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Posts posted by Elbryan

  1. [quote name='Locke' timestamp='1291712119' post='2532817']
    If I recall correctly, admin's said it's because the way SE is set up would make it too difficult to provide such information, whereas since the database is cleared every two months in TE he could make whatever changes needed to implement the feature.

    I fail to see how this is an issue, the data exists, new databases can be created then have the data imported into the new database.I do it all the time. Sounds more like laziness at first glance. Whatever.

  2. I was wondering if anybody knows the answer to this, but is there any reason why we don't have nation statistics downloads like there are in TE? the Aid and War stats are nice, but a full list of players would be very handy to have as well for more general information gathering. I suppose i could do a join for the war and aid stats files, but that still doesn't guarantee 100% coverage. and doesn't include other nation information like trades, etc.

  3. [quote name='nik718' timestamp='1291376980' post='2528987']
    Does anybody have a archive of past Foreign Aid Statistics Files? I have recently started compiling my own archive, but would like to have some more from the past. Month or two back, at least.

    Please be so kind and let me know if you have them and you are willing to share. Also, if you can direct me to a person who might have them, this would also be much appreciated. Thanks!

    I have a database going back ~1 year I could export into a CSV or something, it's all compiled, so they aren't individual files, but still. let me know if you want it.

  4. I've considered only land purchased vs total land, actual soldier count vs. the number in paren. and I even removed the chance that I just forgot to do math by coding a site that calculates it for me given the numbers. also, the problem isn't one of rounding because I get a result that be easily 1k-2k higher than what CN shows.

    Here be the page I coded, ye can see me formula in the source as it be all done in javascript.


  5. has anyone tried using the nation strength formula to verify that numbers add up? I've gone over the calculations by hand and ever coded a calculator for it, but I get a number higher than the one on CN.

    anyone else get this?

    This is the formula I am talking about:

  6. Sorry for the double post, but it's important.

    However, I still don't think too highly of A51. Maybe they can regain some respect later in the round? Who knows.

    That means you wanted us to grow closer?

    That's like saying to someone "I think you're a jerk, but maybe you'll stop being one and we can be friends, but I don't have my hopes up" Point of fact, you still called the guy a jerk. Again, excuse us if that isn't what you meant by it, I'll beat Scully some more so she can start using them telepathy brain waves. If you really do want to get to know us, doubting how honorable we are, isn't exactly the way to go about doing it. I believe that applies to ANY alliance, in addition to things outside of Digiterra. I hope you're taking notes.....

  7. so now you're bashing her for the shortcomings of a forum application? she was probably still writing out her post when you submitted yours. excuse her for not being telepathic, I mean I give her gripe about it all the time, but she still doesn't seem to get the hang of it :-p

  8. Jesus Christ, Randalla, it's a declaration of condemnation. In no way is it saying who you can and can't fight or telling you how to run your alliance, it's simply giving my opinion on the matter. If you don't like it, big whoop. It's something called "the freedom of speech" and "the right to ignore". Those two rights directly involve each other. Learn. To. Use. Them.

    ....Doesn't the exact same thing apply to you?.....I believe she IS using her freedom of speech, you just choose not to use your right to ignore and instead you try and lecture her about the rights and freedoms she has, which it seems she is aware of....it's rather circulatory as you see.....

  9. Then why does Judgment bother? I mean, if the only difference it's going to make will be whether or not a group of people are labeled with a name, then what's the point? (I mean, other than having fun, which a lot of people seem to not be having.)

    cause it's CN...we need names, kinda like...the Avengers! :-p

  10. Wrong again. Technically, Judgment just reformed, therefore you were in WOLF longer.

    And this is a new round, isn't it WOLF that said "a new round does not break friendships"? Well the dissemination of a bloc doesn't break them either. So what's your point?

  11. I didn't know of any ties to MHA before this war. WOLF is also more... dynamic than Judgment, which banded together overnight and will dissolve after this war. Along with being a part of WOLF longer than Judgment, it's a bit more honorable to fight alongside WOLF.

    Wrong again, we were a member of WOLF for a few days, we were a member of Judgement since Round 3 when Area 51 was known as Ubercon, and we fought against Murder Inc. So technically, we've been friends with Judgement for longer than we were friends with WOLF.

  12. RG was making posts on the 18th of july on behalf of GATO, same day he "joined" Area 51, that leads me to believe he was still with GATO when he spied on us, that brings us to the current hostilities. In addition, like Hisk said, we talked to RE on that day. Sorry you guys are taking the fall if RG went to RE. If you are looking for peace, feel free to contact me over PM or IRC at #A51 to discuss terms.

  13. pretty much, joined talking all this smack about RE needing to go down and blah blah, then relayed our details to RE. Also, as Hisk mentioned, their DoW is still in effect, which means we're still going to help MHA. Pick your CB, spying or attacking MHA.

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