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Posts posted by Sebet

  1. I'm not a government official I'm not even going to pretend i care about the reparations being paid seeing as it has little to no effect upon my nation. I fought on the side of Karma and am glad the war is being resolved. As for whether or not the terms are "harsh" in MY opinion I'd like to see terms that go easier on NPO. I see a lot of people dredging up the past saying NPO's past action have earned them these terms i just hope that you realize in saying that you acknowledge that the terms are beyond what would be imposed upon a different alliance with a less infamous history. In your argument to support the terms you are undermining you government making them seem vengeful and angry about the past that has nothing to do with our current war. I for one don't see why we can't fight bravely and once the winner appears say "good fight see you around" instead of dragging the war out trying to profit and handicap someone you've already beaten.

  2. you could try back collecting of sledding as i lovingly refer to it guides can be found in many place your alliance will probably have an economic section devoted solely to it........... if not you could always join FoB i know we have an awesome one

    also what Londo Mollari ^ said

  3. I'm personally surprised that people don't find bacon more important in today's allainces

    but seriously i think you can feel at home in any alliance with friendly members and government, an active irc, and that is looking out for your well being aka aid opportunities, and the fact that I'm in it can't hurt.

  4. I'm sure many of us on planet Bob think much the same or will eventually reach a moment of epiphany and realize that this sums up their life in CN just as your have. And once everyone finds the truth, that words are nothing, then the vale will be lifted the world will come into focus and the game will go ever deeper into the subliminal of the human psyche, where more truth will be relieved, revised, and rejected same as your truth will be.

  5. ok unbreakable your in if you want i know you need a trade harbor and if you are willing to commit to this circle i'll personally send 3 mil so you can get one

    there are quite a few nations with the combo fish and sugar, and nations with the marble, water combo i'll pm some nations that have resources paired up like that and hopefully get this circle finished soon

  6. aluminium and fish

    Nation name: Scotia

    allaince : OSA Student

    i apologize we have already filled your aluminum position but if for any reason deligo is unable to joi nthis circle i will contact you. Thank you for showing interest

    hey i can change team color to black for this circle

    i have pigs and iron.


    you have been added to the list........don't worry pink is a dignified color

  7. Well I'm not sure this war has actually "solved" anything in the world politics level but i can tell you it wasn't "just a bunch of crazy people wanting to start wars" many people felt very strongly about this war and i don't wish to insult their view so i will tell you this war has solved a few of my problems most prevalent being it finally gave me someone to nuke

  8. I find Disturbed has many great songs to aid to my mass killings though i admittedly enjoy the occasional listening to "Kong fu fighting" you all know how it goes

    Everybody was kung-fu fighting

    Those cats were fast as lightning

    In fact it was a little bit frightning

    But they fought with expert timing

    They were funky China men from funky Chinatown

    They were chopping them up and they were chopping them down

    It's an ancient Chineese art and everybody knew their part

    From a feint into a slip, and kicking from the hip

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