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Posts posted by Penumbra

  1. "We sleep safe in our beads because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm!"


    The GOP is a neutral and conservative alliance.  This in no way means its membership is either
    conservative or neutral, just that is what we prefer out of our neighbors and
    friends ;-). 


    I am always entertained by those who believe neutrality,
    like pacifism, implies someone is not capable of violence.  It simply means such actions are a last


    In my case, I do not like bully’s, and never expected to be in the game this long. Lol




  2. I will have to concure with Daddius. The HOG nations I have delt with for the most part realise the trouble they are in and want a way out that includes survival. The Vox nations I have delt with seam intent on going down screaming and kicking.

    Has anybody thought of just ending this war so we can all go back to building our nations. I understand there will be those who will be ZI due to starting a nuke war, but everyone has got to see how counter productive this is for our nations.

    One of the Vox Nations that I am dealing with has aporx. 3 to 4 wonders, yet he has fallen far enough that he can go to war with my nation. I can not imagine loosing that much ground and wanting to continue with the game.

    If not for the OG aid package I would have been done a couple of days ago.

    All hail the OG

  3. Hail TRF.

    Hail Old Guard.

    Hail Sexes

    Hail René

    Arguing over this is pointless, surrender and ask for terms. This war is, and will be nothing less than thorough.

    I would like nothing better than for this war to end, but I only see that with surrender or the dust of our foes drifting through the air

    Live to grow, to fight another day. Do not make the smaller member nations pay for the mistakes and politics of their elders.

    The OG has been very helpful in looking after TRF, and very tolerant of mistakes made by some of our members.

    No nation within the TRF is required to go to war; we are strictly a volunteer military, yet only six of our members remained in peace mode. I do not see this bandwagon; I see loyalty to a friend who asked for help.


    TRF counselor of recruitment

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