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Posts posted by Lyonheart

  1. HE was inactive for 7 days i went into peace and personally told him i wasnt paying and not to fool with korea.

    Bad move. Being alone, and at fault to boot, I would pay. Besides, 7 days isn't a long time to be inactive, anyways. Many people stock up on acquiring cash for that long. If anything, you should have waited longer before you raided him.

  2. Ok, I got this event this morning.

    A neighboring nation has been hit hard by war, its citizens are deserting into your territories in droves.

    Option 1: Allow the immigrants to enter your nation and become part of your workforce. Citizen count +10%, Citizen income -$5.00

    Now this pushed me up to the next improvement level, so I bought myself a hospital, which pushed me up nearly 2 improvement levels, so i bought another clinic, and then could purchase yet another clinic due to the bonus. I was then very close to the next jum, so bought another 10 infa, the a 3rd clinic.

    So 4 new improvements, which add to 20% pop bonus with the event. Pretty neat huh?

    Dude, that is awesome! It's rare to see events stack up so nicely.

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