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Posts posted by Infidel

  1. I'm moving tomorrow and will be on a public internet connection for most of my time (university's connection). Will this at all impact my nation negatively? I'm aware that I won't be able to trade/aid/etc with other nations that happen to use the same connection (assuming there are any), but is there anything else? For example, will I be automatically deleted if there is another CN player that uses or has used that connection?

    Thanks in advance.

  2. You can just look for someone else with those resources to trade with and just solve the problem without trying to fiqure out what went wrong.

    It's a trade circle, so I was hoping that I would be able to find a way to fix it.

    Do you use a static or dynamic IP address? Some ISPs, especially on Dial-Up, will give you a different IP address out of a sort of 'grab bag' of IPs whenever you go online. That can result in two people having been on the same IP at some point without sharing a network.

    Nope, I always have the same IP. And I'm definitely not on dial up (I hate that stuff >_<)...

    Does anyone have an idea of how to fix it?

  3. I tried trading with someone today, and I got a message saying I couldn't because we are "on the same network". However, I don't know this person in real life, and I've only accessed my nation from my house, so there shouldn't be a problem...is there some way to fix this?

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