from the Council and the Underlord must be willing to take over.


    Awaits his chance to become Supreme Overlord.

    - Will receive power when the Supreme Overlord takes a leave of absence longer than 3 days. These powers will exist until the Overlord returns.

    Senior Ministers

    The appointed head of each Ministry within the OAC. The Ministries are:

    - Defense

    - Foreign Affairs

    - Order (Internal Affairs)

    - Economy

    Can only be removed by the Supreme Overlord

    Deputy Ministers

    A Senior Ministers assistant appointed by a Senior Minister.


    The Council is the voice of the followers within the OAC. The followers elect them every two months.

    - There are 7 Council positions.

    - No senior government members can run for a Council seat.

    - Once a Council has been selected, the Supreme Overload will select one Council member to be Head Chancellor. The Head Chancellor will oversee the Council and advise the Supreme Overlord on the Council’s doings.

    - 3 term limit

    Council duties include:

    - Ratify treaties in peacetime

    - Listen to the followers

    - Hold punishment hearings

    - No power over military/defense

    No senior government official can hold more than one high-level government position. This only includes Supreme Overlord, Underlord, Senior Ministers, Deputy Ministers, and Council position.

    OAC’s Ministries

    Ministry of Defense

    The MoD is in charge of all military actions of the Old Atlantic Charter. The Minister of Defense is the Head General for the OAC’s armed forces; however the Supreme Overlord is Commander-in-Chief. Duties of the MoD include:

    - oversee all military actions, offensive and defensive

    - organize the OAC’s military into an effective fighting force

    - combating all ghosts

    Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The MoFA is in charge of all foreign activities taken by the OAC. Duties of the MoFA include:

    - maintain relations with other alliances

    - send diplomats to alliances

    - handle tech raiders

    - advise the Supreme Overlord of foreign matters

    Ministry of Order

    The MoO is in charge of all internal affairs. Duties of MoO include:

    - run the OAC academy

    - maintain forums

    - maintain archives

    - alliance roster

    - alliance history

    - Ministry information

    Ministry of Economy

    The MoE is in charge of the OAC’s economy and keeps the alliance growing. Duties of the MoE include:

    - organize technology deals within the alliance

    - organize trade circles within the alliance

    - create banks

    - oversee foreign and internal aid

    Article 2 – OAC Laws

    The following laws are deemed the most important and are to be followed at all times. Failure to abide by these rules will be met with harsh punishment. Betrayal, showing of weakness, and embarrassment are never an option for the Old Atlantic Charter.

    - No member of the OAC may attack another nation without approval from a high grade military official

    - Being a member of another alliance while in the OAC is prohibited

    - No OAC member may conduct espionage activities

    - Nuclear weapons may not be used without the consent of the Supreme Overlord

    - No OAC member may back out of an ongoing tech deal without consent of a high grade economy official. The exception is during a time of war when all tech deals are frozen.

    - Tech raiding in the OAC is not allowed and will be met with severe consequences.

    Article 3 – Military Structure

    Ranking System

    1. Commander-in-Chief – the Supreme Overlord

    2. Warlord – Minister of Defense

    3. General – (3) Commands one of three military divisions: The Guard, Regulars, or Reserves

    4. Major – (3) 2nd in command of a military division. Assists the General in command duties

    5. Captain – Commands a company

    6. Sergeant – 2nd in command of a company. Assists the Captain in command duties.

    Military Organization

    OAC’s military is divided by how active a nation is. The Guard is the most active and the Reserves are the least active. The divisions are broken down into companies. Each company consists of nations with similar nation strength.

    1. The Guard – the OAC’s elite military division comprised of its most active military members. Members are selected by high level military officials

    2. Regulars – 2nd most active division

    3. Reserves – the least active division, where all new military recruits start

    Article 4 – Declarations of War

    The Supreme Overlord with the Council’s approval is the can declare war. If the Supreme Overlord is not available the Council can declare war with a 5/7 vote.

    If the OAC is attacked by more than five members of the same alliance it is automatically considered a declaration of war.

    Article 5 – Recruitment

    Any nation is allowed to apply to the OAC. There are strict requirements for joining:

    - A nation cannot be engaged in any wars

    - A nation cannot be considered a rogue, terrorist, or on any ZI lists

    Nations that wish to apply must do so in the following format:

    Nation Name:

    Ruler Name:

    Nation Link:

    Nation Strength:

    Former Alliances:

    Reason for joining:

    I “Ruler Name” of “Nation Name” have thoroughly read the charter of the Old Atlantic Charter and swear to abide by it as long as I am a member of the alliance.

    Once a nation has been accepted into the OAC, they must change their flag to their Estonia, change their AA to Old Atlantic Charter, and put their member ID in their bio.

    Any nation under 5,000 NS will be required to enter the OAC Academy and pass the Recruit Test. The Recruit Test consists of basic Cybernations gameplay and OAC questions.


    Eggplant Dynasty - Supreme Overlord

    Nick Bar - Minister of Defense

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