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Posts posted by RMarx

  1. I'm not seeing where there was an admission that this was an act of aggression. I see accusations of it being an act of aggression. It seems that people are putting words into NSO leadership's mouths here.

    Apologies, I misunderstood what you wanted; I thought you didn't believe the poaching was sanctioned by NSO gov.

  2. I am curious what back channels they are referring to, as well as examples of this hostility and disrespect. I am wondering if the hostility and disrespect actually occurred in the back channels, or if it occurred elsewhere where parties that wouldn't necessarily have been involved were involved? Also, I highly doubt that Doppelganger confirmed that this was an act of war. Knowing the leadership of NSO, if it were to be an act of war they'd actually be shooting. That statement smacks of hyperbole and an overwrought appeal to emotion, to be honest.

    I've reviewed what I assume are the actual back channel discussions, and I'm having a hard time finding anything other than people sticking to their guns firmly in some instances, and frank discussion throughout. Perhaps I am missing something.

    Here is a quote from one of the IRC discussions.

    02:57 Heft The messages in this instance were authorized

    02:57 Roo[GOP] So you're asserting that they were, indeed, authorized acts of aggression?

    02:57 shaneprice[GGA] And why would the NSO authorize such a message?

    02:58 Heft THey were an attempt to inform nations of some of the choices they may have beyond simple neutrality

    02:58 shaneprice[GGA] The recruitment messages were directed towards sovereign alliances...

    02:58 RudeBoy well, evidently you're the only ones to perceive it that way

    02:58 Heft Neutral alliances

    02:59 Roo[GOP] that doesn't address the fact that poaching allied nations is an act of aggression

    We have logs of all of the discussions held. Hope that helps.


  3. Dear all,

    As this is my first post on the main forums I would like to say hello! Down to business.

    Analysing this situation a few factors strike me. As several posters have pointed out community is an important factor, as it is TDO’s greatest strength. Acknowledging this, a block mailed recruitment letter logically would have little to no impact, except perhaps as Heggo has pointed out, to weed out malcontents from TDO’s closet. Having read through this thread it has been made abundantly clear NSO cannot believe that poaching would work, because they are intelligent people. Heggo and Heft have shown why they are in the Darth Council, that they are savvy, and certainly that Heft has a good sense of humour. So what’s the real agenda?

    Poaching, though not very affective at poaching, has created an almost ‘all win’ situation for NSO. TDO is placed between a Bloc and a hard place, they feel sovereignty infringed upon, yet cannot attack NSO or face obliteration from Frostbite. Nevertheless they feel wronged. To briefly digress and rebut Heft, poaching offends TDO, be it a ‘malcontent’ or pillar of community, because it is just that, a community. As long as a member adheres to TDO’s code of conduct they are a value, and a treasure. Strength does not come through uniformity, but diversity. This only addresses half the issue, for I have the question of ‘why do TDO care about poaching if they value every member and believe none will leave?’ to answer.

    Well that’s simple, everyone hates spam mail. I never thought the situation would occur where I wished I was reading about how much sed pills could increase my penis size or being asked by a stranger in the Congo for my bank account details so that they can transfer a large amount of money into (which, naturally, I could take 10% of). Flippancy aside, poaching sets a dangerous precedent to allow.

    So what can we do? Hold the line. NSO’s behaviour is out of order, not because they are doing this to my alliance, but because they are doing it. The morality, or rather the allegation of a lack of morality in Planet Bob has been raised earlier in the thread, almost in justification to NSO’s actions. This is not so, standards exist in CN, uphold them; say no. Hold the line.

    Yours sincerely,


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