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Posts posted by tritonops

  1. Buyers

    Tritonops sends 3 million to Little White Wolf

    Lord Atum sends 3 million to garrisjm

    Elhendakari sends 3 million to Paulo01


    Little White Wolf sends 50 tech to Lord Atum and Elhendakari

    garrisjm sends 50 tech to Tritonops and Elhendakari

    Paulo01 sends 50 tech to Tritonops and Lord Atum

  2. Need just ONE more seller. Here is the current list.



    Lord Atum



    Little White Wolf



    I would also like to know if any of you are interested in making this a reoccurring deal. This deal is to begin on the 16th of APR

  3. People really get too uptight about spies, and spying. Seriously, first, it's a game. Second... spying is a part of the game. You can build intelligence agencies, a Central intelligence Agency, and in Real Life Nations spy on other nations all the time so it's realistic.

    How many times has the US caught a Russian spy, or an American selling Sensitive Information to the Russians. You don't see the US freaking out and nuking Russia, nor do our allies join in and stomp the offending nation.

    You deal with it. You spy back. Arrest the offender, put him to death if you must... kick him out of your organization, ostracize him, whatever else, but the world doesn't fall apart.

    I think it's funny how sensitive everyone is to this whole spying thing. LOL

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