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Qin Shi Huang

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Posts posted by Qin Shi Huang

  1. Alden's referring to rerolling your nation - start from scratch and hope you don't end up with a worse resource combination. Compared to oil/spices, the odds may be in your favor.

    Looking at your first post, the first combination is better for you than the second. At some point you will want to buy and maintain infrastructure.

    Edit: If you'd rather tech trade than tech raid for a while, then Construction/Beer/Microchips would work a bit better and maybe bring in some more daily income: [Aluminum][Fish][Gems][Gold][iron][Lead][Lumber][Marble][Oil][Spices][Water][Wheat] Also, you might make more money for now with stadiums than banks or schools.

    Oh, I was wondering if I rerolled and got fish and wine, is that a good combination or if I should be aiming for something better?

    Thanks for the advices guys.

  2. Donation sent to Olaf for the previous transaction, went through smoothly.

    So I am looking for another deal if possible as I am currently fighting an alliance.

    Price is set at 15m, no hassle. Please be prepared to use a MM so I don't have to wait an eternity for my aid :D

    I am willing to go first based upon reputation and alliance.

    Thank you!

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