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the scarecrow

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Posts posted by the scarecrow

  1. What I'm wondering is, Why? Why not sit down and dicuss it like adults not nine year olds?*

    *If anyone can answer this question I'll give them a cookie.

    a cookie eh... ok ill bite.

    long version

    power gives leeway to be ones true self. cn gives some of these poor souls the only taste of power they have ever had, with this power they find the strength to drop all the rules or normal human decency and become tyrants of men. in the real world they'd never dream of attacking someone for an joke or comment, but in this little dream world where they call the shots and rule vast numbers they are free to be the whiny dictators that their job at the quicky mart or office wont allow them to be.

    a good man is one that acts the same no matter what foot the shoe is on, but like irl the world of cyber nations is sadly lacking in good men and women.

    short ver.


    i can has cookie noaw?

    edit fer spellin'

  2. For lulz, eh?

    lols/lulz take your pick

    games played where fun isnt the end goal are (imho) either training or masturbation amirong? if so, why?

    also hai scholar nice to meet you *bows

    off topic question> do scholars stay crunchy in milk or would they benefit from one of the wide arrays of non-nutritive varnishes available?

  3. everyone would both win and lose.

    too true sir, except you who in fact never guessed a number in this uni.

    also whenever i host a guessing game all instances of myself meet for council in uni. 786.g67.446c and decide on a singular answer. (this helps me offset my losses and distribute a larger majority of my prize budget directly back into black projects without other branches of my finance cabinet and the Interverse Revenue Dept being any the wiser :ph34r: )

    i posted a rather witty remark on the OWF of uni. 345.678.343A check it out for lulz!

  4. Well, if you believe in alternate universes, then in alternate universes you are thinking of any number any of us will guess. Thus, no matter what I post I will be correct. This thread just lost.

    two problems with this theory,

    1. even though you'd be right in a single universe you'd be wrong X infinity as well.

    2. you never guessed a number

    angryraccoon won btw, it was 3.14

    when the cake is a lie i'll have the pi!

    angryraccoon wins a nice slice a pie!


    thank you all for playing, please help control the brat population and have your child spayed or nurtured!

  5. If you have never been nuked before, best that you stop talking. As you have no clue what you are talking about.

    i have been nuked before... it wasn't a big deal. any player afraid of nukes isnt doin it rite imo.

    i agree with Azaghul, nukes are glorified cms and weapons of war. a weapon unused is a useless weapon. when my nation is facing the odds the gpa is and its my call... im pressing the big red button till blisters form or i run out of warchest politics be damned.

  6. well? what number? ___________

    also whats the deal with so many here at cn taking this game so serious? am i missing something, do we get a prize if we win cn? when and why did we all lose our ability to laugh at ourselves?

    in closing sticks and stones, love h0pp

  7. False stories, does not an OOC attack make.

    I could easily IC say that all the leaders of every nation are used car salesmen.

    OOC attack would be more like attacking Ivan because he actually has a OOC problem, or that its true that hes a OOC car salesman.

    aside from agreeing with this statement. i too agree ppl hearing OOC comments and carrying them IC is both wrong and oppressive in a manner and magnitude that is ruining this game for everyone. you may be great on the court but, if you're a ball hog you'll soon find yourself on the court alone.

    something else strange occurs. i first heard of ivan through the used car salesman thing. "prove to me this car etc...' or some such silliness. i had assumed he allowed or even enjoyed this type of thing as most would. and this lead me to paint a mental picture of ivan as a great guy, though i had never met or talked to him first hand. when i got the feeling later that this wasnt the case and it was actually some sort of big deal i was forced into a disenchantment most unpleasant. the effect was, comments made to (apparently) point out problems ppl had with him drove me to paint a pleasing picture of him. the same thing happened with dilber, except the disenchantment. dilbers sense of humor shocked me. if i had to go into some of the stuff he put up with from my own (dare i say it!) /b/alliance... *shakes head well nuff said.

    it seems the most powerful tool to carry into this game still seems to be a good sense of humor, and a thick skin. Im going to hold onto both mine and hope more can too.

  8. Even I am like :psyduck: ???

    i seem to have that effect on ppl.

    but rly ive been afk in the happenings over here for waaaaay to long and the hooked on phonics tapes must be working for me, cause ive been reading the threads here more and more lately.

    since i do have the WHISKEY TANGO FOXTROT effect on ppl i thought id warn everyone one im coming. you know, give them the chance to get their drinks and narcotic medications ready, that way the threads i post in wont get turned into a "WHOS THIS GUY?????? AND WHAT THE BUTT IS HE TALKING ABOUT?????" its a service i offer "the straights" (isnt that nice of me?).

    i need a shirt

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