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Posts posted by Zsandmann

  1. [quote name='Devilyn Caster' date='04 March 2010 - 11:11 PM' timestamp='1267766166' post='2214586']
    Sorry to see you go Merlin, and welcome Zsandmann. Looking forward to working with you :)

    Also, I am the real Joracy. This imposter in your government is a fake. Let it be known.


    And with you. I've got big shoes to fill, not to mention I have to grow my beard out and find one of those pointy dunce hats.

    [quote name='Joe Stupid' date='05 March 2010 - 01:00 AM' timestamp='1267772713' post='2214680']
    I'm surprised Skibum hasn't gotten into gov :smug:
    skibum has not escaped the gravitational pull of the ODN Econ Department. He will be one of my Deputys this term.


  2. The Legion recognizes the position that ODN is currently in. Our treaty classification is based upon Active or Inactive status. We currently consider ORRPLE as active but suspended at this time (as based upon this statement from ODN). We do wish ODN all the best in the war :)

    Classy response is classy.

    As a member of the GA it was very difficult indeed, and this is a point worth making again. Our treaties with our NPO aligned allies have had their defensive clauses suspended, we haven't cancelled anything. We made a decision and we are sticking with it. When the dust settles we will see where things lie. Some people would have you believe we are engaging these alliances in battle, its simply not the case.

    But I'm just a mindless drone of the Optional Defense Network, what would I know right?



  3. So we just need to find a lead/iron now to complete!

    Panspermia 7/21 5/5

    roflcopters 7/20 5/5

    Bruce Campbellstan 7/19 5/5

    Kindred Nation 7/15 5/5

    Zyber World 7/14 4/5

    Zengarus 7/12 3/5

    Halfmoon 7/3 5/5

    These are ALL of the Orange players with Lead/Iron, listed by date of last activity and open Used Trade Slots.

    Can someone message these players and see if they are interested?

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