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Andy Rooney

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Posts posted by Andy Rooney

  1. [quote name='astronaut jones' date='04 February 2010 - 06:33 AM' timestamp='1265293997' post='2158824']
    hardly think forcing people to fork over tech is fair.

    Neither do I. Thus I have no intention of surrendering. I'll agree to white peace when the time comes or I'll keep fighting. I've been zi'd before and I've rebuilt and zi is far, far preferable to being someone's tech farm.

  2. We seem to do one of these things about once annually. We really should make the Big War Day an annual holiday for the whole planet. Y'know, get out the BBQ, crack open a beer, and toss a couple nukes at the neighbor kids....

    A really nice day for all. B)

  3. Oh, this brings back the memories. You've got nearly everything in there - saying we weren't an "alliance", character attacks on the membership... why, the only thing you're missing is describing Vox Populi as "irrelevant"! All that aside, though, you've missed the point of the OP - Starfox was actually vilifying more than glorifying Vox Populi.

    Actually, I was paying attention when members of Vox said that they were not an alliance and I was also paying attention to the giddy mayhem that was Vox in the heady days of its peak. There was no formal leadership even when there was formal leadership. I'm also not making any character attacks save for that of the cowardly bandwaggoners who jumped on board with Vox when things were fun and then slipped into peace mode and anonymity when they could get away with it. NPO may have a had a list, but I still see a lot of names around Planet Bob who never had to face the music for being Vox.

    To restate my comment; Vox simply made the game interesting.

  4. (I'm responding to the OP, not any of the other posts, m'kay?)

    I personally celebrated Vox for bringing some excitement and unpredictability to our humble planet.

    It's hard to denounce them for 'their' actions given that as an anarchist organization (they don't really fit the title of 'alliance') there really was no 'them' to begin with.

    Vox was/is the Port Royal of our time.

    A collection of the wronged, an unruly mob, a few score pirates, a brigade of traitors, some outright thieves and liars, and, of course, the inevitable cowardly bandwaggoners.

    Vox was doomed the moment it accepted its second member for no such organization can succeed for long.

    It is to be noted that they did succeed for far longer than anyone expected.

    But in the end, Vox failed.

    And they did so in such an epic fashion that they'll at least be remembered for far longer than so many other alliances whose names and banners are forgotten to us now.

    The one thing that Vox was an epic success at was making life interesting.

    You have to give them that.

  5. Article 8.

    With the granting of peace to IRON, IRON agrees to grant peace to all nations on Planet Bob. All existing wars, PZI lists, EZI lists, and ZI lists are to be considered null, void, and waived. Clean the slate. It’s considered good karma to forgive old grudges.

    I may have been on the losing side but do allow me to applaud one of the finest peace terms I have ever seen! :awesome:

    o/ Karma

  6. That (protecting non-aligned nations on Red) was certainly was one of the better things the NPO did regardless of their motivation.

    Whilst I was never a benficiary of NPO's munificence, I too applaud them for their creation of a haven for the non-aligned.

    Perhaps preserving the Red Sphere as a non-aligned haven should be part of any peace proposal?

  7. As for the dissolution of MCXA... I don't see it happening. These guys just had a war. They have a shared experience. Some will leave them, but there was also the group that never surrendered, no matter how many nukes rained down on their heads. I don't see those old soldiers fading away just yet.

    Thank you. Those are kind and generous words and this old soldier intends to live up to them.

    o/ zzzptm

  8. Really? They have a legitimate defense treaty that they're fulfilling and they're bandwagoners, but when somebody else pre-emptively strikes an alliance in a war with no CB other than "we don't like you and we want you dead", that's OK?

    Give 'em hell, Pandemic. Welcome to the fight. If you're looking for some juicy targets, come hit us up.

    It isn't bandwagoning when you jump in on Day One to take hits from the enemy but it IS bandwagoning when you come in a week after the war starts to scrounge up tech and etc. from anarchied nations.

    This isn't 'honor', this is just looting and pillaging and it will be remembered both by MCXA and by Pandemic's erstwhile allies who could have used their help in the initial assaults. My own enemies have had to eat about 15 of my nukes in the past week. They are taking massive damage for their alliance and I have no doubts about their commitment to their alliance and their cause and I salute them for it.

    But these clowns? :rolleyes:

    Really, I wonder what my adversaries who have tasted my nukes 15 times think of these johnny-come-latelies who are joining the fight at a late date with the obvious intent to reap the spoils of the hard work that has been done by VE?

    If Pandemic is serious about their treaty commitment then I expect to see their people reserve one of my war slots from VE so they can come and feel my pain. :nuke:

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