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Posts posted by shortstar

  1. [quote name='Auctor' timestamp='1291474473' post='2529998']
    would agree pursuing anything at this late date would be lame, but if you're still trash after two years, I think it's alright to still consider yall trash after two years. :)
    Thats pretty funny coming from a reroll. O/ to TFD. Also to the members of Zenith, although the alliance is gone the soul of it burns on in TFD.

  2. What, you want proof that this is a terrible treaty? Here's all the proof you need:




    Good thing I didn't ask if you wanted my opinions or not.

    People of low self esteem tend to create drama to make themselves feel needed. I would recommend a day at the spa or motivational tapes for this problem you seem to have. Make sure to pass them around over there when you are finished with them.

    Also, seeing you all bent out of shape makes me want to give you a hug. This IS the love train. :wub:

  3. The best part of sand castle building is ruining them after, just like the best part of fail treaties is grouping all the worst alliances in one convenient location.

    Congrats to everyone who joined in this, and I hope it brings us all prosperity by the boxcar load.

    Side note to IS:

    I see a lot of gum bumping, but I don't see anything to back up your claims of worst alliances and such. Perhaps you should find another place to troll, because your pre-pubescent drivel is not wanted nor welcome here.

  4. Chalk this one up to "Blah blah blah blah we are wapa blah blah"

    It seems that you are upset about the things you are complaining about GDA for. You expected to hit us knowing it would be a walk since we were in no shape for a war at this point and over half your avg ns size with plenty of members inactive and dying to deletion. You figured it wouldnt set you back too much and you could get revenge of the beat downs you have suffered at our hands in previous rounds. But now that you are losing your "precious infra" you need to make it seem like you dont care. Kind of like that heavy metal kid in the breakfast club mouthing off to the principle getting more and more detention.. its an act to make people think your cool. If thats what you need to feel good when you go to bed tonight the dont let me be the one to ruin it for you/

    At least try and come up with something new, as your moaning gets tiresome.

    Feel free and continue, but give us something new to chew on.

  5. If anyone is seeking us to backtrack, or cry about the curbstomp that is taking place, you will recieve no such pleasure. Bring the hurt, thats what war is supposed to be about. Truly amazing that this member had to go above and beyond what it should have taken to start a war. If you are truly coming to the aid of an ally, you should have done it on the first day of the attacks. What we possess and you lack is the ability to throw down our precious infra for what we think is supposed to be happening on te, which is war. The truth is your cowardly actions took place after the terms you went to war on were changed, and you felt so insecure the only alliance you could get the balls up to attack was 1/5th your size. So keep it coming GDA. You can destroy our infra but you will not destroy what makes us WAPA.

    Follow with back patting and telephone tough guy comments below.

  6. HAI :wub:

    Save me a space for when I get home from work. I'll anarchy you if you are in range.

    I've already got 6 wars there, awwww. And Im STILL not in anarchy. 3 GDA attacks........ you guys keep thinking your great fighters and patting each other on the back. LOL and looks like the final tally of 11 nations anarchied last night. While thats a bummer for us, it shows your lack of skill. With as many nations as you rolled out, should have been 26. really. very poor show. Murder Inc would have done a much better job. I bet LE would have, too.

    Its sad it took 100 plus nations in an alliance to attack 26 and come out with 11 in anarchy from your attacks.

    You enter into a fight you clearly should have won clean and easy on the first wave of attacks, but you just didnt get the job done. Try again tonight.

    You have ten nations in anarchy as of this moment. I bet we anarchy more of you tonight than you did last night.

  7. You would have at least thought with their superior numbers they could have anarchied at least one of us! NAAW got four. Im sure the sanctions they placed will help them greatly. Poor show. We will loose the war GDA, but you have lost already.

    Here we sit all broken hearted

    GDA tried to fight but only farted

    WAPA stood tall and took it like a man

    GDA failed at trying to be like FAN

  8. ok seriously? disband? that was a really bad thing to request. It would be wise of you to rescind that term. MI may play the bad guys sometimes, but if there is one thing i will not allow to happen in TE is for any alliance to try and disband another. It would be in your best interest wapa to rescind that immediatley.

    Also, UN shut up. We never intended to disband you, and Judgements war had little to nothing to do with you. Stop trying to make yourself relevant, you're not.


    Surrender terms for NAAW are as follows:

    Peace ALL OFFENSIVE ATTACKS, and remain in a state of neutrality for 7 days following last offensive attack. Current attacks will will be allowed expire. Any offensive attacks made by any nation bearing the NAAW banner will be open to attack. EDITED PER MI'S REQUEST

    Somehow the war got off topic, as boredom remains undefeated and rampant in the cyberverse. People treat their nations like a tamagotchi. They feed it, pet it and it gives them nothing in return except for bragging rights. "Look at me", they say "I'm ranked 68th overall." This means nothing in the scheme of things, as whatever you accomplish this round will be destroyed at reset. Instead I urge the members of planet Steve to fight this boredom, seek it out and destroy it wherever it may seek out safe haven. Fight tyrants, be a tyrant, it matters not, as this is the only way to to kick boredom square in the nads.

  9. I am not whining about anything. I am only commenting about what your guys did to me. Spin all you like. Chief and Andymac64 took a cheap shot at me. I will remember it.

    I have fought others. LE beat me up bad last war but acted with respect and honor. I ended up liking and respecting them. Your alliance not so much. Stop whining about what I observed and and maybe next time impress upon your alliance that if you act with respect you will be respected, If your people continue to act like they did they tarnish the name of WAPA.

    By attacking you? Please disclose all information for us to hear so that we will better understand your position.

  10. If you truly believe this you are not a very bright person. Your alliance has double the AVG nation strength as we do, TPF also hit with you so its not like you were alone, we just got done getting beat down so we are weak and repairing from that as well.. I could go on and on on how this wast a "lil ole me" alliance attacking us.

    What bothers you most, that we consistently beat you down before ? or that you have to wait till we are in a wheel chair to punch us back ?

    I am not bothered at all, nor do i think my post state i am bothered.

    People always bring last round into current topics. That's pretty sad.

    Just fight, quit complaining.

  11. Ummm NO! Keep attacking. Wait your guys already did. Real classy WAPA. This round is over for us. Do what you want But I will remember how honorable your people are.

    You bring honor into this?

    Fact 1

    Your alliance was going to war. You plans were discovered. You got caught with your hand in the cookie jar. We shut your hand in it.

    Fact 2

    The definition of classy and the definition of war do not work well together.

    Fact 3

    I dont remember us whining about being beaten last round?

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