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Posts posted by Tz30

  1. This is really sad news. Hope they find her.

    [quote name='DRCOOL' timestamp='1326591368' post='2899809']
    A [url="http://www.reddit.com/r/news/comments/ohfei/carlsbad_police_seek_help_with_missing_teen/"]reddit post[/url]was made here. If anyone here reddits please upvote to the front page.

    Going to go vote now. Just signed up two weeks ago after reading about SOPA.

    I decided to go look up the age of consent and I [url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_in_North_America#California"]found this Wiki page[/url]:


    The age of consent is 18, with a misdemeanor if the minor has 3 or fewer years of difference with the major, and potentially a felony if the major is more than 3 years older.

    I was hoping it was 16 or 17, let's hope the guy doesn't know the law and thinks it's 16.

  2. [quote name='shwypn' timestamp='1310792913' post='2757100']
    I have noticed one update: nations cannot declare war while in anarchy.

    I cannot understand the purpose behind this and it seems to me to severely limit the game and provides a massive advantage to the attacking AA. This is simply for the reason that in my experience [u][b]much of wars are fought from Anarchy as it is often impossible to avoid it[/b][/u] (especially once things go nuclear) therefore when an AA blitzes it can totally incapacitate a nations ability to support other nations even if it has the resources to fight 6 wars at once [u][b]it cannot it is stuck only playing defense and not able to assist other nations[/b][/u]......

    I fully agree.

  3. [quote name='admin' timestamp='1303363495' post='2695307']
    I changed ground battle loot cap to $100K. After further consideration the previous figure of $500K seemed a bit high.

    Thanks so much for doing this. I think the 100k should suffice.

    Now if we could get the - 50% NS war declaration to like 25% or maybe 30%, then we're golden :)

  4. [quote name='SoADarthCyfe6' timestamp='1303280046' post='2694437']
    The 200% allows to many rogues at the end of the round, it's lame.

    I mean i saw a guy with less then a 1000 infras and under 200 tech declare on someone with 3499 infras and 500 tech with a navy. I mean that's crap.

    Wow, after you posting those numbers then I change my mind on the 200% +. With the 200% number I've never really thought about how much bigger that "really is".

    I assume they would attack only because they had a nukes. Other than that there is really nothing they could do. Well unless they actually coordinated attacks and the 200% guy was down to like 3-5 planes, but they would be such better planes though.

    Maybe the admin could set it as if the 150%-200% nation would have one of those laser planes that shoot nukes (& or CM's) out of the sky. They would have a 98% chance of blocking all nukes from a 150% nation, or maybe 175% + ones. I mean they do have those planes in the test phase, at least that's the last I heard. If the US (RL) did actually scrap that project then the US admins (RL) are morons.

  5. [quote name='Richard VII' timestamp='1300102587' post='2664430']
    I also endorse the suggestion about 24 hour timers. Having an "update" where you can unrealistically launch 2 back-to-back assaults does add something to the strategic element of the game... but really, it's not worth the hassle for too many players. Better to just attack (or be attacked) at your pleasure, then come back the same time tomorrow to attack again. This improves the gaming experience for so many people who, though they love CN itself, just can't afford to stay up late every night (and I think that's a lot of us).

    I don't know whether it would be worth it to look into tech upgrades to reduce the timer, or maybe some system of dividing your deployed troops into waves which can each launch a separate attack (that would have the same strategic effect as update attacks). But I would absolutely love not being obliged to stay up late to fight a CN war. :P

    EDIT: Also... yeah, different timers for each type of attack also adds to the strategic element. Something to think about.

    This and other posters above are making some sense. I agree with most of it.

    [quote name='unruly' timestamp='1302035482' post='2684906']
    add to the mix some better resolution on turtles.

    core proposal would be to overrun the new colony if 0 troops for more than 24 hours

    if that solution would lead to flag runners taking over captive states, then publish an official "wall of shame" listing the turtles.

    Now this is an interesting twist to the game. However with our current system with nations being able to declare on someone who is [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=64037&view=findpost&p=2692269"][color="#0000FF"]50% weaker than them[/color][/url], it's not hard at all to get them into bill lock.

  6. I was going to post this in another topic, but this fits best here by far:

    I think the lower war range is too high. 50% is too much for CNTE. Unlike CNS where a lower NS nation could actually have more money than a nation at 35-50% of their NS.

    In CNTE there is [u]no possible way[/u] with 60 days that anyone could do this.

    I think it should be more like 25% to 30% or so. In this current CNTE round (16) I declared on one person like 15-20% or so higher, but the other two I did were more like 40% lower or more maybe. Since their alliance was doing the same thing to our guys and I didn't have much of a problem with it. But after I started fighting they were done very, very fast. So it's not really any fun really, especially for them. I'm sure I must have been netting 35-40% more money than them (really 50% if I didn't have so many nukes). Played Round 1-8 or through 10, this is the first time I've been back and really started to think about this.

    I didn't have someone declare on me (yet) that was way higher this round, but if they did while I was fighting even 2 people with them making 35-50% more then you just can't compete.
    However the biggest problem with someone declaring on you who is 35-50% higher is you're guaranteed with that much of a gap for them to have at the [u]very least[/u] [b]2 times[/b] as many Improvements, sometimes 130%+ more. That makes it really, really hard to fight back, even without the extra money. Which would mean of course they have a fair amount more Infra than you, so they have more of a population than you, so more soldiers.

    So really I think it should be 25%, but 30% would be good also. So I guess that would be stated as 75% - 200%. In my other post I don't have a problem with it being [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=87771&view=findpost&p=2692165"][color="#0000FF"]225% above you[/color][/url], maybe up to 250% though.

  7. I really like the 3-4 day war idea. 5 right now is ok too, but 4 would be even better.

    But the main problem is this post I made about being able to declare on someone who is [color="#0000FF"][url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=64037&view=findpost&p=2692269"]50% below your NS[/url][/color].

  8. However as others have said from above I agree that you should be able to declare on people 200% +, probably just 250% max though. Otherwise you could just get 2 nations much lower who have enough nukes where even if they get spied away, they'll still have at least two to attack the top nations. They don't care at all about their nation and can just nuke one of the top players and don't really fight, or try to fight otherwise. 250% would really be more for people who could just get a relative to set up an account and they could remote in and use the account only for that purpose, to just go after the top 2 nations if they are very close to the top. Really just in case a group of 3-8 people would start doing that when they know they usually get to the top, they all could set up a remote account every round and just get nukes to go after someone 400% of their range or so and just nuke two times and do nothing else, so one or two in their group can reach the top 1-10 spots.

  9. [quote name='King Aladar' date='08 February 2010 - 04:24 PM' timestamp='1265667847' post='2169187']
    You got an email from me cuz you was signed up once to the IDIOT ex forums and I sent one email to 286 registered members which I am now setting to Archive only for government use.

    No problem, awhile after I posted it I figured I was with you guys at some point.

    Actually it was a good idea to mass mail. Good luck.

  10. In CN:TE I only had one drydock supporting 5 ships (1st time ever buying Navy). So bought 1 more drydock thinking I could buy two more Battleships I wanted. They weren't offered as a choice anymore. So bought two other ships that I could having the extra Drydock (don't think it really helped giving me more choices really). Blockaded and didn't seem to help anymore so I tried deleting those two blockade ships I just bought. Nope. Well I did use them today so that must be it, makes sense.

    Waited until next day and didn't use them at all. Then went to delete the Drydock since only have 5 ships and the one Drydock now with the exact ships that the 1 Drydock supported before.

    Would not let me do it. This does NOT make any sense at all, especially in TE. Almost put me in Anarchy since couldn't get a Guerrilla Camp.

    Never had a Navy Construction Yard or Shipyard.

    If not then would be nice to change in CNTE or at least put that in the Information Index. Don't see why a Drydock or Shipyward would be any different than a Factory,Clinic... Makes even less sense if you think about it since they can stay on the water and wait there turn to be fixed or resupplied...


  11. 12-01 924pm CST.

    I just sent off a lot of msg's. Almost all of my trades are temporary right now, so don't go off what I have. We are all going to wait until it is finalized before we start trading with each other. First come first served. I will update this immediately if someone is interested. I'll be on for another 3-5 hours.

    Most people don't even log in for like 3-10 (some 15) days. So don't think you can't get in !!!

    I'll be auto-reloading my CN Inbox every 10 min.

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